Top 10 Peking Duck restaurants

By Zhang Junmian
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, 07 22, 2013
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   Da Dong Roast Duck (大董烤鸭店)


Specialties: Da Dong "super lean" roast duck, duck hearts with lily buds, salted duck liver, Chef Dong's braised sea cucumber, sautéed four delicacies, goose liver aspic

Whole duck price: 198 yuan, plus 8 yuan per person for condiments

Da Dong Roast Duck Restaurant, named after its chef and owner, Dong Zhenxiang, is popular among tourists and expats. Reputed as one of the best Peking roast duck restaurants in Beijing, it's surely another not-to-miss option for roast duck and a full range of Beijing cuisine. Taking health perspective into consideration, Da Dong has made great innovations in its cooking technique. As a result, ducks here are crispy outside and juicy inside, yet less fatty or greasy than those of their rivals. The sugar provided to dip the duck skin is also much less sweet. On each table, there is an instruction on eating the duck, and the waitresses will also show diners different ways to consume the delicacy.

Flagship Restaurant and Major Branches:

1. Da Dong Peking Duck Tuanjiehu Branch (Old Branch)

Address: Southeast corner of Changhong Bridge on East 3rd Ring Road, Bldg 3 Tuanjiehu Beikou, Chaoyang District

Telephone: +86-01-65822892/65824003

Getting there: Subway Line 10 to Tuanjiehu Station, or Buses 302, 406 to Changhong Qiao Dong

2. Da Dong Peking Duck Dong Sishitiao Branch

Address: F1-2, Nanxincang International Mansion, A 22 Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District

Telephone: +86-10-51690329

Getting there: Subway Line 2 to Dongsishitiao Station, or Buses 42, 701 to Dongsishitiao Qiao Bei

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