White Paper: Progress in China's Human Rights in 2012

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-05-14

四、社会建设中的人权保障 IV. Protection of Human Rights in Social Development
近年来,中国不断加强社会建设,切实解决好人民最关心最直接最现实的利益问题,维护最广大人民根本利益,公民的社会保障权利、健康权利和受教育权利等获得了更好保障。在社会建设中,以保障和改善民生为重点,进一步健全基本公共服务体系,基本公共服务水平和均等化程度明显提高,教育事业迅速发展,社会保障体系建设成效显著,全面医保基本实现,保障性住房建设加快推进,社会保持和谐稳定。 In recent years, China has kept strengthening its social development, effectively solving the most practical problems of the utmost and immediate concern to the people, and safeguarding their fundamental interests. People's rights to social security, health and education are thus better protected. In social development, the focus of attention has been placed on protecting and improving the people's livelihood, while further efforts have been made to improve the basic public services system, which has resulted in marked improvement in the basic public services level and equal access to such services, rapid progress of education, significant advance in social security, basic realization of universal coverage of medical care, accelerated construction of affordable housing, and a more harmonious and stable society.
社会保险覆盖面不断扩大。国家制定了社会保险法,修改了工伤保险条例。中国从制度上实现了基本养老和基本医疗保障对城乡居民的全覆盖。目前,各项养老保险参保达到7.9亿人,13075万城乡老年居民按月领取养老金,企业退休人员基本养老金从2004年人均每月700元提高到现在的1721元。各项医疗保险参保超过13亿人,其中,参加新型农村合作医疗保险人数超过8亿人。参加全国工伤保险的人数达18993万人,比2011年增加了1297万人,其中农民工参保人数达7173万人。参加失业保险的人数15225万人,比2011年增加908万人。参加生育保险的人数15445万人,比2011年增加1553万人。中国全面建立了养老保险省级统筹制度,实施基本养老保险关系跨省转移接续办法,总体实现了包括农民工在内的参保职工养老保险关系的有序转移。失业保险金标准和物价上涨挂钩联动机制也已建立。新型农村合作医疗和城镇居民基本医疗保险政府补助标准分别从最初的年人均20元人民币、40元人民币提高到2012年的240元人民币。城镇职工基本医疗保险、城镇居民基本医疗保险和新型农村合作医疗政策范围内住院费用报销比例分别提高到75%以上、70%以上和75%左右,最高支付限额分别提高到当地职工年平均工资的6倍以上、当地居民年人均可支配收入的6倍以上、全国农民人均纯收入的8倍以上,且均不低于6万元,保障范围由住院延伸到门诊。2012年,在全面推开尿毒症、儿童白血病等8类大病保障试点的基础上,将肺癌、食道癌、胃癌等12种大病纳入重大疾病保障试点范围,费用报销比例最高可达90%。 The coverage of social insurance has been widened. The state has enacted the Social Insurance Law, and revised the Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance. China has realized full coverage of basic old-age insurance and basic medical care for both urban and rural residents. Old-age insurance of various types now covers 790 million people, with 130.75 million senior urban and rural residents receiving pensions on a monthly basis. On the average, basic old-age pension for each enterprise retiree has been raised from 700 yuan in 2004 to 1,721 yuan per month now. Medical insurance of various types covers over 1.3 billion persons, among whom over 800 million have access to the new rural cooperative medical insurance. Now 189.93 million people have access to national work-related injury insurance, an increase of 12.97 million people as compared with 2011, among whom 71.73 million people are migrant workers. In addition, 152.25 million people are covered by unemployment insurance, an increase of 9.08 million people over 2011, and 154.45 million people are covered by maternity insurance, an increase of 15.53 million people over 2011. China has established a comprehensive system of pooling funds for old-age insurance at the provincial level, implemented the transfer of basic pension accounts across provinces, basically realizing the orderly transfer of pension accounts for all that have participated in basic old-age insurance, including migrant workers. A linkage mechanism has also been established between the standard of unemployment insurance allowances and the inflation level. The government subsidies for the new rural cooperative medical system and basic medical insurance for urban residents have been raised from 20 yuan and 40 yuan a year per person at the beginning to 240 yuan in 2012. The medical treatment cost of inpatients covered by urban employees' medical insurance, urban residents' medical insurance and the new rural cooperative medical insurance has been raised to over 75 percent, over 70 percent and around 75 percent, respectively, with the payment cap raised to over six times of a local employee's average annual wage, over six times of a local resident's per-capita disposable income and over eight times of the average annual per-capita net income of farmers, and no less than 60,000 yuan, covering both outpatient and inpatient services. In 2012 while introducing pilot medical care programs for eight serious diseases such as uremia and childhood leukemia, the state also listed 12 other serious diseases such as lung cancer, esophagus cancer and gastric cancer into the pilot medical care programs, with the maximum reimbursement rate reaching 90 percent.
