Shanghai Disneyland offers a peek into 'Treasure Cove'

By Chen Xia
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, February 6, 2015

The Shanghai Disneyland unveils the construction image for "Pirates of the Caribbean". [Disney Parks]

The Shanghai Disneyland recently released a set of photos of its "Treasure Cove," the first pirate-themed attraction in a Disney park, the Information Office of Shanghai Municipal Government revealed on its micro-blog on Wednesday.

"Treasure Cove" is one of the six themed areas in Shanghai Disneyland. Its major attractions will include "Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle of the Sunken Treasure," an all-new high-technology boat ride.

Disneyland also released photos of its two themed hotels -- the Shanghai Disneyland and the Toy Story Hotel with 420 and 800 rooms respectively, all decorated with well-known Disney characters and scenes.

The Shanghai Disney Resort is the first Disney theme park on the Chinese mainland. Originally planned to open this year, the park rescheduled this to the first half of next year due to an expansion of the planned facilities.

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