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Documents for Registration of Foreign Journalists in Beijing
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Foreign journalists in Beijing should hold "J-1" (journalist) visa when entry, and process resident application procedures to Exit & Entry Administration, Public Security Bureau in Beijing within 30 days after entry, generally, the valid period of residence permit will not exceed one year, and not exceed the expiry of the passport, too.

Must provide the following documents and evidential materials when process residence permit's application:

1. One's valid passport and visa;

2. Originals of "Press Card" issued by Department of News, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; workers of foreign press organizations must provide the official letter of Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs when apply for residence permit;

3. Original "Health Certification" submitted by Beijing Exit & Entry Inspection & Quarantine Bureau;

4. Two recent, two in. half-length, bareheaded, full-faced photo (both black-and-white photophotochrome is ok).

5. Adding the official seal of the unit when fill out "Application Form for Visa Residence Permit", and stick a recent, two in., bareheaded, full-faced photo.

Working not exceed one year in Beijing, can apply for temporary residence permit, and the "Health Certificate" is waived.

(Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau)


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