enad.tsinghua.edu.cn , February 7, 2021

Madeline Rile Smith is an adjunct professor and lampwork technical director at Salem Community College, USA. She usually uses high borosilicate glass in her creations that mainly consist of sculptures and interactive works. Madeline first introduced her Arthropod series. In her imagination, these ferocious and primitive creatures will be the species to dominate the earth after human extinction, and silicon-based creatures will replace the extinct carbon-based creatures as the new masters of the earth. In the series of Connected Breath, she explores, by lampwork glass, the intimate contact among people through breathing. This work was created before the COVID-19 outbreak in 2019, and its significance has changed greatly since then. In the artist demonstration session of this year's Hejian Lampwork Glass Art Festival, Madeline used white glass tubes and red, orange and yellow glass rods for creative demonstration, re-presenting her classic Arthropod series.

Artist Eriko Kobayashi is from Tokyo, Japan. Glass inspires her desire to create. With passion for materials, Eriko Kobayashi has integrated playfulness into concrete glass production, so her works can deepen thoughts and release a positive and energetic atmosphere. Eriko Kobayashi has demonstrated online her unique series of lampwork glass pencil works, which are also exhibited at this festival.