Lize FBD becomes Smart City test area

By Lu Na
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, 03 25, 2013
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Lize Financial Business District of Beijing has become the first batch of national pilots of Smart City, according to Lize FBD Development Office.

Smart City represents a new model that strengthens the city's planning, construction and management through modern science and technology, the integration of information resources and integrated business application systems.

To build the Smart City is to enhance the ability of urban management and service levels as well as to promote the development of industry transformation.

Lize Financial Business District adopts the model of "unified planning, development, construction and management" and focuses on ecology, low carbon development, informatization and people's livelihood in its overall planning.

Besides, it will explore actively the new mode of urbanization as well as improve the management capacity and service level of the city.

It will upgrade industries, improve social and ecological environment and promote infrastructure construction, making it a national demonstration area of Smart City.

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