In recent years, TV dramas and reality shows have surged in popularity, some even inspiring tourists seeking to explore lesser-known, yet intriguing locations. With this idea in mind, chief director Xie Dikui and chief producer Wang Junpeng created Random Journey on the Way, a new reality travel show.
Showing on streaming site Youku since Sept 7, it has amassed 190 million views of related topics on the popular social media platform Sina Weibo.
In all, 12 celebrities, including actor Sha Yi, cross-talk performer Yue Yunpeng, and pop idol Yang Chaoyue, have been invited onto the lighthearted show.
The celebrities are divided into four teams and tasked with competing in games to earn money to cover their food and accommodation as they journey to cities such as Quanzhou in Fujian province, Chaozhou in Guangdong province, and Harbin in Heilongjiang province. Each episode is dedicated to a different city.
Xie, who is known for the popular reality show franchise Where Are We Going, Dad?, said that he and Wang decided to cast new faces and seasoned stars, and to make a point of showcasing the culture and attractions of each of the cities on the show.
Commenting on the thriving tourist industry over the past year, Wang said that the show aims to explore lesser-known tourist attractions that have yet to become popular online.
He expressed the hope that it would inspire viewers to seek out more travel delights, and ignite their interest in exploring the intangible cultural heritage of the cities featured.
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