"Legend of Deification," a Chinese animated feature from the same production companies of "Ne Zha," is set for release in North America on Feb. 7, the official Weibo account of distribution firm Well Go USA announced Saturday.
"Legend of Deification" tells of Jiang Ziya, a mythological figure who shares the same god and universe with Nezha, and its China release is set for Jan. 25, according to the China Film Distribution and Exhibition Association.
Known as "Jiang Ziya" in Chinese, the film is based on the tale of a genius strategist from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) novel "Fengshen Yanyi," or "The Investiture of the Gods," the same book that inspired "Ne Zha," the Chinese film about its eponymous hero.
"Ne Zha" was the highest-grossing film on the Chinese mainland in 2019 with a box office of more than 5 billion yuan (about 722 million U.S. dollars), according to the China Movie Data Information Network.
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