2015年3月15日,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅会见采访十二届全国人大三次会议的中外记者并回答记者提出的问题。[中国网] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks at a press conference after the closing meeting of the third session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 15, 2015. [China.org.cn] |
新加坡海峡时报记者: 中国政府已经将2015年中国经济增速的预期目标定在7%左右,中国表示想要实现一种新常态的经济增长,这种增长虽然速缓,但是质更优。我想了解的是,中国从这样的新常态中能够获得怎样的益处?这种新常态的增长对于中国、对于整个世界会有何影响?您对于新常态增长是怎么看的?您对中国坚持实现速缓但质优的新常态增长是否抱有信心? | Straits Times: Premier Li, my question is about China's economy. China has set a lower GDP growth target this year of around 7%. Some say that it signals that Chinese economy has entered what they call a "new normal" of slower but better quality growth. What are the benefits knowing there are also downsides of slowing Chinese economy? Can you tell us how this new normal will affect China and the world? How should we view this and can we have the confidence that China is still committed to this new normal and can mange it well? |
李克强: 中国经济进入新常态,我们经济增速调整为今年预期增长7%左右,看起来增速是调低了,实际上实现这个目标并不容易,因为中国的经济总量增大了,已经超过了十万亿美元。如果按7%增长,那每年就要增加一个中等国家的经济规模。在这个过程中,如果我们能够注重质量、效益,促使中国经济由中低端向中高端升级,那就可以在较长时期保持中国经济在中高速水平增长。我们实现现代化就有了坚实的基础,对世界也是巨大的贡献。 | Li Keqiang: China's economic development has entered a new normal. This year we have set the GDP growth target at approximately 7%. The GDP growth target has been adjusted downward, but it will by no means be easy to meet this target. Because China's economic aggregate keeps expanding and now the size of the economy is valued about 10 trillion US dollars. So a seven percent increase in today's economy is equivalent to the economic aggregate of a medium-sized country. We want to upgrade China's economy to a medium-high level of development and pursue a growth with improved quality and performance. This will help maintain China's growth at a medium-high speed and lay a more solid foundation for us to achieve modernization. It will also be China's big contribution to global economic growth. |
刚才你的提问当中实际上表现了一种担心,美国彭博社记者提问当中也问中国经济会不会继续放缓。我多次说过,在新常态下,我们会保持中国经济在合理区间运行。如果速度放缓影响了就业收入等,逼近合理区间的下限,我们会在稳定政策与稳定市场对中国长期预期的同时,加大定向调控的力度,来稳定市场的当前信心。我们这几年没有采取短期强刺激的政策,可以说运用政策的回旋余地还比较大,我们“工具箱”里的工具还比较多。 | I sense some elements of concern in your question about China's economic growth and when the journalist from Bloomberg asked his questions, there was also such a worry about slowing growth in China. I have said on many occasions that under this new normal, we need to ensure that China's economy operates within a proper range. And if the growth speed comes close to the lower limit of the proper range and affects employment and increase of people's income, we will step up targeted macro economic regulation to boost the current market confidence while maintaining the continuity of our macro economic policies to anchor long-term market expectations. The good news is that in the past couple of years, we did not resort to massive stimulus measures for economic growth, and that has given us ample room to exercise macro economic regulation and we still have a host of policy instruments at our disposal. |
我希望你们对我后一段话的理解是“如果”。当然,我并不否认,中国经济面临着下行的压力,有多重风险,关键在于新常态下要在稳增长和调结构中间找到平衡点,这就使我想起中国人发明的围棋,既要谋势,又要做活,做活有两只眼。形象地讲,稳增长和调结构就是两只眼,做活了就可以谋大势,当然这需要眼光、耐力和勇气。我相信,大家同心协力,有能力保持中国经济的大盘、基本面持续向好。谢谢! | The latter part of my remarks is about a hypothetical situation. At the same time, I recognize that there is considerable downward pressure on China's growth and we still face multiple risks. This requires that the government strike a proper balance between maintaining steady growth and making structural adjustments. In Weiqi, a chessboard game invented by the Chinese, one needs to both plan on the big side and get key moves right. When it comes to the economy, we must meet both ends of maintaining steady growth and making structural adjustments. And this way, we can get a handle on the big situation. This requires that we have vision, perseverance and courage. I have confidence that with joint efforts, we are able to maintain the long-term positive fundamentals of the overall Chinese economy. |
