11月15日,二十国集团领导人第九次峰会在澳大利亚布里斯班举行。澳大利亚总理阿博特迎接习近平主席(右)。[新华社 丁林 摄] Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) is welcomed by Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott at the 9th Group of 20 (G20) Summit in Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 15, 2014. [Ding Lin/Xinhua] |
澳大利亚,这片神奇的大陆,有着优美独特的风光、蓬勃发展的经济、富于活力的人民、多元共生的文化,深深吸引着世界的目光。 | The magnificent land of Australia has attracted worldwide attention with its exotic, charming landscape, dynamic economy, vibrant people and diversified culture. |
自1988年以来,我已经4次访问澳大利亚。每次访问都让我耳目一新,也让我深深感受到中澳两国人民的深厚友谊。我期待着第五次踏上这片土地,对澳大利亚进行国事访问,并出席在布里斯班举行的二十国集团领导人第九次峰会。 | I have visited Australia four times since 1988. Each time left me with a new understanding of the country and a deep impression of the profound friendship between the Chinese and Australian people. I look forward to my fifth trip to this land during which I will pay a state visit to Australia and attend the ninth G20 summit, in Brisbane. |
“志合者,不以山海为远。”中国和澳大利亚虽然远隔重洋,但历史和现实的纽带将我们紧紧连在一起。建交42年来,中澳关系走过了不平凡的历程,两国成为好朋友和战略伙伴,两国人民从中受益良多。 | As a Chinese saying goes: "Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations." Despite the geographical distance between us, China and Australia have been closely linked by history and reality. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 42 years ago, our relations have traversed an extraordinary journey, making us good friends and strategic partners and bringing real benefits to our two peoples. |
中澳高层及各级别交往密切,政治互信不断加深。中澳建立了总理年度定期会晤机制,以及外交与战略对话、战略经济对话等30多对政府间磋商机制,议会、政党、军事交流活跃,在多边事务中保持良好沟通和协调。 | China and Australia have maintained close contacts at both the top and other levels and deepened mutual trust. We have established over 30 inter-governmental consultation mechanisms, including the annual meeting between our prime ministers, the foreign and strategic dialogue and strategic economic dialogue. There have been active exchanges between our legislatures, political parties and militaries, and we have maintained good communication and co-ordination on multilateral issues. |
中澳经贸等务实合作成果丰硕,利益交融不断加深。42年来,中澳双边贸易规模扩大了1500多倍。中国是澳大利亚第一大贸易伙伴、第一大出口市场、第一大进口来源地。中国每进口100吨铁矿石,就有54吨来自澳大利亚。澳大利亚出口每收入3澳元,就有1澳元来自中国。澳大利亚的优质乳、肉制品、葡萄酒也越来越多地摆上中国民众的餐桌。 | China and Australia have achieved fruitful results in practical business co-operation and deepened converging interests. Bilateral trade has expanded 1500-fold in the past 42 years. China is now Australia's largest trading partner, export market and source of imports. For every 100 tonnes of iron ore imported to China, 54 tonnes come from Australia. For every three dollars Australia earns from export, one dollar comes from China. Meanwhile, the premium dairy, meat and wine products of Australia are increasingly served at the dining tables of Chinese households. |
中澳人文交流蓬勃发展,友好情谊不断加深。中澳成功互办文化年,“澳大利亚热”和“中国热”在两国持续升温。中国是澳大利亚第一大旅游收入来源国,澳大利亚稳居中国第二大海外留学目的地。2013年两国人员往来突破150万人次,超过20万中国学子在澳大利亚求学。 | China and Australia have engaged in vibrant people-to-people exchanges and deepened bilateral friendship. The two countries have successfully held in each other's side the year of culture, which has fostered growing "Australia zeal" in China and "China zeal" in Australia. China is the largest source of tourist receipts for Australia while Australia is the second-largest destination of outbound Chinese students. In 2013 the mutual visits between our two countries exceeded 1.5 million, and more than 200,000 Chinese students are studying in Australia. |
在中澳关系发展进程中,留下了许多两国友好交往的佳话。1991年,被誉为“光明使者”的澳大利亚眼科大夫格拉翰姆访问中国,为多名眼疾患者进行手术,使他们重见光明。2009年和2013年,当澳大利亚维多利亚州、新南威尔士州等地遭受严重山林火灾时,中方迅速向澳方提供火场卫星数据,向救灾行动施以援手。正是两国人民在交往中奏响了一个又一个的动人音符,才汇聚成今天中澳友好的华彩乐章。 | The growing China-Australia relations have offered us many widely told stories. The Australian eye specialist Peter Graham, known as a "Lightbringer", visited China in 1991, during which he performed operations for several patients with eye disease and restored their eye sight. In 2009 and 2013 when Victoria and New South Wales of Australia were hit by severe bush fires, the Chinese side lent a helping hand by providing prompt satellite data about the fires. It is with these heartwarming notes our people have struck in their exchanges that we have composed a splendid movement about China-Australia friendship. |
“求木之长者,必固其根本;欲流之远者,必浚其泉源。”中澳分别地处北半球和南半球,分属东西方文化,两国关系能达到今天的高度,最重要的经验是双方遵循相互尊重和平等互利的原则,以对话增进互信,以合作实现共赢,以交流筑牢友谊。这是中澳关系发展的正道,经过了历史检验,更得到了两国民众认可。 | As an ancient Chinese philosopher wrote, "A tree has to strike a firm root before it can flourish. A river has to have a fully dredged source before it can flow unceasingly far." The most important reason that China and Australia, an Eastern culture in the Northern Hemisphere and a Western culture in the Southern, have been able to bring bilateral relations to the current height is that they have followed the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, promoted mutual trust through dialogue, sought win-win progress through co-operation and cemented friendship through exchanges. This is proven to be the right path for the development of China-Australia relations, which has withstood the test of history and won the support of the people. |
