Japanese animation "Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Earth Symphony," the 43rd film in the 2D animated "Doraemon" series, topped the box office chart on the Chinese mainland on the first day of its screening on Friday, official data showed.
The film revolves around the story of Doraemon and Nobita's new adventure with friends to bring music back to people after its disappearance from the world. It pocketed 12.72 million yuan (about 1.79 million U.S. dollars) on that day, according to data from the China Movie Data Information Network.
It was followed by the Chinese comedy "The Last Frenzy," which garnered box office sales of 6.16 million yuan on Friday.
Domestic action crime thriller "Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In" came in third with a daily earning of 5.02 million yuan.
The total box office revenue on the Chinese mainland stood at 45.03 million yuan on Friday.
China is gearing up for this year's summer movie season, which runs from the beginning of June to the end of August.
According to the Chinese movie data platform Maoyan, 53 new films are scheduled for release during this period, including the award-winning animated film "Robot Dreams" and "Civil War" from the United States' A24 arthouse studio.
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