成本低效果好的治沙方法——麦草方格 [中国网] |
Research has also helped China to realise its goals. China has injected a significant amount of money in science and research with the aim of producing drought-resistant crops.
研究也有助于中国实现其目标。中国注入了大量的科研资金研究抗旱作物。 |
Officials said over 160 different crop species have been developed by 10 research institutes in the province in the last few decades.
有官员说,宁夏的10个研究所已经在过去的几十年里培育了160多种不同的农作物。 |
To come up with drought-resistant crops, 300 researchers in Ningxia were hired to fine tune the quality (taste) and productivity (quantity) of new crop varieties.
有300多名研究人员受雇参加了抗旱新物种的口味和品质的研究改良工作。 |
That may differ from Uganda where some of the modified crops like bananas lose the taste and become unmarketable.
乌干达却截然相反。乌干达改良香蕉后却使香蕉失去了原有的美味而导致滞销。 |
China also gives subsidies to farmers willing to use the new seeds. Uganda is yet to reach that level, a move that may help the citizens, like those of Karimoja.
中国会给予愿意使用新种子的农民一些补贴。乌干达却没办法做到。事实上此举可以帮助当地的居民,比如说卡利莫琼族人。 |
The Ugandan government had initiated the NAADS programme to help the farmers access high quality seeds, but the project was bogged down by corruption.
乌干达政府已经发起了国家农业咨询服务,希望帮助农民获得高质量的种子,但该项目却深陷腐败的泥潭。 |
The Chinese have gone far in science because the potato tubers, which they plant now can even grow above the ground. This type of sweet potatoes gives better yields.
中国在科学的发展上已经走的很超前了。他们种植的薯类作物已经可以实现无土栽培,这样的技术让甘薯有更好的收益。 |
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