
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国网  2013-12-04

12月2日,国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂与英国首相卡梅伦举行中国新一届政府成立后的首次中英总理年度会晤。会谈前,李克强在人民大会堂北大厅为卡梅伦举行欢迎仪式。[新华社 王晔 摄]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held an official welcoming ceremony for visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing December 2, 2013. British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday morning arrived in Beijing for a three-day official visit to China. [Xinhua]
12月2日,国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂与英国首相卡梅伦举行中国新一届政府成立后的首次中英总理年度会晤。会谈前,李克强在人民大会堂北大厅为卡梅伦举行欢迎仪式。[新华社 王晔 摄]
UK and China's long-term relationship: UK Prime Minister's speech 英国首相致辞:英中长期友好关系 
David Cameron's speech on the UK trade mission to China. It covers trade, investment and shared global challenges. 戴维·卡梅伦就英国贸易代表团访华发表演讲。内容涵盖贸易、投资以及共同面对的全球性挑战。
Well, thank you very much, Premier Li, and thank you for what you said about our relationship becoming more strategic, becoming more significant, for operating at a higher speed and getting to a higher level. And also what you said about our partnership being one that is indispensable for both of us; I appreciate those words and I agree with every one of them. 非常感谢李克强总理的讲话,感谢您对双方日益重要的、快速发展并达到更高水平的战略性伙伴关系,以及我们之间牢不可分的友谊的高度评价;感谢您的美言,对此我非常认同。
And it's good to meet again on my first visit to China since you became Premier, and at such an important time as you embark on the next decade of reform. I enjoyed our meeting in Downing Street in 2011. We've had similarly warm and productive discussions today, and I'm looking forward to visiting the National Museum together with you later on. 很高兴能在李总理就任之后访问中国并与您会晤,此时适逢您着手开始中国未来十年改革之旅的重要时刻。2011年我们在唐宁街的那次会谈很愉快。我们今天的会谈同样热情且卓有成效,接下来我期待着与您一起参观国家博物馆。
China's transformation is one of the defining facts of our lifetime. The pace and the scale of economic development and urbanisation dwarfs the British Industrial Revolution 2 centuries ago. And let me say something about the relationship between our 2 countries: I see China's rise as an opportunity not just for the people of this country, but for Britain and for the world. Britain wants China to realise its dream, and I believe we can help each other succeed in the global race. 中国的巨变是我们这个时代中不争的事实,其经济发展和城市化进程让两个世纪前的英国工业革命显得相形见绌。我来说说我们两国的关系:我把中国的崛起不仅仅看成给中国人带来的机遇,同样也是给英国和全世界人民带来的机遇。英国希望中国实现梦想,我相信我们能在全球竞争中相互帮助,实现双赢。
Some, in Europe and elsewhere, see the world changing and want to shut China off behind a bamboo curtain of trade barriers. Britain wants to tear those trade barriers down. I believe, as I said to Premier Li just now, the way forward for Britain and China is more openness and dialogue, delivering mutual benefits for people here and back at home. 欧洲和其他地方的一些人在看到了这种变化后,想利用贸易壁垒措施把中国拒之门外。英国希望打破贸易的藩篱。正如刚才我对李总理所讲的,我相信更加开放、彼此对话以及共同造福于两国人民才是英中两国共同的出路所在。
An open Britain is the ideal partner for an opening China. Britain is a leading advocate of open trade in the European Union, and together with China at the WTO and the G20. We should go further, and I've said to Premier Li that I will champion an EU-China trade deal with as much determination as I am championing the EU-US trade deal. No country in the world is more open to Chinese investment than the United Kingdom, and we are proud of the Chinese investment in our energy sector, in our airports, and proud of London's role as a renminbi trading hub. 一个开放的英国是同样持开放态度的中国的理想合作伙伴。英国是欧盟中自由贸易的倡导者,并和中国一起在世贸组织和20国集团中发挥作用。不仅如此,正像我刚才对李总理所讲,我们应该采取进一步措施坚决支持中国与欧盟签署贸易协定,就像我支持欧盟与美国签署贸易协定一样。世界上没有哪个国家能像英国这样对中国敞开投资大门。我对中国投资我们的能源领域、机场感到骄傲,同时也为英国承担人民币贸易中心的角色感到自豪。
This is a defining moment for China as it sets its course for the next 10 years. I believe it is also the right moment to shift our relationship up a gear. That is why I brought 6 senior ministers with me on this visit. That is why we are visiting 3 cities to understand this vast country better, and to help China understand Britain too. That is why we'll open a new consulate in Wuhan, our first in Central China. 这是中国决定其未来10年中改革方向的关键时刻。我相信也是加强我们两国双边关系的最佳时机。这是我带领6位高级部长访华的原因,也是我们访问贵国3个城市希望加强对中国的了解同时也帮助你们了解英国的原因,同样也是我们即将在中国的中部地区武汉开设领事馆的原因。
