三、2015年经济社会发展的主要任务 | III. Major Tasks for Economic and Social Development in 2015 |
今年要着力抓好8方面工作。 | This year we will carry out work on the following eight areas: |
(一)增强内需对经济增长的拉动力。着力打造经济发展新引擎,进一步发挥消费的基础作用和投资的关键作用,做到调速不减势、量增质更优。 | 1. Promoting domestic demand to give a stronger impetus to economic growth We will rev up new engines for driving economic development, promote the fundamental role of consumer spending and the key role of investment in stimulating growth, and make sure that fluctuations in the growth rate do not weaken the good momentum of China's economic development and that the quality of our growth increases with the size of our economy. |
一是多点支撑促进消费扩大和升级。2015年社会消费品零售总额预期增长13%。第一,多渠道促进居民增收。出台实施深化收入分配制度改革的配套措施。企业退休人员基本养老金标准再提高10%。落实机关事业单位养老保险制度改革措施,同步完善工资制度。执行好社会救助和保障标准与物价上涨挂钩联动机制,保障困难群众基本生活。第二,加快培育新的消费增长点。大力促进养老家政健康、信息、旅游休闲、绿色、住房、教育文化体育等领域消费,支持社会力量举办养老、健身、健康、医疗等服务机构,加快推进实施“宽带中国”战略和“宽带乡村”工程。第三,完善消费环境。加快建立全国统一社会信用代码制度和信用信息共享交换平台,加大联合惩戒力度。建立健全消费品质量监管、追溯、召回制度,强化网购商品质量安全监管。完善食品药品监管体系,加强监管能力建设,坚决打击制售假冒伪劣商品行为。开展教育、医疗、旅游等价格专项检查,发挥12358价格举报管理信息系统作用,依法查处价格垄断案件和价格欺诈等行为。 | 1) We will promote consumer spending and upgrade its structure through multi-point support. Total retail sales of consumer goods are expected to increase by 13% in 2015. First, we will promote increases in personal income through various channels. We will issue and implement supporting measures for deepening reform of the income distribution system. Basic pension benefits for enterprise retirees will be raised by another 10%. We will reform the old-age insurance system for employees of Party and government offices and public institutions, while at the same time improving their pay systems. We will utilize the mechanism for increasing social assistance and social security benefits in line with rises in consumer prices to ensure basic living conditions for those in need. Second, we will accelerate our efforts to nurture new growth areas in consumer spending. We will vigorously promote consumer spending in areas such as elderly care, domestic services, health, information, tourism, recreation, green products, housing, education, culture, and sports, encourage non-government parties to establish and operate institutions that provide services such as elderly care, fitness services, health care, and medical care, and accelerate the pace of implementing the National Broadband Internet Agenda and projects to expand broadband technology in townships and villages. Third, we will improve the environment for consumer spending. We will speed up the establishment of a national unified system of codes for rating credit and a platform for sharing and communicating information on credit, and make concerted efforts to increase credit-related punishment. We will establish sound systems for monitoring and regulating the quality of products, for tracking product production details, and for recalling products, and intensify monitoring and regulation over the quality and safety of on-line goods. We will improve the system for food and drug oversight and our capacity for carrying out oversight, and resolutely crack down on the manufacture and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods. We will conduct special inspections to monitor charges concerning education, medical care, and tourism, give full play to the role of the 12358 hotline and website in handling price-related complaints and managing information on pricing, and investigate and deal with cases of monopolistic pricing and practices of price fraud in accordance with the law. |
二是着力保持投资平稳增长。2015年全社会固定资产投资预期增长15%。第一,多管齐下扩大有效投资。统筹各类财政性建设资金,鼓励引导社会资本,确保完成“十二五”规划重点项目建设,启动实施一批新的重大工程。包括:中西部铁路和公路、内河航道等重大交通工程,信息、电力、油气等重大网络工程,清洁能源及油气矿产资源保障工程,水利、高标准农田等农业工程,科技创新和结构升级工程,棚户区和危房改造、城市地下管网等民生工程,节能环保和生态建设工程。这些项目着眼于补短板、调结构、增加公共产品和服务供给,具有全局性、基础性、战略性,既利当前、又惠长远。第二,创新机制激活社会投资。优化财政资金支持方式,对属于竞争性领域的产业,可由直接支持具体项目改为设立投资基金,吸引社会资金投入。积极鼓励社会资本发起设立产业投资基金和股权投资基金。创新政府投资方式,通过投资补助、资本金注入等方式,撬动民间投资参与重点建设。第三,充分发挥预算内投资的带动作用。中央预算内投资拟安排4776亿元,继续向农业水利、中西部铁路、保障性安居工程、重大基础设施、生态建设、民生、老少边穷等领域和地区倾斜,减少“点多面广量大单项资金少”的补助项目,不再安排竞争性领域一般项目。强化资金使用的监督管理。 | 2) We will work hard to sustain steady growth in investment. Total fixed-asset investment is projected to increase by 15% in 2015. First, we will expand effective investment by adopting a full range of measures. We will coordinate all kinds of government investment and encourage and guide nongovernmental investment to make sure that major projects as specified in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan are completed and a number of new important projects are launched. These new projects include major transportation projects to build railways and highways in the central and western regions and develop inland waterways; major projects involving information, electricity, oil, and gas networks; clean energy projects and projects to ensure supplies of oil, gas, and mineral resources; agricultural projects to improve water conservancy and develop high-yield cropland; projects related to scientific and technological innovation and structural upgrading; projects concerning people's wellbeing, such as those to rebuild run-down areas, renovate dilapidated houses, and build urban pipeline networks; and projects aimed at energy