30 facts about the novel coronavirus pneumonia (Part 2)

Hubei Province Foreign Affairs Office February 13, 2020

11. The transmission routes of the novel coronavirus through aerosols and digestive tracts have yet to be confirmed.

12. All age groups including children are susceptible to NCP.

13. The incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days, with most patients starting to get symptoms within 3 to 7 days.

14. Major symptoms are fever, fatigue and dry cough.

15. A minority of patients also show symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea.

16. Patients in a serious or critical condition may have low grade or moderate fever. Some may even not have a fever at all.

17. Patients with mild symptoms show low grade fever, mild fatigue and no signs of pneumonia.

18. Based on current cases in treatment, most patients have been improved after intervention, while the conditions of a minority have worsened. The senior and those with chronic diseases respond poorly to the intervention. Children’s symptoms are comparatively mild.

19. According to Liu Qingquan, a member of the expert team of National Health Commission, the cure rate of NCP is higher than that of Influenza A virus and bird flu.

20. Currently no effective treatment protocol for NCP has been found.


11. 气溶胶和消化道等传播途径尚待明确。

12. 人群普遍易感,儿童也不例外。

13. 潜伏期1-14天,多为3-7天。

14. 以发热、乏力、干咳为主要表现。

15. 少数患者伴有鼻塞、流涕、咽痛和腹泻等症状。

16. 重型、危重型患者病程中可为中低热,甚至无明显发热。

17. 轻型患者仅表现为低热、轻微乏力等,无肺炎表现。

18. 从目前收治病例情况看,多数患者预后良好,少数患者病情危重。老年人和有慢性基础疾病者预后较差,儿童病例症状相对较轻。

19. 国家卫健委专家组成员刘清泉:救治成功率高于甲流和禽流感。

20. 目前没有确认有效的抗病毒治疗方法。

30 facts about the novel coronavirus pneumonia (Part 2)
Hubei Province Foreign Affairs Office | February 13, 2020 |

11. The transmission routes of the novel coronavirus through aerosols and digestive tracts have yet to be confirmed.

12. All age groups including children are susceptible to NCP.

13. The incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days, with most patients starting to get symptoms within 3 to 7 days.

14. Major symptoms are fever, fatigue and dry cough.

15. A minority of patients also show symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea.

16. Patients in a serious or critical condition may have low grade or moderate fever. Some may even not have a fever at all.

17. Patients with mild symptoms show low grade fever, mild fatigue and no signs of pneumonia.

18. Based on current cases in treatment, most patients have been improved after intervention, while the conditions of a minority have worsened. The senior and those with chronic diseases respond poorly to the intervention. Children’s symptoms are comparatively mild.

19. According to Liu Qingquan, a member of the expert team of National Health Commission, the cure rate of NCP is higher than that of Influenza A virus and bird flu.

20. Currently no effective treatment protocol for NCP has been found.


11. 气溶胶和消化道等传播途径尚待明确。

12. 人群普遍易感,儿童也不例外。

13. 潜伏期1-14天,多为3-7天。

14. 以发热、乏力、干咳为主要表现。

15. 少数患者伴有鼻塞、流涕、咽痛和腹泻等症状。

16. 重型、危重型患者病程中可为中低热,甚至无明显发热。

17. 轻型患者仅表现为低热、轻微乏力等,无肺炎表现。

18. 从目前收治病例情况看,多数患者预后良好,少数患者病情危重。老年人和有慢性基础疾病者预后较差,儿童病例症状相对较轻。

19. 国家卫健委专家组成员刘清泉:救治成功率高于甲流和禽流感。

20. 目前没有确认有效的抗病毒治疗方法。

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