"Lost in Russia," a new comedy film by renowned filmmaker Xu Zheng who directed two other blockbuster "Lost in" comedy films, is set for release in China on Jan. 25, 2020, the Chinese Lunar New Year's Day, according to the China Film Distribution and Exhibition Association.
It tells the story of a businessman who accidentally boards a train bound for Russia with his mother. During the trip, he has to overcome difficulties with his mother and confront problems in his family life he had been trying to evade.
The film stars Xu Zheng and popular actress Yuan Quan.
Xu's comedy films "Lost in Thailand" and "Lost in Hong Kong," released in 2012 and 2015, respectively, grossed a box office revenue of more than 1.2 billion yuan (180 million U.S. dollars) and 1.6 billion yuan in China.
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