conservation, environmental protection, and ecological improvement. With the focus on shoring up our weak spots, adjusting the economic structure, and increasing the supply of public goods and services, these projects are of overall, fundamental, and strategic importance to China's development, and will generate both short-term and long-term benefits. Second, we will make innovations in mechanisms to stimulate nongovernmental investment. We will improve the role of treasury funds in supporting investment. For industries in competitive areas, we will change our way of providing support from making direct investments in specific projects to establishing investment funds in order to attract nongovernmental investment. We will actively encourage nongovernmental capital to initiate and set up industrial investment funds and equity funds. We will be more creative in using government investment, encouraging nongovernmental investment into major projects by subsidizing investment, injecting capital, and other measures. Third, we will give full play to the leading role of budgetary investment. Appropriation for investment in the central government budget this year is planned to be 477.6 billion yuan. More of this investment will be directed toward agriculture, water conservancy, railways in the central and western regions, government-subsidized housing, major infrastructure, ecological improvement, people's wellbeing, and old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poor areas. We will reduce central government subsidies toward extensive local endeavors consisting of large numbers of minor projects, and make no more investment to general projects in competitive areas. Meanwhile, we will strengthen supervision and management of government funds. |
(二)加快推进经济体制改革。狠抓已出台改革方案的细化和落实,加强实施过程中的协调配合,确保改革措施落地。正确处理政府与市场关系,加快建立健全全国统一开放竞争有序的市场体系,再推出一批激活市场、释放活力的改革举措,使改革新红利转化为发展新动能。 | 2. Accelerating economic structural reform We will strive to refine and implement existing reform plans and increase coordination and cooperation during their implementation in order to ensure that all reform measures are put into effect. We will correctly balance the relationship between the government and the market, move faster to establish a sound, unified, and open nationwide market system that ensures orderly competition, put forward more reform measures to invigorate the market, and turn the new benefits of reform into a new driving force for development. |
一是全面推进依法行政。推进制定完善发展规划、投资管理、土地管理、能源和矿产资源、经济安全等方面的法律法规,及时把改革成果通过立法形式巩固下来。健全重大决策公众参与、专家论证、风险评估、合法性审核和集体讨论决定机制。建立行政审批、行政处罚等裁量权基准制度。大力推进政务信息公开。强化对权力的监督制约。 | 1) We will fully advance the law-based exercise of administrative power. We will press ahead with formulating and improving laws and regulations regarding plans for development, investment management, land management, energy and mineral resources, economic security, and other aspects, thus promptly consolidating our achievements in reform through the means of legislation. We will improve the mechanism for soliciting opinions from the public, conducting expert evaluations, risk assessments, and legality reviews, and carrying out collective discussions before making major policy decisions. We will establish a system of baselines for administrative discretionary powers regarding the review and approval of items and the imposing of administrative penalties. We will work hard to promote transparency in government operations. We will strengthen constraints on and oversight over the exercise of power. |
二是深化行政审批制度改革。再取消下放一批行政审批事项,全面清理非行政许可审批。大幅精简前置审批,清理规范中介服务。深化商事制度改革。加强事中事后监管。制定市场准入负面清单,公布省级政府权力清单、责任清单。更加注重改革措施的上下联动、横向协调。 | 2) We will deepen reform of government review and approval. We will cancel or delegate to lower-level governments the process of government review and approval for an additional number of items and fully sort out the items requiring non-administrative review and approval. We will greatly streamline preliminary review and approval procedures, review and regulate intermediary services, and deepen reform of the business system. Stronger oversight will be exercised over items and projects during and after handling. We will draw up a negative list for market access, and ensure provincial-level governments release their lists of powers and responsibilities. We will put more emphasis on cooperation between the central and local authorities and coordination between relevant departments when carrying out our reform measures. |
三是深入推进国企国资改革和非公有制经济发展。出台深化国有企业改革的指导意见,分类推进国有企业改革。加快剥离企业办社会职能和解决历史遗留问题。改革和健全企业经营者激励约束机制。有序推进国有企业混合所有制改革,鼓励和规范投资项目引入非国有资本参股。坚持以管资本为主加强国有资产监管,加快国有资本投资公司和运营公司试点。深化电力、石油天然气体制改革。进一步优化非公有制经济发展的体制环境,放宽准入领域,鼓励引导更多民间资本进入基础产业、市政公用事业、社会事业、金融服务等领域,发挥非公有制经济的活力和创造力。 | 3) We will press ahead with the reforms of SOEs and the development of the non-public sector. We will formulate guidelines on deepening reform of SOEs and carry out the reform by their type. We will move faster to relieve enterprises of their obligation to operate social programs and solve their longstanding problems in this regard. We will reform and improve the incentive and restraint mechanisms for SOE executives. We will develop mixed-ownership structures within SOEs in an orderly fashion, and encourage and set rules for non-state capital in holding shares of the investment projects of SOEs. We will continue to tighten oversight over state assets with the focus on state capital, and accelerate trials of forming corporations to invest and manage state capital. We will deepen structural reforms of electricity, petroleum, and natural gas industries. We will continue to optimize the institutional environment for developing the non-public sector, and further open up market access to encourage and guide more nongovernmental capital into areas such as basic industries, municipal public utilities, social programs, and financial services in order to give expression to the vitality and creativity of the non-public sector. |
