Full text: Constitution of CPC (revised)

Comment(s)打印 E-mail  2012-11-19

第八章 党的纪律检查机关 Chapter VIII Party Organs for Discipline Inspection
第四十三条 党的中央纪律检查委员会在党的中央委员会领导下进行工作。党的地方各级纪律检查委员会和基层纪律检查委员会在同级党的委员会和上级纪律检查委员会双重领导下进行工作。 Article 43. The Party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection functions under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Party. The Party's local commissions for discipline inspection at all levels and primary commissions for discipline inspection function under the dual leadership of the Party committees at the corresponding levels and the next higher commissions for discipline inspection.
党的各级纪律检查委员会每届任期和同级党的委员会相同。 The Party's commissions for discipline inspection at all levels serve a term of the same duration as the Party committees at the corresponding levels.
党的中央纪律检查委员会全体会议,选举常务委员会和书记、副书记,并报党的中央委员会批准。党的地方各级纪律检查委员会全体会议,选举常务委员会和书记、副书记,并由同级党的委员会通过,报上级党的委员会批准。党的基层委员会是设立纪律检查委员会,还是设立纪律检查委员,由它的上一级党组织根据具体情况决定。党的总支部委员会和支部委员会设纪律检查委员。 The Party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection elects, in plenary session, its standing committee, secretary and deputy secretaries and reports the results to the Central Committee for approval. Local commissions for discipline inspection at all levels elect, at their plenary sessions, their respective standing committees, secretaries and deputy secretaries. The results of the elections are subject to endorsement by the Party committees at the corresponding levels and should be reported to the next higher Party committees for approval. The question of whether a primary Party committee should set up a commission for discipline inspection or simply appoint a discipline inspection commissioner shall be determined by the next higher Party organization in light of the specific circumstances. The committees of general Party branches and Party branches shall have discipline inspection commissioners.
党的中央纪律检查委员会根据工作需要,可以向中央一级党和国家机关派驻党的纪律检查组或纪律检查员。纪律检查组组长或纪律检查员可以列席该机关党的领导组织的有关会议。他们的工作必须受到该机关党的领导组织的支持。 The Party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall, when its work so requires, accredit discipline inspection groups or commissioners to Party or state organs at the central level. Leaders of the discipline inspection groups or discipline inspection commissioners may attend relevant meetings of the leading Party organizations in the said organs as non-voting participants. The leading Party organizations in the organs concerned must support their work.
第四十四条 党的各级纪律检查委员会的主要任务是:维护党的章程和其他党内法规,检查党的路线、方针、政策和决议的执行情况,协助党的委员会加强党风建设和组织协调反腐败工作。 Article 44. The main tasks of the Party's commissions for discipline inspection at all levels are as follows: to uphold the Constitution and other statutes of the Party, to check up on the implementation of the line, principles, policies and resolutions of the Party and to assist the respective Party committees in improving the Party's style of work and in organizing and coordinating the work against corruption.
各级纪律检查委员会要经常对党员进行遵守纪律的教育,作出关于维护党纪的决定;对党员领导干部行使权力进行监督;检查和处理党的组织和党员违反党的章程和其他党内法规的比较重要或复杂的案件,决定或取消对这些案件中的党员的处分;受理党员的控告和申诉;保障党员的权利。 The commissions for discipline inspection at all levels shall frequently provide education for Party members on their duty to observe Party discipline and adopt decisions for the upholding of Party discipline; they shall oversee Party members holding leading positions in exercising their power; they shall examine and deal with relatively important or complicated cases of violation of the Constitution or other statutes of the Party by Party organizations or Party members and decide on or rescind disciplinary measures against Party members involved in such cases; they shall deal with complaints and appeals made by Party members; and they shall guarantee the rights of Party members.
各级纪律检查委员会要把处理特别重要或复杂的案件中的问题和处理的结果,向同级党的委员会报告。党的地方各级纪律检查委员会和基层纪律检查委员会要同时向上级纪律检查委员会报告。 The commissions for discipline inspection at all levels shall report to the Party committees at the corresponding levels on the results of their handling of cases of special importance or complexity, as well as on the problems encountered. The local commissions for discipline inspection at all levels and primary commissions for discipline inspection shall also present such reports to the higher commissions.
各级纪律检查委员会发现同级党的委员会委员有违犯党的纪律的行为,可以先进行初步核实,如果需要立案检查的,应当报同级党的委员会批准,涉及常务委员的,经报告同级党的委员会后报上一级纪律检查委员会批准。 If a commission for discipline inspection at any level discovers any violation of Party discipline by a member of the Party committee at the corresponding level, it may take the initial step of verifying the facts and, if it is necessary to put a case on file, it should report to the Party committee at the corresponding level for approval, and if a member of the standing committee of the Party committee is involved, it should first report to the Party committee at the corresponding level and then to the commission for discipline inspection at the next higher level for approval.
第四十五条 上级纪律检查委员会有权检查下级纪律检查委员会的工作,并且有权批准和改变下级纪律检查委员会对于案件所作的决定。如果所要改变的该下级纪律检查委员会的决定,已经得到它的同级党的委员会的批准,这种改变必须经过它的上一级党的委员会批准。 Article 45. Higher commissions for discipline inspection have the power to examine the work of the lower commissions and to approve or modify their decisions on any case. If decisions so modified have already been ratified by the Party committee at the corresponding level, the modification must be approved by the next higher Party committee.
党的地方各级纪律检查委员会和基层纪律检查委员会如果对同级党的委员会处理案件的决定有不同意见,可以请求上一级纪律检查委员会予以复查;如果发现同级党的委员会或它的成员有违犯党的纪律的情况,在同级党的委员会不给予解决或不给予正确解决的时候,有权向上级纪律检查委员会提出申诉,请求协助处理。 If a local commission for discipline inspection or a primary commission for discipline inspection does not agree with a decision made by the Party committee at the corresponding level in dealing with a case, it may demand the commission at the next higher level reexamine the case; if a local or primary commission discovers cases of violation of Party discipline by the Party committee at the corresponding level or by its members, and if that Party committee fails to deal with them properly or at all, it has the right to appeal to the higher commission for assistance in dealing with such cases.
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