
Young Belgians excel in 'Chinese Bridge' contest

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 27, 2024
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Only two years into her Chinese study, Belgian schoolgirl Anahita Hamidi Nejad stood out among 20 candidates in Sunday's national qualifiers for the 17th "Chinese Bridge" contest for foreign students.

The student from Athenee Royal Crommelynck in Brussels won first place after a series of competitions including written tests, speeches and talent shows. She will represent Belgium at the finals of the prestigious "Chinese Bridge" competition for foreign high school students.

"I love Chinese culture and the Chinese people. I dream of having many Chinese friends and visiting China someday," she said.

Twenty primary and secondary school students from across Belgium participated in the national qualifiers, hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Belgium.

They captivated the audience by singing Chinese songs, playing traditional instruments, reciting classics and with a host of other talents including calligraphy, painting and martial arts.

Anne-Marie Moingeon from the city of Namur won the first prize in Chinese Show for primary school students.

Wu Gang, charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Belgium, stressed the embassy's unwavering support for young Belgians to learn Chinese and experience Chinese culture. 

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