四是推动财税体制改革。中央和地方所有部门除涉密信息外都要公开预算决算。改革中央对地方转移支付制度。清理规范税收等优惠政策。扩大资源税从价计征范围,推动环境保护税立法、税收征管法修订。深化矿产资源有偿使用制度改革。加强地方政府性债务管理。 | 4) We will press ahead with reform of the fiscal and tax systems. Except for those dealing with classified matters, we will make public the budgets and final accounts of all central and local departments. We will reform the system of transfer payments from the central government to local governments. We will review and standardize preferential policies such as preferential tax policies. We will levy price-based resource tax on more resource products, speed up legislation to introduce environmental protection tax, and push forward revisions to the Law on Tax Collection and Administration. We will deepen reform of the system of compensation for the exploitation of national mineral resources. We will strengthen local government debt management. |
五是强化金融对实体经济的服务。加强多层次资本市场体系建设,大力发展普惠金融。加快发展服务小微企业和“三农”的中小金融机构,积极推进新设民营银行,深化农村信用社改革,推进开发性和政策性金融机构改革。建立存款保险制度。实施股票发行注册制改革,开展股权众筹融资试点,提高直接融资比重。探索设立人民币海外合作基金。促进互联网金融创新规范发展。研究推出巨灾保险、信贷保险等新险种,支持农业保险向各类新型农业经营主体倾斜。 | 5) We will ensure better financial services for the real economy. We will improve the system of multilevel capital markets and vigorously develop inclusive finance. We will step up efforts to develop small and medium-sized financial institutions committed to serving small and micro businesses as well as agriculture, rural areas, and farmers; energetically push forward the establishment of private banks; deepen reform of rural credit cooperatives; and advance the reform of government-sponsored development financial institutions and policy-backed financial institutions. We will establish the deposit insurance system. We will carry out the reform of stock issuance registration, launch trials of equity-based crowd-funding, and increase the proportion of direct financing. We will explore how to set up outbound RMB cooperative funds. We will encourage Internet banking to develop in an innovative and standardized way. We will research and roll out new types of insurance such as major disaster insurance and credit insurance, and support agricultural insurance in favoring various new agricultural entities. |
六是深化投融资体制改革。大力推进项目核准制度改革,建设投资项目在线审批监管平台,确保2015年底前实现项目核准网上并联办理,建立协同监管机制。完善创新重点领域投融资机制鼓励社会投资的相关配套措施和实施细则,放宽社会资本市场准入,制订基础设施和公用事业特许经营管理办法,积极推广政府和社会资本合作模式。出台政府投资条例。 | 6) We will deepen reform of the investment and financing system. We will vigorously promote reform of the project review and approval system; build an online platform for reviewing, approving, and monitoring investment projects, ensuring that by the end of 2015, project review and approval procedures can be handled online nationwide; and establish a mechanism for coordinating oversight over investment projects. We will improve the relevant measures and detailed rules for their implementation for making innovations in the mechanisms for investment and financing in key areas and encouraging nongovernmental investment; further open up market access for nongovernmental capital; formulate measures for managing the franchising of infrastructure and public utilities; and actively promote application of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. We will issue the Regulations on Government Investment. |
七是加快推进价格改革。修订政府定价目录,取消绝大部分药品政府定价,放开烟叶收购价格、部分铁路运价、部分邮政业务资费和专业服务收费,下放一批基本公共服务收费定价权。扩大输配电价改革试点。实现非居民用天然气存量与增量价格并轨,逐步放开非居民用气价格。完善节能环保价格政策。全面实行居民阶梯价格制度。制定清理和废除妨碍全国统一市场和公平竞争各种规定和做法的意见,着力打破各种形式的市场分割和地区封锁。 | 7) We will accelerate price reform. We will revise the government pricing catalogue; stop setting prices for most medicines; lift the control of purchasing prices for tobacco leaves, a portion of rail fares and freight rates, rates and fees for some postal services, and charges for professional services; and delegate to lower levels of government the power to set prices for some basic public services. We will extend to more areas the trial price reform of electricity transmission and distribution. For non-residential consumption of natural gas, we will unify the price of gas consumption within 2014 levels with the price of gas consumption exceeding 2014 levels, and gradually lift control of the price for non-residential gas consumption. We will refine environmental protection price policies. We will implement tiered pricing for electricity, water, and natural gas used for household purposes throughout the country. We will make guidelines on reviewing and canceling all kinds of regulations and practices impeding the national unified market and fair competition, and work hard to get rid of various types of market segmentation and regional barriers. |
