Handbook for mental health care during COVID-19 outbreak (Part 1)
Common emotional reactions:
1. Anxiety: excessive attention to your health condition, regarding the novel coronavirus as the cause of all discomforts, and worry about getting sick.
2. Panic: suffering anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments, feeling afraid of touching elevator buttons and doorknobs, excessive hand washing and disinfection, and fear of going outside, let alone seeing a doctor.
3. Anger and irritability: highly sensitive when experiencing pressure, and getting angry, losing temper and even exhibiting impulsive behaviors because of trivialities.
4. Depression: feeling extremely tired and depressed, difficulty concentrating and experiencing sleep problems.
5. Fear: fear of the disease coupled with Internet rumors.
6. Blind optimism: mistakenly believing that the epidemic poses little risk to their lives or their immune systems protect them well from infection. Even worse, some may ignore transmission-based precautions and advice of friends and family.
7. Loneliness: those who have been in isolation or quarantine alone away from home may feel lonely.
8. Impulsion and irritation: negative emotional responses, and impulsive or irrational behaviors caused by depression.
1. 焦虑多疑
2. 惶恐不安
3. 愤怒暴躁
4. 抑郁悲伤
5. 恐惧害怕
6. 盲目乐观
7. 孤独寂寞
8. 冲动激惹