1.How to protect children playing outside?
The best way to protect the children is to keep them indoors. Make sure to wear masks when you have to go outside with the children. It is better to drive a car than to use a public transport and going by foot is the optimal choice providing the place is close to where you live.
2.How can children properly wear a mask?
Generally speaking, facemasks are not suitable for babies. And the N95 respirator is not recommended for children because of its low air permeability. Parents should at all times check if the child wearing a mask feels comfortable or has difficulty in breathing.
3.How can children properly wash their hands?
Under all circumstances, washing hands with running water and soap is the best choice. If not available, take tissues and alcohol-based sanitizers with you when you go outside.
4.When should parents take their children to the hospital?
If the child shows symptoms of coughing or fever but has not gone outside recently or contacted any infected patients, they may have their temperature taken and be treated with medicine at home. But if the temperature fails to go down for quite some time or further symptoms like persistent cough, difficulty in breathing, or lethargy are detected, parents should take the child to pediatric out-patient in the hospital nearby.
5.Should the parents get their children vaccinated now or should they wait?
Different vaccines have different schedule requirements. Some of the vaccines can be delayed for a couple of weeks while others may have strict schedules requiring them to be given before a certain age. Please follow those requirements and get the child vaccinated before the deadline. In case there is a risk of exposure to rabies or tetanus, please get the children vaccinated immediately.
1. 带孩子出门该如何防护?
2. 孩子的口罩怎么戴?
3. 如何给孩子洗手?
4. 孩子出现什么情况要去医院?
5. 孩子近期还能打疫苗吗?