Editor's note: The smart watch is a leading hot topic in today's science and technology hardware innovation. China's home-based and rapidly expanding producers such as Xiaomi and 360 are joining in the competition together with traditional business leaders including Samsung, Apple and Google. All of course hope to gain the upper hand in this ascending market. China.org.cn here presents you with the 10 most popular smart watches.
  • -- Jawbone Up, Nike Fuelband, Fitbit Force are among the products who have some resemblance to a smart watch. But as they are primarily sport gears, this ranking does not include them.

    -- Nokia too has applied for a smart watch patent, more particularly one that will incorporate multiple small touch screens and will run Windows Phone OS.

    -- In July of this year, Microsoft's Surface team was reportedly testing its smart watch, which is made out of semi-transparent aluminum.

    -- Baidu's feature page on wearable products currently features a smart watch called the "inWatch one," contracted by third-party manufacturers. The design has been equipped with Baidu's cloud service.