公民获取社会救助的权利进一步得到保障。在低保救助方面,国家先后出台了《国务院关于进一步加强和改进最低生活保障工作的意见》、《最低生活保障审核审批办法(试行)》等一系列规范性文件。2012年,中央财政共安排城乡低保补助资金875亿元,比2011年增长16.8%。截至2012年底,全国共有城市低保对象2142.5万人,农村低保对象5341万人;城市、农村平均低保标准分别为每人每月330元、每人每年2068元,较2010年分别增长31.5%和47.3%。全国共有农村五保供养对象545.9万人,平均供养标准为集中供养年人均4061元,分散供养年人均3008元,较2010年分别增长37.6%和43.1%。在自然灾害救助方面,全面落实国家《自然灾害救助条例》和《国家自然灾害救助应急预案》,颁布了《关于加强自然灾害社会心理援助工作的指导意见》。2012年,安排下拨中央自然灾害生活救助补助资金116亿元,比2011年增长34.3%,救助受灾群众7800万人次,有效保证了受灾群众基本生活。在医疗救助方面,国家制定了《关于开展重特大疾病医疗救助试点工作的意见》,并在全国273个试点地区开展试点工作。2012年,全国医疗救助人次9134万,支出资金221亿元。在流浪乞讨人员救助方面,国家发布了《关于加强和改进流浪未成年人救助保护工作的意见》,开展了“接送流浪孩子回家”专项行动。截至2012年,全国共有救助机构(救助管理站、流浪未成年人救助保护中心)1788个。2010-2011年,全国共救助流浪乞讨人员4128709人次。 Citizens' right to social assistance is better protected. In terms of providing subsistence allowances, the state has issued a number of regulatory documents such as the Opinions of the State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving Work in Relation to Subsistence Allowances, and Measures for Examination and Approval of Subsistence Allowances (Trial). In 2012 the central finance appropriated 87.5 billion yuan as funds for the urban and rural subsistence allowances, an increase of 16.8 percent over 2011. By the end of 2012, there were altogether 21.425 million urban recipients and 53.41 million rural recipients of subsistence allowances. The average payment for urban and rural recipients is 330 yuan per person per month and 2,068 yuan per person per year, up 31.5 percent and 47.3 percent, respectively, over 2010. There were altogether 5.459 million rural people enjoying the five guarantees (food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses) across the country, with those living in nursing homes receiving an average of 4,061 yuan per person per year, and those living on their own an average of 3,008 yuan per person per year, up 37.6 percent and 43.1 percent, respectively, over 2010. In terms of natural disaster relief, the state has implemented the Regulations on Natural Disaster Relief and National Emergency Plan for Natural Disaster Relief, and promulgated the Opinions on Strengthening Social and Psychological Assistance in the Wake of Natural Disasters. In 2012 the state allocated from the central budget 11.6 billion yuan for natural disaster relief and aid, up 34.3 percent over 2011, benefiting 78 million victims and effectively ensuring their necessities of life. In terms of medical aid, the state formulated the Opinions on Pilot Programs of Medical Aid for Major and Serious Diseases, and carried out the program in 273 pilot areas across the country. In 2012 the state earmarked 22.1 billion yuan for providing medical aid to 91.34 million people nationwide. In terms of aid to vagrants and beggars, the state promulgated the Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Assistance and Protection for Vagrant Minors, and embarked on a program of "sending vagrant children back home." By 2012 there were altogether 1,788 aid agencies (aid and relief centers, and aid and protection centers for vagrant minors) all over the country. From 2010 to 2011, these agencies offered aid to 4,128,709 vagrants and beggars.
