黄洋 [资料图] |
黄洋,复旦大学2010级硕士研究生,因喝下饮水机里被投放有毒物质N-二甲基亚硝胺的水,经抢救无效,于2013年4月16日15:23在复旦大学附属中山医院去世。 | Huang Yang, 28, a third-year medical postgraduate student from Shanghai Fudan University, died of poisoning on April 16, 2013. Police say one of his roommates is their top suspect and he is now being questioned. |
事件经过 | Timeline of the case |
2013年4月1日,黄洋在寝室使用饮水机喝水时,感觉水的味道不对,特意将饮水机中的水倒掉,并对机器和水桶进行了清洗,原因是怕室友喝了这些水不好。4月1日,黄洋出现呕吐、发烧等症状,2日晚间发现急性肝损伤。4月5日,鼻孔出血,之后就处于昏迷状态。黄洋在复旦大学附属中山医院救治期间,病因一直未得到确认。 | Huang Yang began vomiting violently and developed a fever after drinking some water in his dorm on April 1. He fell into a coma with ensuing liver failure after being sent to the Zhongshan Hospital (affiliated with Fudan University). His health worsened over the next few days as doctors were unable to identify what he had consumed that cause his health to rapidly deteriorate. |
4月11日,警方通报,在黄洋宿舍的饮水机残留水中检测出有毒化合物。经调查,导致复旦研究生黄洋中毒的物质初步确定为N-二甲基亚硝胺。该物质毒性强,常用于医药及食品分析研究,可在实验动物中人为制造肝损伤的模型。12日,警方基本认定同寝室的林某存在重大犯罪嫌疑。13日,林某被警方带走。 | On April 11, police found that the contents of a water dispenser in Huang's dormitory had been contaminated by a poisonous compound. On April 13, Huang's roommate, surnamed Lin, was identified as a suspect and brought under police custody. |
4月16日15:23,在经过15天的抢救后,黄洋终因多脏器衰竭在附属中山医院去世。 | Huang was pronounced dead due to multiple organ failure around 3:23 p.m. on April 16 at the Zhongshan Hospital, the university said in a statement. |
4月19日,上海警方以涉嫌故意杀人罪向检察机关提请逮捕该案犯罪嫌疑人林某。 |
On April 19, police in Shanghai asked a district procurator to approve the arrest of Lin who had allegedly killed his roommate by poisoning him. The suspect, also a medical school student at Fudan University, held a grudge against Huang Yang over a trivial matter and had carefully planned the poisoning, an initial police investigation showed. |
经警方初步查明,林某因生活琐事与黄某关系不合、心存不满,经事先预谋,3月31日中午,将其做实验后剩余并存放在实验室内的剧毒化合物带至寝室,注入饮水机水槽。4月1日晨,黄某饮用饮水机中的水后出现中毒症状,后经医院救治无效于4月16日下午去世。 | Lin took a deadly chemical compound from a university lab and used it to contaminate a water dispenser in their dormitory at noon on March 31, the investigation showed. Huang Yang showed symptoms of poisoning after drinking water from the dispenser on April 1 and subsequently died on April 16. |
黄洋履历 | About Huang Yang |
黄洋,1985年出生,四川自贡荣县人,是家里的独子。2004年,黄洋参加四川高考,考出590多分(满分750分)的好成绩。因为想读北大金融,他选择了复读,并在次年考出了690分(满分750分)的高分。但在填报志愿时,家人认为黄洋报考北大有点风险,于是选择了复旦,就读于复旦大学公共卫生学院预防医学专业,之后转专业到临床医学。 | Huang Yang was born in 1985 into a poor family of Rongxian County of Zigong City, Sichuan Province. He was the only child of his parents. He won a high score of 590 in the national college examination in 2004, but he chose to redo the examination the following year and enrolled into Fudan University with the even higher score of 690. |
不久前黄洋又通过考博初试,是复旦大学耳鼻喉科博士初试的第一名。黄洋用奖学金来缴学费,甚至还用一些来支付他母亲的医药费。 | Huang was a capable student in medical school, having recently become a PhD candidate, ranking first among all the examinees. Huang was able to pay for his education through scholarships and even used some of the money to pay for some of his mother's medical bills. |
黄洋还活跃在新浪微博。他最后一次发帖时间是在三月十三日,现在大部分回帖都是对他的追悼。 | Huang was also active on Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter. His last post was created on March 13. Most of his posts now have become replies containing messages of condolence. |
2010年复旦大学的一个奖助仪式上,黄洋曾作为学生代表发言。“我来自四川一个小县城,父母双双下岗,母亲还体弱多病,家里欠下了大笔钱。在学医这条道路上,我不是没有过犹豫。就在保研的那段时间里,我其实有些挣扎。想到家里的情况,又想到学医这条道路如此漫长,我动过放弃直研、出去工作的念头。最后,是老师、家人和朋友的鼓励以及自己的那一份坚持,让我决定继续在医学这条道路上坚定地走下去。” | "Both my parents lost their jobs when I was in junior high school. My family borrowed heavily to pay for my mom's medical bills. I then decided to earn a living all by myself. Looking back at my five years at Fudan University, I can proudly say I've made it." Huang said in a 2010 speech delivered at a scholarship award ceremony. |
黄洋热心公益。本科五年里,黄洋参加了两次支教,大一暑假去安徽颍上,毕业之际去西藏墨脱支教,鼓励当地学生追求梦想。 | Huang was also active in several charitable causes. He volunteered as a teacher in a remote area of the Tibet Autonomous Region and encouraged impoverished local students to pursue their dreams. |
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