China's richest son to support emerging directors

By Zhang Rui
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, April 28, 2018
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Banana Pictures executives, award-winning new directors, pop group Trainee18 and guests pose for group photos onstage at an awards gala held in Shanghai, Thursday, April 26, 2018. [Banana Pictures via]

In an interview  with financial news site earlier this year, Wang had ambitious plans for his film company. "I'm just 30 years old. By the time I'm 60, don't you think I'll be able to create something like Walt Disney Studios?" 

"The Chinese film market grows so fast, but the emergence of new directors is not able to catch up with the speed," said Wei Xiangdong, the former vice president of Wanda Pictures. Wei said that the point of the awards program is to discover filmmakers who show potential in making commercial films. "We have had many surprises during the process. New powers are rising, and doing so beyond our expectations ."

He elaborated that the company will alternately grant awards to new directors and new screenplay writers in the following years. "We will do this for six consecutive years to train and nurture a batch of top directing and writing talents." 

But navel-gazing and narcissistic art house films are not ones to get support from Wei and founder Wang. "We want to do blockbusters and commercial films that audiences really love," Wei said. "Some directors don't care how audiences will look at their works, and even accuse audiences of not understanding their films. We want directors who really respect the market and the audience, and enough funding can get them to make high-quality productions . That's what we are going to do."

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