八是稳步推进农村和土地制度改革。审慎开展农村土地征收、集体经营性建设用地入市、宅基地制度、集体产权制度等改革试点。开展农村土地经营权抵押贷款试点,引导农民以土地经营权入股合作社和龙头企业,推进多种形式适度规模经营。健全不动产统一登记制度,开展水权确权登记试点,推进农业水价改革。全面深化供销合作社综合改革,加快推进国有林场林区、农垦、种业等改革。 | 8) We will steadily move ahead with reforms of the rural and land system. We will prudently carry out trial reforms concerning rural land requisition, the marketization of rural collective land designated for business-related construction, the system of land used for rural housing, and the rural collective property rights system. We will launch trials of allowing rural land-use rights to be used as collateral to borrow money, guide farmers in becoming shareholders of cooperatives and leading enterprises by contributing their land-use rights, and develop appropriately scaled, diversified farm operations. We will improve the system of unified registration of immovable property, carry out the trial of determining and registering water rights, and advance price reform of water used for agricultural purposes. We will fully deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, and move faster to reform state forestry farms and areas, state farms built on reclaimed land, and the seed industry. |
同时,还要推进教育、科技、文化、医药卫生、社会管理、生态文明等方面的体制改革。 | In addition, we also need to move ahead with institutional reforms in education, science, technology, culture, medical and health care, social management, and ecological progress. |
(三)深入实施对外开放战略。加快培育国际竞争新优势,有效发挥出口的支撑作用,拓展对外开放的广度和深度。 | 3. Thoroughly implementing the strategy of opening up We will act more quickly to make Chinese businesses more competitive in the international market, allow exports to effectively drive economic growth, and expand the scope and depth of opening up. |
一是促进外贸稳定增长。完善出口退税负担机制。培育出口品牌和境外营销网络。完善跨境电子商务、市场采购、外贸综合服务业等新型外贸模式。发挥优惠出口买方信贷作用,带动装备、技术、标准对外输出。完善服务贸易促进政策,扩大服务贸易出口,加大服务外包支持力度。实施更加积极的进口政策,扩大先进技术、关键设备、重要零部件等进口。 | 1) We will give impetus to the steady growth in foreign trade. We will improve the system for joint payment of export rebates by the central and local governments. We will help cultivate brand names for export and overseas marketing networks. We will improve cross-border e-commerce, market purchases, integrated services for foreign trade, and other new trade models. We will give preferential credit to buyers of Chinese exports in order to stimulate the export of Chinese equipment, technology, and standards. We will improve policies that promote the trade in services, expand the export of services, and increase support for efforts to undertake services outsourced by other countries. We will adopt a more proactive import policy, expanding the import of advanced technology, key equipment, and important parts and components. |
二是促进利用外资再上新水平。修订外商投资产业指导目录。复制推广上海自由贸易试验区经验,稳步推动广东、天津、福建自由贸易试验区建设。重点扩大服务业和一般制造业开放,开展金融领域开放试点、外债管理模式创新。积极探索外资准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理模式,完善外商投资安全审查制度。2015年非金融类外商直接投资预期1200亿美元,与上年基本持平。 | 2) We will raise the utilization of foreign capital to a new level. We will revise the Catalogue for the Guidance of Industries for Foreign Investment. We will encourage other parts of the country to make use of the experience gained in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and move steadily forward with the building of pilot free trade zones in Guangdong, Tianjin, and Fujian. We will focus on opening the service sector and the general manufacturing sector wider to the outside world, carrying out trials to open up our financial sector, and revamping the model of managing foreign debt. We will explore the management model of pre-establishment national treatment (PENT) plus a negative list, and improve the system for security reviews of foreign investments. In 2015, foreign direct investment in China's non-financial sectors is projected to reach US$120 billion, which is similar to last year. |
三是提高对外投资效率和质量。加快构建对外投资金融服务体系,拓宽外汇储备运用渠道,加强金融、信息、法律、领事保护等服务。抓住关键性、标志性工程建设,继续推动境外铁路、港口、公路、核电项目,深化能源资源合作,扩展装备制造、新兴产业、生态环保合作,加快产能、装备“走出去”。2015年非金融类境外直接投资预期1130亿美元,增长10%左右。 | 3) We will raise the efficiency and quality of China's outward investment. We will move faster to build a system for providing financial services to outward investment, expand the channel for using foreign exchange reserves, and provide better financial services, information services, legal services, and consulate protection for Chinese enterprises investing overseas. With the focus on the construction of key and iconic projects, we will continue to encourage the building of overseas railways, ports, highways, and nuclear power projects; deepen cooperation on energy and resources with other countries; expand cooperation on equipment manufacturing, emerging industries, ecological conservation, and environmental protection; and increase the pace of China's production capacity and equipment in "going global" . In 2015, China's non-financial outward direct investment is estimated to come to US$113 billion, which is an increase of about 10%. |
