二、2015年工作总体部署 | II. The Plan for Work in 2015 |
我国是世界上最大的发展中国家,仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,发展是硬道理,是解决一切问题的基础和关键。化解各种矛盾和风险,跨越“中等收入陷阱”,实现现代化,根本要靠发展,发展必须有合理的增长速度。同时,我国经济发展进入新常态,正处在爬坡过坎的关口,体制机制弊端和结构性矛盾是“拦路虎”,不深化改革和调整经济结构,就难以实现平稳健康发展。我们必须毫不动摇坚持以经济建设为中心,切实抓好发展这个执政兴国第一要务。必须坚持不懈依靠改革推动科学发展,加快转变经济发展方式,实现有质量有效益可持续的发展。 | China is the largest developing country in the world; it is still in the primary stage of socialism, where it will remain for a long time to come. At this stage, development is of primary importance to China; it is both the basis for and the key to solving every problem we face. In order to defuse problems and risks, avoid falling into the "middle-income trap," and achieve modernization, China must rely on development, and development requires an appropriate growth rate. At the same time, China' s economic development has entered a new normal. Our country is in a crucial period during which challenges need to be overcome and problems need to be resolved. Systemic, institutional, and structural problems have become "tigers in the road" holding up development. Without deepening reform and making economic structural adjustments, we will have a difficult time sustaining steady and sound development. We must be adamant in pursuing economic development as our central task and make a thorough job of development as the top priority for ensuring the governance and revitalization of the country. We must continue to promote development in a sound and balanced way through reform and speed up the transformation of the growth model so as to achieve quality, efficient, and sustainable development. |
当前,世界经济正处于深度调整之中,复苏动力不足,地缘政治影响加重,不确定因素增多,推动增长、增加就业、调整结构成为国际社会共识。我国经济下行压力还在加大,发展中深层次矛盾凸显,今年面临的困难可能比去年还要大。同时,我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期,有巨大的潜力、韧性和回旋余地。新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化持续推进,发展基础日益雄厚,改革红利正在释放,宏观调控积累了丰富经验。我们必须增强忧患意识,坚定必胜信念,牢牢把握发展的主动权。 | At present, the world economy is undergoing profound adjustment, its recovery lacks drive, the influence of geopolitics is increasing, and there are a greater number of uncertainties at play. Promoting growth, creating jobs, and making structural adjustments have become common goals for the international community. With downward pressure on China' s economy building and deep-seated problems in development surfacing, the difficulties we are to encounter in the year ahead may be even more formidable than those of last year. On the other hand, China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity during which great progress can be made in development. Our country' s development has enormous potential and is hugely resilient, and we have ample room for growth. Steady progress is being made in the development of new types of industrialization, applications of information technologies, urbanization, and agricultural modernization; the foundation underpinning development is becoming stronger by the day; benefits of reform are being delivered as we speak; and we have gained much experience in conducting macro regulation. We must strengthen our awareness of latent problems while remaining fully confident and taking an active approach to development. |
新的一年是全面深化改革的关键之年,是全面推进依法治国的开局之年,也是稳增长调结构的紧要之年。政府工作的总体要求是:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中全会精神,贯彻落实习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,按照“四个全面”战略布局,主动适应和引领经济发展新常态,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,保持经济运行在合理区间,着力提高经济发展质量和效益,把转方式调结构放到更加重要位置,狠抓改革攻坚,突出创新驱动,强化风险防控,加强民生保障,处理好改革发展稳定关系,全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设,促进经济平稳健康发展和社会和谐稳定。 | This coming year will be crucial for comprehensively deepening reform, the first year for fully advancing the law-based governance of the country, and a critical year for ensuring steady growth and making structural adjustments. The overall requirements for the government' s work this year are as follows: -- hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics; -- follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development; -- comprehensively implement the guiding principles of the 18th National Party Congress and the third and fourth plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee; -- put into practice the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping' s major speeches; -- act in accordance with the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy;* -- actively adapt to and guide the new normal in China' s economic development; -- adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while keeping performance stable; -- ensure that the economy performs within an appropriate range; -- focus on strengthening the quality and benefits of economic development; -- give greater priority to transforming the growth model and making structural adjustments; -- tackle tough problems of reform head on; -- pursue innovation-driven development; -- strengthen risk prevention and control; -- strengthen safeguards for people' s standard of living; -- get the right balance between carrying out reform, pursuing development, and ensuring stability; -- promote all-round socialist economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement; and -- achieve steady and sound economic development and ensure social harmony and stability. Note: * The strategy is to make comprehensive moves to: 1) finish building a moderately prosperous society; 2) deepen reform; 3) advance the law-based governance of China; and 4) strengthen Party self-conduct. |
