中美气候变化联合声明 |
China-US Joint Announcement on Climate Change |
一、中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国在应对全球气候变化这一人类面临的最大威胁上具有重要作用。该挑战的严重性需要中美双方为了共同利益建设性地一起努力。 | 1. The People's Republic of China and the United States of America have a critical role to play in combating global climate change, one of the greatest threats facing humanity. The seriousness of the challenge calls upon the two sides to work constructively together for the common good. |
二、为此,中国国家主席习近平和美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马重申加强气候变化双边合作的重要性,并将携手与其他国家一道努力,以便在2015年联合国巴黎气候大会上达成在公约下适用于所有缔约方的一项议定书、其他法律文书或具有法律效力的议定成果。双方致力于达成富有雄心的2015年协议,体现共同但有区别的责任和各自能力原则,考虑到各国不同国情。 | 2. To this end, President Xi Jinping and President Barack Obama reaffirmed the importance of strengthening bilateral cooperation on climate change and will work together, and with other countries, to adopt a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all Parties at the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris in 2015. They are committed to reaching an ambitious 2015 agreement that reflects the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances. |
三、今天,中美两国元首宣布了两国各自2020年后应对气候变化行动,认识到这些行动是向低碳经济转型长期努力的组成部分并考虑到2℃全球温升目标。美国计划于2025年实现在2005年基础上减排26%-28%的全经济范围减排目标并将努力减排28%。中国计划2030年左右二氧化碳排放达到峰值且将努力早日达峰,并计划到2030年非化石能源占一次能源消费比重提高到20%左右。双方均计划继续努力并随时间而提高力度。 | 3. Today, the Presidents of China and the United States announced their respective post-2020 actions on climate change, recognizing that these actions are part of the longer range effort to transition to low-carbon economies, mindful of the global temperature goal of 2℃. The United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%. China intends to achieve the peaking of CO2 emissions around 2030 and to make best efforts to peak early and intends to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20% by 2030. Both sides intend to continue to work to increase ambition over time. |
四、中美两国希望,现在宣布上述目标能够为全球气候谈判注入动力,并带动其他国家也一道尽快并最好是2015年第一季度提出有力度的行动目标。两国元首决定来年紧密合作,解决妨碍巴黎会议达成一项成功的全球气候协议的重大问题。 | 4. China and the United States hope that by announcing these targets now, they can inject momentum into the global climate negotiations and inspire other countries to join in coming forward with ambitious actions as soon as possible, preferably by the first quarter of 2015. The two Presidents resolved to work closely together over the next year to address major impediments to reaching a successful global climate agreement in Paris. |
五、全球科学界明确提出,人类活动已在改变世界气候系统。日益加速的气候变化已经造成严重影响。更高的温度和极端天气事件正在损害粮食生产,日益升高的海平面和更具破坏性的风暴使我们沿海城市面临的危险加剧,并且气候变化的影响已在对包括中美两国在内的世界经济造成危害。这些情况迫切需要强化行动以应对气候挑战。 | 5. The global scientific community has made clear that human activity is already changing the world's climate system. Accelerating climate change has caused serious impacts. Higher temperatures and extreme weather events are damaging food production, rising sea levels and more damaging storms are putting our coastal cities increasingly at risk and the impacts of climate change are already harming economies around the world, including those of China and the United States. These developments urgently require enhanced actions to tackle the challenge. |
六、与此同时,经济证据日益表明现在采取应对气候变化的智慧行动可以推动创新、提高经济增长并带来诸如可持续发展、增强能源安全、改善公共健康和提高生活质量等广泛效益。应对气候变化同时也将增强国家安全和国际安全。 | 6. At the same time, economic evidence makes increasingly clear that smart action on climate change now can drive innovation, strengthen economic growth and bring broad benefits – from sustainable development to increased energy security, improved public health and a better quality of life. Tackling climate change will also strengthen national and international security. |
七、技术创新对于降低当前减排技术成本至关重要,这将带动新的零碳和低碳技术发明和推广,并增强各国减排的能力。中国和美国是世界上两个最大的清洁能源投资国,并已建立了成熟的能源技术合作计划。除其他外,双方还开展了如下工作: | 7. Technological innovation is essential for reducing the cost of current mitigation technologies, leading to the invention and dissemination of new zero and low-carbon technologies and enhancing the capacity of countries to reduce their emissions. China and the United States are two of the world’s largest investors in clean energy and already have a robust program of energy technology cooperation. The two sides have, among other things: |
——建立了中美气候变化工作组(气候变化工作组),并在此工作组下启动了关于汽车、智能电网、碳捕集利用和封存、能效、温室气体数据管理、林业和工业锅炉的行动倡议; |
——同意就全球削减氢氟碳化物这种强效温室气体携手合作; |
——成立了中美清洁能源研究中心,促进双方在碳捕集和封存技术、建筑能效和清洁汽车方面的合作; |
——同意在二十国集团下就低效化石能源补贴进行联合同行审议。 |
八、双方计划继续加强政策对话和务实合作,包括在先进煤炭技术、核能、页岩气和可再生能源方面的合作,这将有助于两国优化能源结构并减少包括产生自煤炭的排放。为进一步支持落实两国富有雄心的气候目标,双方于今天宣布了通过现有途径特别是中美气候变化工作组、中美清洁能源研究中心和中美战略与经济对话加强和扩大两国合作的进一步措施。这些措施包括: | 8. The two sides intend to continue strengthening their policy dialogue and practical cooperation, including cooperation on advanced coal technologies, nuclear energy, shale gas and renewable energy, which will help optimize the energy mix and reduce emissions, including from coal, in both countries. To further support achieving their ambitious climate goals, today the two sides announced additional measures to strengthen and expand their cooperation, using the existing vehicles, in particular the China-U.S. Climate Change Working Group, the China-U.S. Clean Energy Research Center and the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue. These include: |
——扩大清洁能源联合研发:继续支持中美清洁能源研究中心,包括继续为建筑能效、清洁汽车和先进煤炭技术等三大现有研究领域提供资金支持,并开辟关于能源与水相联系的新研究领域; |
——推进碳捕集、利用和封存重大示范:经由中美两国主导的公私联营体在中国建立一个重大碳捕集新项目,以深入研究和监测利用工业排放二氧化碳进行碳封存,并就向深盐水层注入二氧化碳以获得淡水的提高采水率新试验项目进行合作; |
——加强关于氢氟碳化物的合作:以习主席与奥巴马总统在安纳伯格庄园就氢氟碳化物这种强效温室气体达成的历史性共识为基础,两国将在开始削减具有高全球增温潜势的氢氟碳化物方面加强双边合作,并按照两国元首于2013年9月6日圣彼得堡会晤所达成共识在多边框架下携手合作; |
——启动气候智慧型/低碳城市倡议:为了解决正在发展的城镇化和日益增大的城市温室气体排放,并认识到地方领导人采取重大气候行动的潜力,中美两国将在气候变化工作组下建立一个关于气候智慧型/低碳城市的新倡议。作为第一步,中美两国将召开一次气候智慧型/低碳城市峰会,届时两国在此领域领先的城市将分享其最佳实践、设立新的目标并展示城市层面在减少碳排放和构建适应能力方面的领导力; |
——推进绿色产品贸易:鼓励在可持续环境产品和清洁能源技术方面的双边贸易,包括由美国能源部长莫尼兹和商务部长普里茨克率领以智慧低碳城市和智慧低碳增长技术为主题的贸易代表团于2015年4月访华; |
——实地示范清洁能源:在建筑能效、锅炉效率、太阳能和智能电网方面开展更多试验活动、可行性研究和其他合作项目。 |
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