当前,中国正在全面深化改革和扩大开放、全面推进依法治国,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈努力。澳大利亚同样在加快经济结构调整和产业升级,建设更加强大繁荣的国家。在国际和地区问题上,两国交集持续扩大,共识不断增加。可以说,中澳合作内生动力充足,战略意涵突出,现实基础深厚,发展前景广阔。 | At the current stage, China is comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, promoting rule of law on all fronts and making relentless efforts to achieve the "two centenary goals" (i.e. doubling our GDP and per capita urban and rural income of 2010 and completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all aspects by 2020, and turning China into a harmonious modern socialist country that is strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced by the middle of the century) and the Chinese dream of great renewal of the Chinese nation. Likewise, Australia is speeding up economic restructuring and industrial upgrading to build a stronger and more prosperous country. On international and regional issues, our two countries have increasingly broader common ground and common understanding. Suffice it to say that with strong internal strength for growth, great strategic significance and a solid foundation, China-Australia co-operation will enjoy an even brighter prospect. |
我期待通过这次访问,同澳大利亚领导人以及各界朋友深入交流,挖掘合作潜力,厚植友好情谊,携手开启中澳关系更加精彩的新篇章。 | I look forward to having an in-depth exchange of views with the Australian leaders and friends of all sectors during my forthcoming visit, to further tap into our co-operation potential, deepen friendship and jointly write a more splendid new chapter in China-Australia relations. |
我们要增进相互理解,巩固互信纽带。中澳增进互信,要做到和而不同、求同存异,为不同文化传统、政治制度、发展阶段国家间和平共处和合作共赢作出表率。 | We need to enhance mutual understanding to reinforce the bond of mutual trust. To enhance mutual trust, we must live in harmony without seeking uniformity and pursue common ground while reserving differences, thus setting a good example of peaceful coexistence and win-win co-operation between countries of different cultural traditions, political systems and stages of development. |
我们要深化务实合作,巩固利益纽带。中澳要充分发挥经济互补优势,开拓双方在能源资源等传统领域合作新局面,打造金融、基础设施、农牧业等新的合作增长点,以更好服务于两国各自发展和民生改善。 | We need to deepen practical co-operation to reinforce the bond of common interests. While striving to break new grounds in our traditional areas of co-operation like energy and resources, we should work to create new stimulus of growth in bilateral co-operation in finance, infrastructure development, agriculture and animal husbandry by bringing into full play our economic complementarity. This way, we can better facilitate our respective effort to grow economy and improve people's livelihood. |
我们要鼓励民间交流,巩固人文纽带。要不断扩大两国教育、文化、旅游、青年等领域交流合作,讲好中国故事和澳大利亚故事,让中澳友好扎根两国人民心间。 | We need to encourage people-to-people exchanges to reinforce the cultural bond between our people. It is important to expand exchanges and co-operation in education, culture, tourism, between the youth, and tell the China story and Australia story well so that the China-Australia friendship will take root deep in the hearts of our people. |
我们要加强战略沟通,巩固多边合作纽带。中方愿同澳方一道,加强在国际和地区机制中的沟通和协调,携手应对各种传统和非传统安全问题,共同维护和促进亚太地区乃至世界的和平与繁荣。 | We need to step up strategic communication to reinforce the bond of multilateral co-operation. The Chinese side stands ready to work with the Australian side to strengthen communication and co-ordination in international and regional mechanisms, and deal with traditional and non-traditional security issues of all kinds to jointly safeguard and promote peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. |
我这次访问澳大利亚还有一个重要日程就是出席在布里斯班举行的二十国集团领导人第九次峰会。 | An important agenda item for my visit to Australia is to attend the ninth G20 Summit to be held in Brisbane. |
这个11月,中国和澳大利亚都是国际社会关注的焦点。在亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议期间,中国同澳大利亚及其他成员经济体一道,围绕“共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系”主题,在推动区域经济一体化,促进经济创新发展、改革、增长,加强全方位基础设施和互联互通建设等方面取得积极成果。 | Like Australia, China has also been in the international spotlight this November, as we have hosted the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. China will work in concert with Australia and other APEC member economies to discuss ways to "shape the future through Asia-Pacific partnership", the theme of the meeting, and achieve positive outcomes in pushing forward regional economic integration, promoting innovative development, economic reform and growth, and strengthening infrastructure and connectivity building in all aspects. |
我期待着继续延续中澳合作良好势头,同阿博特总理和其他二十国集团成员国领导人一道,制定二十国集团全面增长战略,通过经济改革、基础设施投资、建设开放型世界经济等举措,挖掘新的增长点,推动世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。 | I look forward to building on the good momentum of co-operation between China and Australia, and working with Prime Minister Tony Abbott and leaders of other G20 member countries to formulate a comprehensive G20 growth strategy, develop new areas of growth through economic reform, investment in infrastructure and building an open world economy, to promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy. |
11月的南半球阳光遍洒,澳大利亚大陆处处焕发勃勃生机。中澳友好合作已经踏上了新的征程。只要我们携手并肩、加倍努力,中澳关系未来必将更加精彩可期! | Bathing in the pervasive sunshine in the Southern Hemisphere of November, the Australian continent is brimming with vigour and vitality. China-Australia friendship and co-operation has embarked on a new journey. So long as we work hand-in-hand and redouble our efforts, our relations will surely embrace an even brighter future. |
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