2015年3月15日,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅会见采访十二届全国人大三次会议的中外记者并回答记者提出的问题。[中国网] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks at a press conference after the closing meeting of the third session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 15, 2015. [China.org.cn] |
奥地利记者: 您好。我的问题是跟外交政策有关。中国奉行什么样的外交政策呢?欧洲都高度关注。我们看到,现在俄罗斯军队还驻扎在乌克兰。请问中国在这个问题上持什么样的立场?是否认为这违反国际法?几天前在俄罗斯国内电视媒体上,普京总统讲述了他当时是如何规划俄罗斯入侵克里米亚这个行动的,中国现在视克里米亚是俄罗斯的一部分还是乌克兰的一部分? | Austrian Radio and Television: I have a question on foreign policy that is very burning for the Europeans: the continued presence of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. What is the position of China? Does China think that this corresponds to international law? A couple of days ago, Russian President Putin has mentioned on Russian television how he planned the invasion of Crimea. Is Crimea, for China, part of Russia now or is it still part of Ukraine? |
李克强: 中国始终奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。在乌克兰问题上一直保持着客观、公正的立场,我们尊重乌克兰的独立、主权和领土完整。前不久,我在欧洲和乌克兰的总统会面,我跟他说了这段话。他说能不能向外公布?我说没问题,你把我的原话登到报纸上。同时,乌克兰问题给地缘政治确实带来了复杂性,尤其是影响了世界经济的复苏进程,我们还是希望这个问题能够通过对话、谈判、协商解决。 | Li Keqiang: China follows an independent foreign policy of peace. On the issue of Ukraine, China has adopted an objective and just position. We respect Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. In my meeting with the President of Ukraine last year when I visited some European countries, I said the same words to him. He then asked me if he could make them public. I said no problem, use my words and publish them in the newspaper. The issue of Ukraine has added to the complexity of the geopolitical situation and had its impact on global economic recovery. We hope that there will be a negotiated settlement of this issue through dialogue. |
至于克里米亚问题,成因比较复杂,我们同样希望能够用对话的方式政治解决。我们希望邻居之间都和睦相处,希望看到欧洲和其他国家共同发展、共赢的局面,这既有利于相关方,也有利于中国。谢谢! | As for Crimea, there are complex causes behind this issue. We also hope to see a political settlement of through dialogue. We hope that there will be harmonious coexistence between neighbors. And we hope to see common development and win-win outcomes between Europe and other countries in the world. I believe that is in the interest of all relevant parties and China as well. |
人民日报记者: 总理,您好。您之前提到您最近一次网购经历是在网上买书,我的问题与书有关。因为我们都知道《政府工作报告》要写的东西很多,每年都有变化,但是我们注意到连续两年把“全民阅读”写入了《政府工作报告》,我不知道您为什么对这件事那么看重?能否跟我们分享一下您的读书感受?谢谢。 | People's Daily: Just now you mentioned that you bought books on the Internet. My question is related to books. We know that the government work report needs to cover a lot of ground. And each year there are some changes. But for two years in running, to encourage our people to read has been written into the government work report. I would like to know why do you care so deeply about this, and can you share with us your personal experience about reading? |
李克强: 我记得去年起草《政府工作报告》,我在听取各方意见的时候,不仅是文化界、出版界的人士,而且经济界和企业家都向我提出要支持全民阅读活动,报告要加上“全民阅读”的字样。而且还有人担忧,说现在我们国家民众每年的阅读量还不到有些国家人均的十分之一。这些建议让我深思,说明人们不仅在追求物质财富的增加,而且希望有更丰富的精神生活。 | Li Keqiang: Last year, in drafting the government work report, I solicited views from representatives of various circles. And I found that not only people from the cultural and publishing sectors, but also those from the economic and business circles suggested that the government needs to further encourage a love of reading among all the people and should write this into its work report. They also said that they feel deeply concerned that the average per capita amount of reading in China is only about one tenth of that of some other countries in the world. What they said made me think deeply. I believe it shows our people not only want to pursue increase of material wealth, but also long for better nourishments of the mind. |
书籍和阅读可以说是人类文明传承的主要载体,就我个人的经历来说,用闲暇时间来阅读是一种享受,也是拥有财富,可以说终身受益。我希望全民阅读能够形成一种氛围,无处不在。我们国家全民的阅读量能够逐年增加,这也是我们社会进步、文明程度提高的十分重要的标志。而且把阅读作为一种生活方式,把它与工作方式相结合,不仅会增加发展的创新力量,而且会增强社会的道德力量。这也就是为什么我两次愿意把“全民阅读”这几个字写入《政府工作报告》的原因,明年还会继续。谢谢! | Books and reading have been essential in carrying forward human civilizations. Reading is what I enjoy the most in my spare time. It makes me feel enriched. And reading has been the most rewarding experience in my life. I hope that all our people can foster a love of reading, and as our people's amount of reading grows, I believe it is also an important symbol of social and cultural progress in China. I hope that more people can make reading a way of living, and find it very useful in work too. Reading can further unlock the potential of innovation and enhance civic morality. That is why I have, for two years running, written this into the government work report, and this will also be the case for next year's government work report. |
记者: 您如何回应中缅边境最近发生的问题? | Journalist: How do you view the recent developments in the border areas between China and Myanmar? |
李克强: 你问了一件让我感到痛心的事情。在中缅边界我方一侧,一些我国居民的生命和财产受到了损失,我首先要向遇难者家属表示哀悼和深切的慰问。同时,我国政府、外交部、军方都向缅方提出了严正交涉。我们有责任也有能力坚决维护中缅边境的安全稳定,坚决保护我国人民的生命和财产安全。谢谢! | Li Keqiang: What happened there was deeply distressing. There was loss of life and property of Chinese residents in the China-Myanmar border areas. And I want to first express my deep condolences for the lost lives and sympathies to the bereaved families. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Chinese military have both made stern representations with Myanmar. And we have the responsibility and the capacity to firmly safeguard security and stability in the China-Myanmar border areas and firmly protect the life and property of our people. |
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