四是强化多双边和区域经济合作。实施“一带一路”战略,构建中巴、孟中印缅经济走廊。加快与周边国家基础设施互联互通。打造中国-东盟自贸区升级版,力争完成区域全面经济伙伴关系协定谈判,建设亚太自贸区,推进中美、中欧投资协定谈判。 | 4) We will increase multilateral, bilateral, and regional economic cooperation. We will put into practice the strategy of developing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. We will speed up infrastructure connectivity with our neighbors. We will upgrade the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone, strive to complete the talks on regional comprehensive economic partnership agreements, build the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, and carry on negotiations of investment agreements with the United States and the European Union. |
(四)加快转变农业发展方式。价格“天花板”、成本“地板”挤压和补贴“黄线”、资源环境“红灯”约束,已经成为今后一个时期农业发展面临的瓶颈。必须加快转变农业发展方式,走出一条产出高效、产品安全、资源节约、环境友好的现代农业发展道路。2015年粮食总产量稳定在5.5亿吨以上。 | 4. Accelerating the transformation of agricultural development In our efforts to develop agriculture, four bottlenecks have already emerged that we will have to face within the near future: the prices of domestic agricultural products already far exceed international prices, the costs associated with agriculture production are ever increasing, direct subsidies to agriculture which fall into the WTO's "amber box" are close to the limit that China agreed to when it joined the WTO, and the impact of agriculture on resources and the environment has set off a red warning light. We must accelerate the transformation of agricultural development, and embark on a path of modern agricultural development which ensures high yield and safe agricultural produce, conserves resources, and is environmentally friendly. In 2015, we will keep total grain output stable at 550 million metric tons or above. |
一是创新完善农业支持政策。保持中央预算内投资用于“三农”比重不下降,加大资金整合力度,提高资金使用效率。健全耕地保护、粮食主产区利益等补偿机制,做好适度规模种粮大户、家庭农场和其他新型经营主体补贴试点。继续执行稻谷、小麦最低收购价政策,推进棉花、大豆目标价格改革试点,完善重要农产品临时收储政策和进出口管理。建立健全粮食安全省长责任制。加强地方政府粮食储备体系建设。 | 1) We will innovate and improve policies that support agriculture. We will ensure that the proportion of the central government's budgetary investments to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers is at least kept at the same level as last year, increase efforts to carry out integrated planning for these funds, and make their use more efficient. We will improve mechanisms that provide compensation for cropland protection and subsidize major grain growing areas, and conduct trials of granting subsidies to large-scale grain growers, family farms, and other emerging agribusinesses. We will continue to implement the minimum purchase price policy on rice and wheat, move ahead with the pilot reform of guaranteed base prices for cotton and soybeans, and improve the temporary purchase and stockpiling policy on major agricultural products and the management of their import and export. We will establish a sound system by which provincial governors are accountable for their provinces' food security. We will make local governments strengthen their grain reserves systems. |
二是加强农业农村基础设施建设。全面开展永久基本农田划定工作。加快实施全国高标准农田建设总体规划和新增1000亿斤粮食生产能力规划。新建一批重大引调水工程、重点水源工程、江河湖泊治理骨干工程,加快大中型灌区续建配套与节水改造,推进小型农田水利基础设施建设。全面实施粮食收储供应安全保障工程,支持1000亿斤粮食仓容设施建设。加强农业环境突出问题治理,全面推进农村人居环境整治,建设美丽宜居乡村。再解决6000万农村人口饮水安全问题,争取全面解决无电人口用电问题,积极推进西部地区和集中连片特殊困难地区农村公路建设,改造农村危房366万户,统筹搞好农房抗震改造。 | 2) We will strengthen agricultural and rural infrastructure development. We will carry out work to demarcate permanent basic farmland throughout the country. We will accelerate implementation of the national master plan for building high-grade farmland and the plan for increasing China's grain production capacity by 50 million metric tons. We will construct a number of new major projects to divert water, protect key water sources, and harness rivers and lakes. We will more quickly build auxiliary facilities and update water-saving devices in medium- to large-scale irrigation areas, and advance the construction of small-scale irrigation infrastructure and water conservancy infrastructure. We will comprehensively implement the project to purchase and stockpile grain to ensure its supply and security, and support the building of grain silos with capacities of 50 million metric tons. We will intensify efforts to address serious problems in the agricultural environment, and comprehensively improve the rural living environment, to build a more beautiful and livable countryside. Safe drinking water will be made available to another 60 million rural residents. All-out efforts will be made to deliver electricity to all households without power supply. We will make great efforts to build rural roads in the western region and in contiguous poor areas. We will rebuild run-down houses for 3.66 million rural households, and make coordinated efforts to renovate rural houses to make them more earthquake-resistant. |
三是加快农业结构调整。完善产业组织方式和利益联结机制,推进农村一二三产业融合发展。加大农业科技创新和新技术、新机具推广力度。统筹粮棉油糖蔬菜等生产基地建设,推进规模化、集约化、标准化畜禽水产养殖。鼓励主产区粮食就地转化加工。支持国家级育种制种基地建设。加强渔政建设。 | 3) We will accelerate agricultural structural adjustment. We will improve the industrial organization of agriculture and the mechanisms for balancing the interests of farmers and enterprises, and integrate the development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas. We will work harder to promote innovation in agricultural science and technology and spread the use of new agricultural techniques, machinery, and tools. We will coordinate the construction of grain, cotton, oilseed, sugar crop, and vegetable production centers, and encourage standardized, large-scale, and intensive livestock, poultry, and aquaculture farming. We will encourage the local conversion and processing of grain in major grain-producing areas. We will support the construction of national seed cultivation and production centers. We will also strengthen the fishery administration. |