第一财经记者: 总理您好。我们注意到您多次强调大众创业、万众创新,并将其认为是中国经济的新引擎。但是也有人说创业是老百姓自己的事,是市场的行为,那么我们的政府为什么还要操这么大的心、用这么大的力呢?谢谢。 | China Business News: Mr. Premier, you have stressed the importance of mass entrepreneurship and innovation on many occasions, and see it as a new engine fueling China's economic growth. But some people say that it is a personal decision to start a business and it is a market behavior. So why should the government spend so much time and energy on this? |
李克强: 谢谢你的好意,让我们少操心。但是不能不多操心啊,因为大众创业、万众创新,实际上是一个改革。这也是历史的启示。回想30多年前,正是因为承包制政策的实施,调动了亿万农民生产和经营的积极性,也因为允许人口流动,亿万农民工进城,创造了中国经济的奇迹。 | Li Keqiang: I appreciate your good intention of saving the government time and energy, but this is something the government must do. Mass entrepreneurship and innovation is in itself a reform endeavor. This reform is inspired by the experience we have drawn from the past. Over the past more than 30 years, it is the introduction of household contract responsibility system that has brought into full play the initiative of the vast number of Chinese farmers. It is because our people could move freely across provinces and cities that several hundred million farmers have migrated into cities to find jobs. This has created the miracle of China's economic development. |
我想起去年在我们推进简政放权、商事制度改革的时候,我去一个地方的企业登记场所,遇到一位已经退休的妇女。因为我们取消了注册资本的实缴制,她的热情来了,说要办一个婚庆公司,而且她说:“我知道这个地方办婚礼的老礼数,有些家庭希望这么办,我没有读过很多书,但这是我的核心竞争力。”我还到过许多咖啡屋、众创空间,看到那里年轻人有许多奇思妙想,他们研发的产品可以说能够带动市场的需求。真是高手在民间啊,破茧就可以出蚕。 | Last year when the government launched the reform of the business system to streamline its administration, I recall that I paid a visit to one of the local venues for business registration where I talked with a woman who has retired. As you may know, the government has replaced the paid-in capital registration requirement with subscribed capital registration. This has boosted our people's enthusiasm to start their own businesses. This woman is one of them. She told me that she wanted to register a wedding service company because she was well-versed in the local traditional wedding customs. She told me that some couples wanted to have a traditional wedding, so she believed that though she had not attended university, she had a competitive edge in providing such services. I also visited some ventures cafes and makerspaces where I see that the young people there all have brilliant ideas. When their ideas are put into practice and produce actual products, they are boosting market demand. I believe there are a large number of such people with outstanding talent in China. We must lift all the restrictions so that they can put their talent to best use. |
市场活力的激发需要政府去清障搭台,今年我们要继续在这方面做更多的事。要进一步放宽市场准入,实行证照合一,让服务业领域的一些企业注册登记别再那么费劲了。要清障还要搭台,对企业特别是创业的小微企业,我们要更多地提供租金低廉的创业空间,给创业插上翅膀,还要通过政府引导资金来吸引更多的种子基金。同时,还要进一步减税降费,让这些企业轻装前进。 | To boost market vitality, the government must eliminate road blocks and pave the way for people to tap their entrepreneurship. The government plans to do more in this regard this year. Market access will be further relaxed. Business license and all the required certificates will be integrated into one. It would no longer take one so much trouble to register a business in some areas of the services sector. The government also needs to foster more favorable conditions for business start-up. There needs to be low-rent makerspaces to add wings to the entrepreneurship of our people. The government will also fully leverage the national guidance fund to encourage more seed capital to pitch in. Taxes and fees will be further reduced to ensure that all businesses get to forge ahead with a light pack. |
国家的繁荣在于人民创造力的发挥,经济的活力也来自就业、创业和消费的多样性。我们推动“双创”,就是要让更多的人富起来,让更多的人实现人生价值。这有助于调整收入分配结构,促进社会公平,也会让更多的年轻人,尤其是贫困家庭的孩子有更多的上升通道。谢谢! | A country could achieve prosperity when its people's initiative is brought into full play. There will be much economic vitality when there are ample business opportunities and choices for consumers. By encouraging mass entrepreneurship and innovation, we want to help more people become better off and enable more to achieve their full potential in life. This will also help us adjust the income distribution structure and promote social fairness. In particular, we want to ensure that young people, especially children from poor families, will have equal access to opportunities for upward mobility. |
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