公民的健康权利进一步得到保障。中国已建立起覆盖城乡的医疗卫生体系,包括公共卫生服务体系、医疗服务体系、医疗保障体系和药品供应保障体系。截至2012年底,全国医疗卫生机构达95万个(所),卫生技术人员668.6万人。执业(助理)医师261.9万人,每千人口执业(助理)医师数1.92人。注册护士250.0万人,每千人口注册护士数1.83人。医疗卫生机构床位数573万张,每千人口医疗卫生机构床位数4.19张。2010年人均预期寿命达到74.8岁。个人现金卫生支出由2002年的57.7%下降到2011年的34.8%。基本公共卫生服务均等化水平明显提高。中国人均基本公共卫生服务经费标准从2009年的15元提高到2012年的25元。国家免费向全体居民提供10类41项国家基本公共卫生服务。2011年,国家免疫规划疫苗接种率总体达到90%以上,全国住院分娩率达到98.7%。2012年,全国人大常委会制定了精神卫生法,依法维护精神障碍患者的合法权益,发展精神卫生事业,保障患者病有所医,促进公民心理健康。制定了《中国慢性病防治工作规划(2012-2015年)》等一系列慢性病防控政策性文件和慢性病防治指南。艾滋病、结核病、血吸虫病、包虫病、麻风病、疟疾等重大及重点传染病患者获得免费药物治疗。率先在全球83个丝虫病流行国家和地区中消除了丝虫病。2010年以来,国家安排中央投资530.4亿元,加强基层医疗卫生服务体系建设。2012年,全国基层医疗卫生机构达91.2万个,包括社区卫生服务中心8176个,社区卫生服务站2.5万个,乡镇卫生院3.7万所,村卫生室65.3万个,共有123.4万张床位。国家实施万名医师支援农村卫生工程,2009-2011年,1100余家城市三级医院支援了955个县级医院,中西部地区城市二级以上医疗卫生机构每年支援3600多所乡镇卫生院。截至2012年底,基本药物制度实现基层全覆盖,所有政府办基层医疗卫生机构全部配备使用基本药物,实行零差率销售,并向村卫生室和非政府办基层医疗卫生机构延伸。 Citizens' right to health is better protected. China has established a medical care system that covers both urban and rural areas, which comprises the public health service system, the medical service system, the medical security system and the drug supply system. By the end of 2012 there were 950,000 medical institutions, 6.686 million medical workers and 2.619 million certificated (assistant) doctors, an average of 1.92 doctors for every 1,000 people. There were 2.5 million registered nurses - or 1.83 for every 1,000 people. There were 5.73 million beds in medical institutions - or 4.19 beds for every 1,000 people. In 2010 the average life expectancy of the Chinese people reached 74.8 years. The proportion of personal medical expenses paid in cash declined from 57.7 percent in 2002 to 34.8 percent in 2011. Marked improvement has been witnessed in equal access to basic public health services. The per-capita allowance for basic public health services was raised from 15 yuan in 2009 to 25 yuan in 2012. The state provides 41 types of basic public health services in ten categories gratis to all residents. In 2011 the national vaccination rate under the state immunization program reached 90 percent and higher, and the hospitalized delivery rate stood at 98.7 percent. In 2012 the NPC Standing Committee enacted the Law on Mental Health, aiming to protect the legal rights and interests of people with mental disorders, develop mental health services, ensure the mentally-ill to have access to medical treatment and promote citizens' mental health. China has formulated the Working Plan for the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases (2012-2015) and a series of other policy documents and guidelines on the prevention and treatment of such diseases. Patients infected with major infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, echinococcosis, leprosy and malaria can get free medication. China has taken the lead in eliminating filariasis among 83 countries and regions where it is endemic. Since 2010 the state has poured 53.04 billion yuan into strengthening the building of a grass-roots medical health service system. By 2012 there were 912,000 grassroots medical and health care institutions, which included 8,176 community health service centers, 25,000 community health service stations, 37,000 town and township hospitals and 653,000 village clinics, with a total of 1.234 million beds. The state has also carried out a project to send 10,000 doctors to support rural medical work. From 2009 to 2011 over 1,100 Grade-A hospitals in cities gave assistance to 955 county hospitals, and medical institutions above Grade B in cities in central and western China gave assistance to over 3,600 town and township hospitals every year. By the end of 2012 the basic drug system had gained a full coverage, with all grassroots government-run medical and health institutions supplying essential medicines without adding a surcharge for the resale of the drugs. This system is now being extended to the village clinics and non-government medical and health institutions.