(五)以创新引领产业结构转型升级。依靠创新驱动,发展新产品、新模式、新业态、新产业,提升产业核心竞争力,推动产业向中高端迈进。 | 5. Promoting transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure through innovation We will rely on innovation, develop new products, models, forms of business, and industries, raise the core competitiveness of our industries, and advance the push toward mid- and high-end industries. |
一是深入实施创新驱动发展战略。2015年研究与试验发展经费支出与国内生产总值之比预期达到2.2%。优化整合中央财政科技计划(专项、基金等)。启动实施区域全面创新改革试验。完善股权激励政策,加快科技成果使用处置和收益管理改革。增设国家自主创新示范区,全面落实完善研发费用加计扣除等普惠性政策。扩大科技成果转化引导基金规模。加快实施国家科技重大专项,再部署一批国家重大科技项目、重大工程和国家创新平台。 | 1) We will fully implement the strategy of innovation-driven development. We project spending on R&D as a percentage of GDP will come to 2.2% in 2015. We will optimize and integrate science and technology programs (special projects and funds) financed by the central government. We will launch regional trial reforms to promote all-around innovation. We will improve policies on equity-based incentives for making innovation, and accelerate the reform for managing the use and commoditization of and the distribution of profit from scientific and technological advances of public institutions. We will establish more national innovation demonstration zones, and fully implement preferential policies such as extra deductions for R&D expenses. We will scale up state seed funds for encouraging the application of scientific and technological advances. We will move faster in carrying out key national scientific and technological programs and plan a number of major science and technology projects, major programs, and national innovation platforms. |
二是做大做强战略性新兴产业。积极发展信息经济,促进信息产业与传统产业深度融合。制定“互联网+”行动计划,支持云计算与物联网、移动互联网等融合发展,培育人工智能产业,实施生物医药、民用空间基础设施、大数据、高端装备、新一代信息网络、新能源、新材料、新能源汽车、航空发动机及燃气轮机等重大创新工程。推动国防科技工业军民融合发展。设立国家新兴产业创业投资引导基金。 | 2) We will boost the scale and strength of strategic emerging industries. We will vigorously develop the information economy, and promote full integration of the information industry with traditional industries. We will formulate an "Internet Plus" action plan, support the integrated development of cloud computing with the Internet of Things and the mobile Internet, and foster the artificial intelligence industry. We will implement major innovation projects in biomedicines, civil space infrastructure, big data, high-end equipment, next-generation information networks, new energy, new materials, new-energy vehicles, aircraft engines, and gas turbines. We will advance the development of national defense-related science, technology, and industries by integrating the military and civilian sectors. We will set up state seed funds for investment in emerging industries. |
三是加快传统产业转型升级。实施“中国制造2025”,出台增强制造业核心竞争力三年行动计划,着力突破工业机器人、轨道交通装备、高端船舶和海洋工程装备、新能源汽车、现代农业机械、高端医疗器械和药品等重点领域核心技术,推进产业化。统筹实施核电、水电、大型煤炭和煤电基地等重大项目建设。加快产能过剩行业调整优化,加大落后产能淘汰力度,支持企业兼并重组。加强企业技术改造。继续推进煤炭行业脱困。 | 3) We will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. We will implement the "Made in China 2025" strategy. We will introduce a three-year action plan for enhancing the core competitiveness of our manufacturing industries. We will focus on making breakthroughs in core technologies in key areas, such as industrial robots, rail transit equipment, high-end vessels and ocean engineering equipment, new-energy vehicles, modern agricultural machinery, and high-end medical appliances and medicines, and promote the industrial application of these technologies. We will coordinate the implementation of major projects on nuclear power, hydropower, and large coal and coal-power bases. We will accelerate the adjustment and optimization of industries with overcapacity, work harder to phase out outdated production capacity, and encourage enterprise mergers and reorganizations. We will encourage businesses to engage in technological upgrading. We will continue working to turn the coal industry around. |
四是提升服务业支撑作用。落实好服务业价格、财税、土地等政策以及带薪休假等制度,深化服务业综合改革试点,出台生产性服务业统计分类,制订生活性服务业发展政策意见。大力发展工业设计、融资租赁等生产性服务业,积极培育发展研发设计、系统集成、知识产权、检验检测等高技术服务业,促进服务业与制造业融合发展。完善移动支付基础设施与可信交易服务,促进电子商务、物流配送和快递业发展。加快构建全国农产品流通骨干网。实施物流业发展中长期规划及三年行动计划,开展现代物流业创新发展城市试点和国家级物流园区示范,支持物流公共信息平台建设。 | 4) We will make the service sector better able to support economic growth. We will fully implement pricing, fiscal, tax, and land policies to aid the development of the service sector, ensure that paid vacations are enforced, deepen the comprehensive trial reforms in this sector, introduce a statistical categorization of producer services, and formulate policies and guidelines for the development of consumer services. We will energetically develop producer services such as industrial design and finance lease, vigorously foster and develop high-tech services such as R&D, systems integration, intellectual property rights, and inspection and testing, and promote the integrated development of services with manufacturing industries. We will improve mobile payment infrastructure and trusted transaction services, and advance the development of e-commerce, logistics, and express delivery services. We will move faster in building a backbone network for the circulation of agricultural products nationwide. We will implement the mid-to-long-term plan and the three-year action plan for the development of the logistics industry, designate pilot cities for innovatively developing modern logistics, build national demonstration logistics parks, and support building a shared logistics information platform. |