我们要把握好总体要求,着眼于保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平“双目标”,坚持稳政策稳预期和促改革调结构“双结合”,打造大众创业、万众创新和增加公共产品、公共服务“双引擎”,推动发展调速不减势、量增质更优,实现中国经济提质增效升级。 | Keeping in mind these requirements, we must focus on achieving the dual objectives of maintaining a medium-high rate of growth and moving toward a medium-high level of development. We need to maintain policy continuity and keep expectations stable while moving forward with reform and structural adjustment, and we need to develop twin engines to drive development: popular entrepreneurship and innovation, paired with increased supplies of public goods and services. This will ensure that our growth rate is adjusted without weakening momentum and that growth in quantity is underpinned by greater quality, thereby achieving a better-quality, more efficient, upgraded economy. |
今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标是:国内生产总值增长7%左右,居民消费价格涨幅3%左右,城镇新增就业1000万人以上,城镇登记失业率4.5%以内,进出口增长6%左右,国际收支基本平衡,居民收入增长与经济发展同步。能耗强度下降3.1%以上,主要污染物排放继续减少。 | We have set the main targets for China' s economic and social development for this year as follows: -- increase the GDP by approximately 7%; -- keep the increase in the CPI at around 3%; -- create over ten million jobs in urban areas; -- ensure that the registered urban unemployment rate does not rise above 4.5%; -- increase imports and exports by around 6%; -- achieve a basic balance of payments; -- ensure that personal incomes increase in step with economic development; and -- cut energy intensity by 3.1%, and continue to reduce the emissions of major pollutants. |
经济增长预期7%左右,考虑了需要和可能,与全面建成小康社会目标相衔接,与经济总量扩大和结构升级的要求相适应,符合发展规律,符合客观实际。以这样的速度保持较长时期发展,实现现代化的物质基础就会更加雄厚。稳增长也是为了保就业,随着服务业比重上升、小微企业增多和经济体量增大,7%左右的速度可以实现比较充分的就业。各地要从实际出发,积极进取、挖掘潜力,努力争取更好结果。 | The target growth rate of approximately 7% takes into consideration what is needed and what is possible. This target is both aligned with our goal of finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and is appropriate in terms of the need to grow and upgrade our economy. It is also in keeping with the objective laws of development as well as conditions in China. If China' s economy can grow at this rate for a relatively long time, we will secure a more solid material foundation for modernization. At the same time, the aim of maintaining stable growth is to ensure employment. As the service sector becomes larger, the number of small and micro businesses grows, and the economy gains in size, a growth rate of approximately 7% will ensure ample employment. Local governments need to set targets based on local conditions, be fully motivated to make progress, and tap into their full potential so as to deliver better outcomes. |
做好今年政府工作,要把握好以下三点。 | To deliver a good performance in the work of the government this year, we need to concentrate on the following three areas: |
第一,稳定和完善宏观经济政策。继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,更加注重预调微调,更加注重定向调控,用好增量,盘活存量,重点支持薄弱环节。以微观活力支撑宏观稳定,以供给创新带动需求扩大,以结构调整促进总量平衡,确保经济运行在合理区间。 | First, we need to ensure continuity in and make improvements to macroeconomic policies. We will continue to implement proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. We will pay greater attention to anticipatory adjustments, fine-tuning, and targeted regulation. We will put both existing and additional financial resources to good use, focusing particularly on strengthening weak spots. We will improve micro-level vitality to underpin macroeconomic stability, explore new ways of achieving supply to boost demand, and balance total supply and demand through structural adjustments to ensure the economy performs within an appropriate range. |
积极的财政政策要加力增效。今年拟安排财政赤字1.62万亿元,比去年增加2700亿元,赤字率从去年的2.1%提高到2.3%。其中,中央财政赤字1.12万亿元,增加1700亿元;地方财政赤字5000亿元,增加1000亿元。处理好债务管理与稳增长的关系,创新和完善地方政府举债融资机制。适当发行专项债券。保障符合条件的在建项目后续融资,防范和化解风险隐患。优化财政支出结构,大力盘活存量资金,提高使用效率。继续实行结构性减税和普遍性降费,进一步减轻企业特别是小微企业负担。 | Our proactive fiscal policy must sustain the momentum of economic growth and increase economic returns. The government budget deficit for 2015 is projected to be 1.62 trillion yuan, an increase of 270 billion yuan over last year, which means that the deficit to GDP ratio will rise from last year' s 2.1% to 2.3%. Of this amount, the central government deficit will account for 1.12 trillion yuan, an increase of 170 billion yuan, and local government deficit will account for 500 billion yuan, an increase of 100 billion yuan. We need to find the right balance between managing debt and maintaining steady growth. We will develop and improve mechanisms for local governments to secure financing through bond issuance. We will allow local governments to issue an appropriate amount of special bonds, ensure continued financing for eligible projects already under construction, and guard against and defuse risks and latent dangers. We will improve the mix of budgetary spending, redouble our efforts to put government funds on hand into use, and strengthen the effectiveness of government spending. We will continue to make structural tax reductions and cut fees across the board so as to further lighten the burden on enterprises, particularly small and micro businesses. |
