1st LD-Writethru: China expresses condolences over death of Malawi's vice president

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, June 12, 2024
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BEIJING, June 12 (Xinhua) -- China deeply mourns the tragic death of Malawian Vice President Saulos Chilima and other victims in a recent plane crash, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday.

Spokesperson Lin Jian conveyed China's condolences to relatives of the victims at a regular press briefing.

The vice president and nine other individuals, who were on board a military aircraft, have been confirmed dead after the plane went missing Monday morning, Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera said Tuesday.

Lin said that China expresses deep condolences over the tragic death of Malawian Vice President Saulos Chilima and other victims and extends sincere sympathies to their bereft families.

China and Malawi are sincere and friendly partners for development. At this difficult time, the Chinese government and people stand firmly with the government and people of Malawi and believe that Malawi will surely tide over the difficulties and walk out of grief under the leadership of President Lazarus Chakwera, the spokesperson said. Enditem

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