4月7日,四川一景区为做宣传别出心裁,将其推出的透明“气泡酒店”安置于繁华的成都春熙路,在这间“酒店”里,沙发、大床、衣柜、桌椅样样俱全,景区还安排了一美女模特在这间透明的“气泡酒店”里生活两天供参观,以此吸引民众。据介绍,该景区通过这一行为艺术来推广其全透明景观房,让前来的游客可以选择景点安营扎寨,以达到360度亲近大自然的效果。[中新网 张浪 摄] Pedestrians observe a model living in a transparent bubble in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Apr.7. A local scenic spot launched this event to promote its bubble room services, which can be set up anywhere according to client specifications. The model will spend two days in the bubble. [Chinanews.com] |
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