'APEC blue' tops 2014 Clean Air Key Terms
In 2014, Beijing implemented the first atmospheric control regulations in the city. On Dec. 22, the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau issued a list of ten 2014 Clean Air Key Terms, among which "APEC blue" ranked first. "APEC blue" is a term coined for the clear blue skies Beijing experienced during the APEC meeting in the capital from Nov.1 to 12. During that time, Beijing had four days of excellent air quality and an average concentration of PM 2.5 of only 43 micrograms per cubic meter. The good air quality during the diplomatic summit greatly impressed local residents, so the city decided to make "APEC blue" normal in Beijing. The second key term was "people's effort and luck." Supported by neighboring provinces and cities, the capital took a series of measures to reduce smog, including limiting the number of cars on roads, granting leave to people working for some institutions, and suspending production in factories. Beijing also had its moments from Nov. 1 to 3, when a north wind blew for 36 hours and cleared all pollutants from the air. That's how this second phrase was coined. ‘The other key terms are "Fight pollution with an iron hand," "Analysis of PM2.5 sources," "Say goodbye to yellow label cars," "No coal," "Elimination and industrial upgrading," "Authoritative weather information release," "Coordinated and joint efforts" (Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province have cooperated closely in the anti-pollution campaign) and "‘Fresh' Spring Festival." |
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