Premier Li and I focussed on 2 specific dimensions of our relationship. First: how do we get more from the partnership for growth that Premier Wen and I agreed during my last visit? Our economic relationship is accelerating, with exports up by almost 20% in the first half of this year. As China expands and hundreds of millions of Chinese become richer, they will want the products in which Britain excels – Jaguar Land Rover cars, Burberry fashion, top quality entertainment including television and film. And we're proving that we’re well-matched economic partners with the business deals being done today, from Jaguar Land Rover’s £4.5 billion of new sales, to small companies like Modern Water, whose pioneering technology has landed contracts worth an anticipated £20 million, to one of Britain’s best museums, the V&A, undertaking to develop a new museum in Shenzhen. 李总理和我本人同时关注我们双边关系中两个具体层面。首先:如何从上一次我访华时和温总理达成的共同发展伙伴关系中获得更大的收益?我们经济关系正在不断加速发展,今年上半年出口增长了将近20%。随着中国的发展有上亿的中国人变得富有起来,他们希望购买英国高档产品——捷豹·路虎汽车、巴宝莉时装、高质量的娱乐产品包括电视和电影作品等。从捷豹·路虎汽车45亿英镑的最新销售额到“Modern Water”这样的小企业用其先进技术签署了价值2千万英镑的合同,再到英国最好的博物馆之一“V&A”正准备在深圳开设新馆,这些都证明了我们是最符合中国需要的名符其实的商业伙伴。
As governments we're building the environment for our businesses to flourish in the long-term, with new agreements on investments and patents, a new £200 million joint research fund, as the Premier has mentioned, which will boost innovation, and a digital alliance which could unleash £2 billion of investment. 作为政府机构,我们正为我们企业长期繁荣发展创造良好的环境,包括与中国签署的一项价值2亿英镑的联合研究基金支持的新的投资和专利协议。正如李总理所提到的,这项协议必将促进创新力,加强数字科技联盟并引进20亿英镑的投资。
Second, we agreed on the importance of broadening our relationship beyond trade and working together to tackle the 21st century challenges, like the new treaty signed today to strengthen our ability to tackle cross-border crime. We’re also working together on global challenges, whether it is nuclear negotiations with Iran or joint work on trade and investment to lift African countries out of poverty. We both want an ambitious WTO deal in Bali this week, and we have agreed to share expertise and strengthen peacekeeping missions in Africa. 其次,我们同意将我们的伙伴关系扩大到贸易范围以外,共同面对21世纪的挑战,如最新签署的加强打击跨边境犯罪协议。无论是伊朗核谈判还是加强与非洲的贸易和投资使其摆脱贫困问题,我们在这些全球性问题方面同样展开了合作。我们都期待本周在巴厘岛召开的世贸会议上能达成一项更加大胆的协议,我们同意分享专业技术并加强在非洲的维和行动。
Ultimately, the best way to cement this long-lasting relationship is to strengthen links between our communities and between our peoples. I'm delighted that more and more Chinese people are visiting Britain as tourists each year and that over 100,000 of your young people study in our country. Next year's round of our People-To-People Dialogue, led by Jeremy Hunt and Vice-Premier Liu Yandong, will further strengthen our ties. 最后,巩固这种长期友好关系的最佳方法是加强两国社会和人文交往。我很高兴越来越多的中国人每年到英国来旅游以及超过10万中国青年在英国留学。明年由杰里米·亨特和刘延东副总理主持的“人文交流机制”将进一步巩固英中关系的发展。
A consistent theme in our discussions has been reform as a driver of growth. I welcome the Plenum's comprehensive vision for reform, including issues like governance and the judicial protection of human rights, and recognising that all types of reform are inextricably linked. I believe we can learn from one another as we rise to the challenges ahead: building sustainable cities; equipping our children with the skills they need to succeed; meeting the healthcare needs of an aging population. 改革作为发展的原动力是我们会谈的一贯主题。我对中国三中全会所提出的全面改革愿景表示欢迎,包括行政管理、对人权的司法保护以及承认所有形式的改革都存在着不可分割的联系。我相信在应对未来挑战面前我们能够相互借鉴,如建立可持续性发展的城市;为孩子们提供其成功所需的技能教育;满足老年人的医疗保健需求。
Of course, the full range of reform challenges should be part of our discussions, including those issues where we have differences. We should approach these with mutual respect and understanding, as we did today, and I welcome our agreement to hold the next human rights dialogue early next year. 当然,全面改革所带来的挑战是我们讨论的内容,其中包括我们之间存在分歧的问题。我们应以今天这样相互理解相互尊重的态度面对问题,我对英中两国就明年初开展人权对话达成协议表示欢迎。
Premier Li, thank you for your hospitality today. Confucius once said, "If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of 10 years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people." I believe these are wise words, and ones that we should both follow. Thank you. 感谢李总理今天的盛情款待。孔子有云:“一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;百年之计,莫如树人。”我相信我们都能践行这一至理名言。谢谢。


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