五是增加基础设施和基础产业有效供给。加快铁路特别是中西部地区铁路建设,推动城际铁路、城市轨道交通有序发展。抓好国家高速公路“断头路”建设,加大普通国省干线公路瓶颈路段扩容改造力度。加强内河高等级航道建设。推进北京新机场等民航基础设施建设。加快煤、电输送通道和油气管网建设,积极发展水电,安全发展核电,大力发展风电、太阳能、生物质能,加大天然气开发利用力度,提高清洁能源和可再生能源比重。 | 5) We will enhance the effective supply capacity of infrastructure and basic industries. We will move faster to build railways, especially in the central and western regions, and promote the systematic development of intercity rail lines and urban rail transit. We will work to ensure that there are no national expressways left hanging unfinished, and rebuild bottlenecked sections of ordinary national and provincial trunk highways so that they are capable of accommodating more traffic. We will improve the development of high-grade inland waterways. We will advance the construction of civil aviation infrastructure such as the new airport in Beijing. We will accelerate the development of facilities for coal transportation and electricity transmission and pipelines for oil and gas transmission, actively develop hydropower, safely develop nuclear power, vigorously develop wind power, solar energy, and biomass energy, improve the development and utilization of natural gas, and increase the proportion of clean energy and renewable energy resources in total energy consumption. |
(六)优化经济发展空间格局。充分发挥各地比较优势,培育壮大新的增长极和支撑带,全面提升区域协调协同发展水平。 | 6. Improving the pattern of economic development between different regions We will give full play to the comparative strengths of different regions, foster and expand new growth poles and new economic support zones, and comprehensively promote coordinated and balanced development between different regions. |
一是扎实推进“一带一路”、京津冀协同发展、长江经济带“三大战略”。推进落实“一带一路”建设2015年度重点工作和重点项目。出台京津冀协同发展规划纲要,支持在交通一体化、生态环保、产业升级转移等领域率先取得实质性突破,加大体制改革力度,强化创新驱动,选择有条件的地区和领域开展试点示范,积极稳妥推进非首都核心功能疏解。制定长江经济带发展规划纲要,加快长江经济带综合立体交通走廊、绿色生态廊道建设,有序开工黄金水道治理、沿江码头口岸等重大项目,建设承接产业转移示范区和共建产业园区。 | 1) We will effectively carry out the three key strategies: the strategy of developing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, the strategy of promoting coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the strategy to build an economic development belt along the Yangtze River. We will ensure the completion of tasks and projects prioritized in 2015 in implementing the strategy of developing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. We will roll out guidelines for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and provide support for the region to make substantial breakthroughs first in integrated transportation, environmental protection, and industrial upgrading and relocating. In addition, we will intensify institutional reform, strengthen innovation-driven development, carry out trials and demonstrations in districts and fields meeting certain conditions, and relocate functions non-essential to Beijing's role as the capital away from the city in a proactive yet prudent way. We will formulate the guidelines on building the economic development belt along the Yangtze River; accelerate the development of an integrated multidimensional transportation corridor and a green, ecological corridor all along the belt; start construction of major projects in an orderly fashion, including upgrading the major waterways and building docks and quays along the Yangtze River; establish demonstration zones for accepting relocated industries; and set up jointly-built industrial parks. |
二是深入实施区域发展总体战略和主体功能区战略。细化实化新形势下西部大开发政策措施,扩大沿边和内陆地区对外开放。出台全面振兴东北地区等老工业基地的若干意见,落实好近期支持东北振兴的重大政策举措。编制促进中部地区崛起新十年规划,加快中部地区综合交通网络和枢纽建设。支持东部地区率先转型升级的制度创新。有序推进新区建设发展。继续开展国家主体功能区建设试点示范,完善综合配套政策体系,建立健全资源环境承载能力监测预警机制。大力发展海洋经济。 | 2) We will fully carry out the master strategy for regional development and the strategy for functional zoning. We will refine and firm up the policies and measures concerning large-scale development of the western region which are appropriate under the new conditions, and further open up border areas and inland areas to the outside world. We will roll out the guidelines on all-around revitalization of northeast China and other old industrial bases, and fully implement major near-term policies and measures for revitalizing northeast China. We will formulate a new ten-year plan on boosting the rise of the central region, and build comprehensive transport networks and hubs in the region at a faster pace. We will support the eastern region in leading the way in institutional innovation aimed at economic transformation and upgrading. We will promote orderly development of new districts in urbanization. We will continue to carry out national trials and demonstrations for developing function zones, improve the policy framework for integrated, complete reforms, and establish sound mechanisms for monitoring and giving early warnings on the carrying capacity of resources and the environment. We will also energetically develop the marine economy. |
