International students study development experience in Hebi

By Gao Zhan
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, December 23, 2018
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A group of international students from Emerging Markets Institute at Beijing Normal University, which consisted of more than 52 international students from 30 developing countries including Tajikistan, Nigeria and other countries along the "Belt and Road”, studied the development experience of Hebi, Henan province from Dec. 20 to 22.

Students investigate the environment protection of Qi River on Dec. 21, 2018 in Hebi, Henan province. [Photo by Gao Zhan/]

During the three day journey, students visited a protection and construction project of the ancient city of Xun County, an agriculture industrial park, the Jianye Green Base and the National Lighting company.

In order to help international students get a better understanding of the economic and social development around China, especially in small and medium-sized cities, the Emerging Markets Institute at Beijing Normal University organizes two in-depth research trips every year.

Located in the northern region of Henan province, Hebi covers an area of 2,182 square kilometers with a population of 1.64 million. As a traditional agricultural city, Hebi is committed to the transformation and upgrading of its agriculture and industry.

"In the past, coal production and agriculture were Hebi's main industries. Today, Hebi conducts comprehensive management to promote the common development of the first, second and third industries," Liu Wenbiao, deputy mayor of the municipal government of Hebi said.

Hisham Abubakr Metwally Mohamed, from Egypt, was especially delighted with the journey, "I think this trip is very meaningful. Through these studies, I have learned many useful ideas to help improve the development of the African economy."

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