公民受教育权利进一步得到保障。出台《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》。2010年以来,政府教育投入快速增长。全国公共财政教育支出从2010年的12550亿元增加到2012年的21165亿元。新增教育经费主要用于农村,中央财政共安排农村义务教育经费保障资金达2465亿元。国家相继实施了全国中小学校舍安全工程、农村义务教育薄弱学校改造计划等项目。国家建立了家庭经济困难学生资助体系,实现从学前教育到研究生阶段各个阶段全覆盖,每年资助资金近1000亿元,资助学生近8000万人次。到2012年,约有1.2亿农村义务教育学生享受免除学杂费和免费教科书政策,1300多万农村家庭经济困难寄宿生享受生活补助。国家启动实施农村义务教育学生营养改善计划,到2012年底中央财政安排专项资金191亿元,惠及近3000万学生。2010年以来,中央财政累计投入297亿元支持上万所学校新建或改造学生宿舍、食堂等生活设施。全国所有的县均实现了普及九年义务教育,人口覆盖率达到100%,惠及1.6亿学生。2012年,九年义务教育巩固率达91.8%,15岁以上人口平均受教育年限达到9年以上,超过世界平均水平;高中阶段教育毛入学率达到85%,与发达国家平均水平持平;高等教育毛入学率达30%,在学总规模达到3325.21万人,位居世界第一。普通高校招生报名人数达到922万,录取人数达到691万,全国平均录取率达到75%;全国共有各级各类民办学校(教育机构)13.99万所,在校生达3911.01万人。全国现有1393.87万进城务工人员随迁子女在城市接受义务教育,占义务教育阶段学生总数的9.7%,其中80.2%在公办学校就读。民族地方已形成从幼儿教育到高等教育的完整教育体系,少数民族人口的受教育年限显著提高。到2012年底,全国各级各类学校中少数民族在校学生总数为2384.48万人,占学生总数的9.27%。义务教育学校少数民族在校生数达到1515.46万人,普通中学少数民族在校生占全国普通中学在校生总数的9.39%,普通小学少数民族在校生占全国普通小学在校生总数的10.7%。 Citizens' right to education is further protected. The state has promulgated the Outline of the State Medium- and Long-term Program on Education Reform and Development (2010-2020). Since 2010 the government spending on education has been increasing rapidly. The expenditure from public finance on education increased from 1.255 trillion yuan in 2010 to 2.1165 trillion yuan in 2012. The newly added educational expenditure goes mainly to the rural areas, with 246.5 billion yuan for rural compulsory education from the central budget. The state has successively put into force a program to ensure safety of all primary and secondary school buildings across the country and a program to upgrade rural schools with poor compulsory education conditions. The state has put in place a system of assistance to students with financial difficulties, covering every schooling stage from preschool to postgraduate education, with subsidies close to 100 billion yuan every year, benefiting about 80 million students. By 2012 about 120 million rural students receiving compulsory education benefited from exemption of all tuition and miscellaneous fees as well as free textbooks, and over 13 million rural boarders from poor families received subsidies. The state has also launched a nutrition-improvement plan for rural students receiving compulsory education. By the end of 2012 the central finance allocated a special fund of 19.1 billion yuan for the plan, benefiting about 30 million students. Since 2010 the central government has invested a total of 29.7 billion yuan to support more than 10,000 schools in building or renovating facilities such as student dormitories and dining halls. The nine-year compulsory education has been implemented in all counties in China, covering all the population and benefiting 160 million students. In 2012 the number of students graduating from primary and middle schools reached 91.8 percent of the total enrollment, and the average years of schooling for people above 15 reached over nine years, surpassing the world average level; the gross enrollment ratio of senior high schools was 85 percent, equivalent to the average level of developed countries; and the higher education gross enrollment ratio was 30 percent, with the on-campus student population reaching 33.2521 million, ranking first in the world. The number of students applying for admission into universities and colleges was 9.22 million and 6.91 million were admitted, with the national average admission rate standing at 75 percent. There are altogether 139,900 