稳健的货币政策要松紧适度。广义货币M2预期增长12%左右,在实际执行中,根据经济发展需要,也可以略高些。加强和改善宏观审慎管理,灵活运用公开市场操作、利率、存款准备金率、再贷款等货币政策工具,保持货币信贷和社会融资规模平稳增长。加快资金周转,优化信贷结构,提高直接融资比重,降低社会融资成本,让更多的金融活水流向实体经济。 (注:M2为M右下角加2) | We will pursue prudent and balanced monetary policy. The M2 money supply is forecasted to grow by around 12% in 2015, but the actual growth may be slightly higher than this projection depending on the needs of economic development. We will work to strengthen and improve macro-prudential regulation, adopt a flexible approach in our use of monetary policy tools including open market operations, interest rates, required reserve ratios, and re-lending, and maintain steady growth in the supply of money and credit as well as aggregate financing in the economy. We will speed up the turnover of funds, improve the credit structure, increase the proportion of direct financing to total financing, and reduce the cost of financing, thereby allowing more financial resources to be channeled into the real economy. |
第二,保持稳增长与调结构的平衡。我国发展面临“三期叠加”矛盾,资源环境约束加大,劳动力等要素成本上升,高投入、高消耗、偏重数量扩张的发展方式已经难以为继,必须推动经济在稳定增长中优化结构。既要稳住速度,确保经济平稳运行,确保居民就业和收入持续增加,为调结构转方式创造有利条件;又要调整结构,夯实稳增长的基础。要增加研发投入,提高全要素生产率,加强质量、标准和品牌建设,促进服务业和战略性新兴产业比重提高、水平提升,优化经济发展空间格局,加快培育新的增长点和增长极,实现在发展中升级、在升级中发展。 | Second, we need to maintain a proper balance between ensuring steady growth and making structural adjustments. In its current stage of development, China has to simultaneously deal with the slowdown in economic growth, make difficult structural adjustments, and absorb the effects of previous economic stimulus policies. As resource-related and environmental constraints grow and costs for labor and other factors of production rise, a model of development that draws on high levels of investment and energy consumption and is heavily driven by quantitative expansion becomes difficult to sustain. We must therefore improve the economic structure while ensuring steady growth. The growth rate must be kept steady to ensure that economic performance is stable, and that employment and personal incomes carry on increasing, thus creating a favorable environment for making structural adjustments and transforming the growth model. At the same time, structural adjustments must be made to consolidate the foundation for ensuring steady growth. We need to increase research and development spending, raise total factor productivity, improve quality, standards, and brand-building, strengthen the service sector and strategic emerging industries and increase their share of the economy, improve the overall structure of economic growth, and work harder to foster new areas of growth and growth poles. With these efforts, we can ensure that economic upgrading and development reinforce each other. |
第三,培育和催生经济社会发展新动力。当前经济增长的传统动力减弱,必须加大结构性改革力度,加快实施创新驱动发展战略,改造传统引擎,打造新引擎。一方面,增加公共产品和服务供给,加大政府对教育、卫生等的投入,鼓励社会参与,提高供给效率。这既能补短板、惠民生,也有利于扩需求、促发展。另一方面,推动大众创业、万众创新。这既可以扩大就业、增加居民收入,又有利于促进社会纵向流动和公平正义。我国有13亿人口、9亿劳动力资源,人民勤劳而智慧,蕴藏着无穷的创造力,千千万万个市场细胞活跃起来,必将汇聚成发展的巨大动能,一定能够顶住经济下行压力,让中国经济始终充满勃勃生机。政府要勇于自我革命,给市场和社会留足空间,为公平竞争搭好舞台。个人和企业要勇于创业创新,全社会要厚植创业创新文化,让人们在创造财富的过程中,更好地实现精神追求和自身价值。 | Third, we need to nurture and hasten the birth of a new force for driving economic and social development. As the force that has traditionally driven economic growth is weakening, it is imperative that we intensify structural reform, boost efforts to implement the strategy of pursuing innovation-driven development, and upgrade traditional engines while creating new ones for driving development. We will increase the supply of public goods and services, increase government input in areas like education and health care, and encourage nongovernmental participation to improve the efficiency of supply. This will bolster weak spots and benefit the people, as well as increase demand and promote development. At the same time, we will also encourage people to start their own businesses and to make innovations, which will not only create more jobs and increase personal incomes, but also improve upwards social mobility and social equity and justice. China has a population of 1.3 billion and a workforce of 900 million. Our people are hardworking and talented, and there is no limit to their ingenuity. When an abundance of market cells spring into life, they will form a mighty driving force for development, ensuring China' s economy remains resilient in spite of the downward pressure on it, and continues to be full of life and dynamism. The government should be bold in imposing a reform on itself so as to leave ample space for the market and society to play their respective roles and level the playing field for fair competition. Individuals and enterprises must have the mettle to promote their business development and make innovations, and our society needs to nurture a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. In this way, while creating wealth, people will be able to meet their cultural and intellectual needs and realize their full potential in life. |
今年是“十二五”收官之年,我们要在完成“十二五”经济社会发展目标任务的同时,以改革的精神、创新的理念和科学的方法,做好“十三五”规划纲要编制工作,谋划好未来五年的发展蓝图。 | This year is the final year for completing the 12th Five-Year Plan. As we strive to accomplish the tasks and objectives for economic and social development set forth in this plan, we need to formulate the 13th Five-Year Plan, bringing to this work the spirit of reform and innovation and adopting a scientific approach. |
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