"Happy Mom and Girl: Sweetheart on Mission," a new animated movie produced by CCTV Children's Channel and CCTV Animation Group, will be released in theaters with a simultaneous release of a special version for visually impaired children. This makes it the first animated feature in China to be released with an accessible version.
Film crew, hosts of CCTV Children's Channel, guests and a children's art troupe appear on stage at the premiere of "Happy Mom and Girl: Sweetheart on Mission" in Beijing, June 28, 2023. [Photo courtesy of Today Pictures]
The film's crew and producers aim to raise awareness about the physical and mental well-being of children with disabilities, using public welfare as a way to send love and support. Directed by Xu Zheng, the movie is scheduled for release on the Chinese mainland and Macao on July 1 for the summer season. Distributors anticipate that the movie could be the first cinematic experience for many children with limited vision.
Targeting young girls, "Happy Mom and Girl: Sweetheart on Mission" is a spin-off from the popular "Happy Dad and Son" franchise, this time centering around the love and relationship between a mother and daughter. It explores themes of innovation, imagination and education for young girls, aiming to inspire courage and empowerment among its audience in the pursuit of their dreams. Furthermore, it also portrays the journey of a stay-at-home mom experiencing an awakening, emphasizing the ability of mothers to return to their careers with love and support to achieve their aspirations.
A poster for "Happy Mom and Girl: Sweetheart on Mission." [Image courtesy of CCTV Animation Group]
In addition to its heartwarming plot, the film incorporates high-tech elements such as robots and artificial intelligence to captivate children and ignite their interest in science and technology. This emphasis on cultivating future talent aligns with China's demand for skilled individuals to contribute to the country's rapid development.
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