non-state-run schools (educational institutions) at different levels, with an on-campus student population of 39.1101 million. There are 13.9387 million children of rural migrant workers receiving compulsory education in cities, accounting for 9.7 percent of all the students who are receiving compulsory education, and 80.2 percent of them attend government-run schools. Different kinds of complete educational systems from preschool education to higher education have been established in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities in compact communities, and the schooling years of ethnic minorities have been markedly increased. By the end of 2012, the total number of on-campus ethnic-minority students at all levels had reached 23.8448 million, 9.27 percent of the national student population. There are 15.1546 million ethnic-minority students receiving compulsory education, with those receiving secondary education accounting for 9.39 percent of the national total and those receiving elementary education accounting for 10.7 percent of the national total.
妇女儿童权利得到更好保障。2010年以来,国家不断完善保障妇女儿童权利的法律政策。新修改的全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会选举法、村民委员会组织法、女职工劳动保护特别规定以及新制定的社会保险法,重视提高妇女参政比例、推进生育保险以及为女职工创造健康安全的工作环境。国家“十二五”规划纲要专门增加了“促进妇女全面发展”和“保障儿童优先发展”两个专节。2011年,中国政府颁布了《中国妇女发展纲要(2011-2020年)》和《中国儿童发展纲要(2011-2020年)》,进一步落实男女平等基本国策和儿童优先原则。《中国反对拐卖妇女儿童行动计划(2008-2012年)》和《关于依法惩治拐卖妇女儿童犯罪的意见》的实施,进一步加大了对妇女儿童人身权利的司法保护力度。妇女健康水平进一步提高,妇女人均预期寿命进一步延长。2010年妇女平均预期寿命达到77.37岁,比男性高4.99岁,比2000年提高4.04岁。就业规模进一步扩大。2011年全国城乡妇女就业人数达到35153万人,全社会就业人员中女性比重始终保持在46%左右。妇女享有社会保障的程度普遍提高,城镇职工生育保险覆盖率达到95%。妇女参政水平不断提高,社会参与意识进一步增强。截至2011年底,全国省、市、县政府领导班子配有女干部的比例分别达到83.9%、86.5%和89.8%。儿童健康状况持续改善。婴儿死亡率及5岁以下儿童死亡率持续下降,2012年,婴儿死亡率为10.3‰,5岁以下儿童死亡率为13.2‰,提前实现联合国千年发展目标。实施国家免疫规划,免费接种疫苗的种类已从5苗预防7种疾病扩大到14苗预防15种疾病。儿童受教育权利得到了充分保障。2011年,学前三年毛入学率、小学学龄儿童净入学率、初中阶段毛入学率分别达到62.3%、99.8%和100.1%,流动儿童、残疾儿童的受教育权利得到基本保障。孤儿、贫困家庭儿童、流浪儿童、受艾滋病影响儿童等弱势儿童群体各项权利基本得到保障,并得到更多的关怀和救助。 Children and women's rights are better protected. Since 2010 the state has constantly improved laws and policies on the protection of children and women's rights. The newly amended Electoral Law of the People's Republic of China on the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses, Organizational Law of Villagers' Committees, Regulations Concerning the Labor Protection of Female Staff and Workers and the newly formulated Social Insurance Law all pay high attention to the increase of female representativeness in politics, the promotion of maternity insurance and the creation of a safe and healthy working environment for female employees. The outline of the 12th Five-year Plan specially added two sections, i.e., "promoting women's development in an all-round way" and "giving priority to children's development." In 2011 the Chinese government issued the Outline Program for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020) and Outline Program for the Development of Children (2011-2020), to further implement the basic national policy of equality between men and women, and the principle of giving priority to children. The implementation of the National Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking of Women and Children (2008-2012) and the Opinions on Punishing the Crimes of Abducting and Trafficking in Women and Children further strengthened the legal protection of women and children's rights. Women's health keeps improving and their average life expectancy has been further