宁夏在沙漠上植树造林的成果。[中国网] |
How they achieved this
Making Ningxia an agricultural hub has not come easy.
把宁夏建成一个农业中心并不容易。 |
The Chinese government has injected over $1b in the last 10 years to stop the raging desertification.
中国政府在过去的十年里已经投入10多亿美元来阻止肆虐的土地沙漠化。 |
Today, China has halted the advance of the desert in the province.
现在,中国政府已经阻止了沙漠化的进一步加深。 |
"We have had a break-through in anti-desertification. We have stopped the advance of the desert and turned it into a farm land," said Lai Weili, the division head of plantations in Ningxia.
自治区农牧厅种植业处处长赖伟利说道:“我们在阻止土地沙漠化的工作上取得了很大的突破,已经阻止了土地沙漠化的进一步加深。我们已经把沙漠变成了绿洲。” |
The Chinese government set up a network of water tubes for the irrigation of crops in the desert. A lot of money was sunk into the project. Water for irrigation in China is drawn from the Yellow River.
中国政府投入了很多大量资金建立了一个在沙漠中实施水利灌溉的网络系统,从黄河引水灌溉。 |
The Chinese government is also encouraging private investors to invest in anti-desertification businesses like tree planting. In turn, the government gives the investors subsidies in form of simple loans and free land for such projects.
政府还鼓励私人投资者投入到反沙漠化的事业中,做一些像植树这样的事情。反过来,政府也会给这些投资者相应的补贴,比如说简易贷款或者免费使用土地等等。 |
Wang Ting, the deputy general manager of Meili Forestry Company which owns miles of forests in a desert around Zong Wei City, says apart from planting forests to fight desertification, the trees also provide employment to the locals.
中冶美利林业开发公司的副总经理王珽介绍说自己的公司在中卫市种植了近十公里的树木。种植这些树木不仅能对抗沙漠化,也为当地的居民提供了就业机会。 |
Zong’s company employs over 2,000 locals who are now living a descent life in a desert. |
这家公司雇佣了2000名生活在沙漠地区的居民。 |
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