Animated film "Kung Fu Panda 4," the latest entry in the popular animation franchise featuring the adventures of the giant panda Po, was released in theaters on the Chinese mainland on Friday and topped the daily box office tally with a revenue of 21.35 million yuan (about $3 million), data from the China Movie Data Information Network showed.
A congratulatory poster marks the moment that "Kung Fu Panda 4" grossed more than 100 million yuan in China. [Image courtesy of Universal Pictures]
Its total box office gross has surpassed the 100-million-yuan mark, including earnings from its previous advanced screenings.
Action crime film "The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon" came in second place with a daily box office earning of 10.31 million yuan after leading the box office chart for days.
It was followed by the Hollywood sci-fi film "Dune: Part Two," which amassed 6.80 million yuan in box office revenue on Friday.
Friday's box office earnings totaled 58.62 million yuan.
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