extended. In 2010 the average life expectancy of women was 77.37 years, 4.99 years longer than men, and an increase of 4.04 years over that of 2000. Women have more job opportunities. In 2011 the number of women who were employed reached 351.53 million across the country, and over the years women account for about 46 percent of all employees. Generally, women are having wider access to social security, and the coverage of maternity insurance for urban female workers is 95 percent. Women's representativeness in politics is increasing, and their awareness of social participation is growing. At the end of 2011, there were females in 83.9 percent, 86.5 percent and 89.8 percent of the leading bodies at the provincial, city (prefectural) and county levels, respectively. Children's health is also improving. The infant mortality and mortality of children under five years old both keep declining. In 2012 the infant mortality was 1.03%, and the mortality of children under five years old was 1.32%, respectively, realizing one of the UN Millennium Development Goals ahead of schedule. The state is implementing an immunization program, and the free vaccination has been expanded from seven diseases prevented by five vaccines to 15 diseases prevented by 14 vaccines. Children's right to education is fully guaranteed. In 2011 the gross enrollment rate of kindergartens, net enrollment rate of elementary schools and gross enrollment rate of middle schools were 62.3 percent, 99.8 percent and 100.1 percent, respectively. The right of children with migrant families and disabled children to education is basically protected. The rights of vulnerable groups of children such as orphans, impoverished children, waifs and HIV-infected children are basically protected, and they are getting more care and assistance.
残疾人社会保障体系和服务体系不断完善。2010年3月,国务院办公厅转发了《关于加快推进残疾人社会保障体系和服务体系建设的指导意见》。中央财政安排的“十二五”残疾人事业发展资金总量比“十一五”增长近4倍。2012年,在全国2794个区县开展社区康复,通过实施一批重点康复工程,760.2万残疾人得到不同程度的康复;1.5万名残疾儿童得到国家和地方各级学前教育资助;为29.9万人次城镇残疾人提供职业培训;资助14.1万户贫困残疾人家庭进行无障碍改造;各级法律援助和救助机构为残疾人提供法律服务近10万人次;239.1万和36.3万符合条件的城乡残疾人分别享受到稳定的生活补贴和护理补贴;为55.4万残疾人发放了残疾人机动轮椅车燃油补贴。截至2012年底,城乡1070.5万残疾人纳入最低生活保障范围,残疾人低保家庭救助水平得到提高;280.9万城镇残疾职工参加了各类社会保险。全国已建立残疾人寄宿制托养服务机构和日间照料机构7275个,以机构和居家托养等多种形式为74.7万名残疾人提供托养服务。开展残疾人文化周、健身周、“残疾人文化进社区”等各项活动,残疾人文化体育生活更加丰富活跃。汇集社会资源制定信息无障碍标准。开通“中国残疾人服务网”,在资讯、就业、康复、救助等领域提供无障碍网上服务。 Social security and service system for the disabled keeps improving. In March 2010 the General Office of the State Council forwarded the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Building of a Social Security and Service System for the Disabled. The development fund for the disabled earmarked by the central budget during the 12th Five-year Plan period is about four times that in the 11th Five-year Plan period. In 2012 the state carried out community-based rehabilitation services in 2,794 counties and districts nationwide, and helped 7.602 million disabled people become rehabilitated to various degrees through the implementation of key rehabilitation programs; 15,000 disabled children received preschool education funds from central and local governments; the state offered vocational training for 299,000 disabled people in cities and towns, and subsidized 141,000 impoverished households with at least one disabled member each to build barrier-free facilities. Legal aid and relief agencies at different levels provided legal services for 100,000 disabled people, and 2.391 million disabled people