A six-year-old blind cat named Stevie Wonder has developed a passion for playing the piano at Wood Green Animal Shelter in Cambridgeshire. 英国剑桥郡伍德格林动物收容所的一只6岁小盲猫史蒂夫•汪达对弹钢琴表现出极大的热情。 |
A six-year-old blind cat named Stevie Wonder has developed a passion for playing the piano at Wood Green Animal Shelter in Cambridgeshire, the Daily Mail reported. Carers believe Stevie presses on the keys because the sound helps connect him to the outside world. Now the piano-playing puss spends as much time as possible skipping across the keyboard at its temporary owner's home. When Stevie, named after the famous blind American singer and pianist, was found in a garden, he was flea-ridden, suffering from worms, had a hernia in his stomach and both of his eyes were missing. Vets are unsure whether his eyes were surgically removed or he was born without them. |
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国剑桥郡伍德格林动物收容所的一只6岁小盲猫史蒂夫•汪达对弹钢琴表现出极大的热情。 庇护中心的志愿者认为,史蒂夫之所以弹琴,是因为琴声能让它感受到外面的世界。 如今,在暂时收容它的家中,小盲猫会花尽可能多的时间跳上钢琴踩踏琴键。 据悉,盲猫史蒂夫的名字取自美国著名盲人钢琴师、音乐家史蒂夫•汪达。庇护中心的志愿者在花园里发现这只猫时,它满身跳蚤和蠕虫,还患有疝气,双目失明。 连兽医也无法确定,它到底是遭遇不测失去了双目,还是先天失明。 |
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