
Community cinema: open-air magic in Yinchuan nights

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail chinadaily.com.cn, June 6, 2024
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"Grandpa, when will the film begin?" a kid asked. Around him were people attending an open-air cinema recently in Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

Zhang Yinsheng, 63, has served as a part-time movie projectionist for 13 years, and his 30-year-old partner Liu Chunyi for five years.

They often project movies at night from April to October, with equipment provided by a local movie company.

The showings are free of charge and often held in residential compounds and public squares across the city.

"Watching an open-air movie in the neighborhood is the happiest time of a day," said Liu Luoxi, a 10-year-old boy who often attends the cinema.

Guo Shuzhen, 75, said the cinema reminded her of joyful moments when she was young.

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