from urban areas and 363,000 disabled people from rural areas had been granted life allowances and home-care subsidies steadily. The state had granted fuel subsidies for the motor wheelchairs of 554,000 disabled people. By the end of 2012, some 10.705 million disabled people had been deemed eligible for subsistence allowances, with the assistance level for their families improving. Some 2.809 million disabled workers in towns and cities had been covered by various social insurance policies. Nationwide, 7,275 boarding homes and day-care centers for the disabled have been set up, providing services for 747,000 disabled people. Various activities such as culture weeks, fitness weeks and community culture shows have been organized for the disabled to enrich their cultural and sports lives. Social resources are pooled to create barrier-free standards for information accessibility. A website to serve the disabled (www.cdpsn.org.cn) provides barrier-free online services for them to search for information on news, employment,rehabilitation, assistance, etc.
社会组织在促进人权事业发展中发挥积极作用。近年来,中国各类社会组织健康有序发展,维护和促进人权事业发展的积极作用进一步显现。截至2012年底,全国依法登记的社会组织有49.2万个,其中社会团体26.8万个,民办非企业单位22.1万个,基金会2961个。全国社会组织数量较2009年底的43.1万个增长14.2%;其中基金会较2009年底的1843个增长60.7%。每万人拥有社会组织数量由2009年底的3.2个提高到3.7个。全国性社团已经在152个国际组织中担任领导职务,在25个国际组织中担任专门委员会领导职务,在92个国际组织中担任理事。广大社会组织发挥其优势,在教育科技、文化卫生、社会管理、社会福利、慈善公益等方面发挥了重要作用。据不完全统计,全国6万多个行业协会联系会员2000多万家(含个体工商户),447364个基层老年协会覆盖了广大城市社区和农村,有1.1亿老年人参与。4万多个学术社团联系专家学者500多万人,4万多个农村专业经济协会联系农户1000多万个,各类职业性社会组织的会员超过1亿人。2012年社会组织吸引、凝聚了2500多万名志愿者活跃在公益慈善领域。 Social organizations are playing a positive role in promoting the cause of human rights in China. In recent years social organizations are developing in a healthy and orderly way, demonstrating their further positive role in safeguarding and promoting the cause of human rights. By the end of 2012, there were 492,000 social organizations registered in accordance with the law, among which 268,000 were social groups, 221,000 were NGOs and 2,961 were foundations. The number of social organizations across the country had increased by 14.2 percent from 431,000 at the end of 2009; and the number of foundations had increased by 60.7 percent from 1,843 in 2009. The number of social organizations for every 10,000 people has increased from 3.2 in 2009 to 3.7 now. Representatives of national associations in China have taken leading posts in 152 international organizations, and became heads of special committees of 25 international organizations and directors of 92 international organizations. Making full use of their advantages, these social organizations are playing an important role in education, science and technology, culture, public health, social management, social welfare and charity work. According to incomplete statistics, over 60,000 industry associations nationwide have more than 20 million members (including individual business owners), 447,364 grassroots senior citizens associations cover the vast urban and rural communities, with 110 million members. Over 40,000 academic societies have kept regular touch with over 5 million experts and scholars, and over 40,000 rural special economic associations are responsible for contacting over 10 million households. There are over 100 million members of various professional associations. In 2012 China's social organizations attracted over 25 million volunteers to participate in charity work.
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