三是继续支持特殊类型地区加快发展。支持新疆、西藏和四省藏区经济社会发展,扎实开展对口支援。加快资源枯竭城市转型,推进城区老工业区和独立工矿区搬迁改造。制订支持革命老区发展建设的指导意见和规划。继续推进集中连片特殊困难地区区域发展与扶贫攻坚。 | 3) We will continue to support the development of regions with unique features at a faster pace. We will support the economic and social development of Xinjiang, Tibet, and the Tibetan ethnic areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces, and provide effective one-to-one assistance to designated areas. We will accelerate the upgrading of cities once dependent on resources that are now depleted, and push forward with the relocating and rebuilding of old industrial areas within cities and independent industrial and mining areas. We will formulate guidelines and planning for supporting the development of old revolutionary base areas. We will continue to promote development in contiguous poor areas as a whole in order to help alleviate poverty. |
四是积极推进新型城镇化。落实推进“三个1亿人”城镇化实施方案,重点解决农业转移人口落户城镇、城镇棚户区和城中村改造、中西部地区城镇化等问题。统筹推进国家新型城镇化综合试点和中小城市综合改革试点,探索建立农业转移人口市民化成本分担机制、规范多元可持续的城市建设投融资机制、行政管理创新和行政成本降低的新型管理模式。优化调整城镇化布局,编制跨省区城市群规划,推动重点地区城市群协调发展。加快城市地下综合管廊和防洪防涝设施建设。坚决治理污染、拥堵等城市病。进一步推动市县“多规合一”改革试点。2015年全国常住人口和户籍人口城镇化率预期分别达到55.77%和37.9%。 | 4) We will actively advance the new type of urbanization. We will carry out the plan on urbanization with the focus on three tasks, each concerning 100 million people: granting urban residency to around 100 million people who have moved to cities from rural areas, rebuilding run-down areas and "villages" inside cities where around 100 million people live, and guiding the process of urbanization for around 100 million rural residents in the central and western regions. We will coordinate efforts in carrying out comprehensive pilot projects for advancing the new type of urbanization nationwide and in launching trials for comprehensive reform in small and medium-sized cities, and we will explore the establishment of mechanisms for sharing the costs associated with helping people from rural areas who have moved to cities become urban citizens, of well-regulated, diversified, and sustainable mechanisms for investment and financing to ensure funding for urban development, and of new models of administrative management that encourage innovations and reduce costs. We will improve the overall distribution of areas that are undergoing urbanization, formulate planning for cross-provincial city clusters, and promote the coordinated development of city clusters in key regions. We will move faster to construct multi-purpose networks for underground pipelines and facilities for flood prevention and rainwater control in cities. We will ensure the effective governance of urban maladies such as pollution and traffic congestion. We will carry out pilot projects in more cities and counties to replace multiple plans for local development with one master plan. By the end of 2015, 55.77% of China's population is expected to be comprised of permanent urban residents, and 37.9% is expected to be comprised of registered urban residents. |
(七)坚持不懈推进节能减排、低碳发展和生态环境保护。坚持源头预防、过程监管、后果严惩,更加注重绿色循环低碳发展,改善生态环境,建设美丽中国。 | 7. Making unremitting efforts in energy conservation, emissions reduction, low-carbon development, and ecological and environmental protection In addressing problems concerning the environment, we will continue to treat root causes, conduct monitoring and regulation over the whole process of production, and enforce severe punishments for violations or damage to the environment. We will attach greater importance to green, circular, and low-carbon development so as to improve the ecosystem and environment of China and build a beautify country. |
一是加强生态文明制度建设。出台实施加快推进生态文明建设的意见,研究制订生态文明体制改革实施方案和生态文明建设目标体系。抓好生态补偿示范区、生态文明先行示范区建设。开展重要水源地、重点流域和跨流域生态补偿试点。推进排污权有偿使用和交易试点。加强沿海滩涂保护与开发管理。推行环境污染第三方治理试点和能效信贷、绿色信贷,探索开展环境污染强制责任保险。 | 1) We will improve the systems for promoting ecological progress. We will issue and implement guidelines on accelerating ecological advancement, and on the basis of research, formulate a plan for implementing the structural reform for promoting ecological progress and a system for setting targets for ecological improvement. We will establish demonstration zones for enforcing compensation for ecological damage and for promoting ecological progress. Compensation for ecological damage will be levied on a trial basis at key water sources, in major drainage basins, and across drainage basins. We will launch pilot projects to promote a cap-and-trade system for emissions. We will strengthen the protection of mudflats and improve the management of their development. We will carry out trials of allowing enterprises to commission a third party to treat their pollution, and provide special financing for encouraging energy efficiency and provide green loans for environmentally responsible businesses. We will explore the introduction of compulsory environmental pollution liability insurance. |
二是严控能源消费总量和消耗强度。坚持节能减排预警调控,强化能源消耗强度控制,加强能源消费总量管理,严格节能目标责任考核。对雾霾严重地区、节能形势严峻地区和产能过剩行业严控高耗能项目,并实行煤炭减量或等量替代。继续组织实施重点节能工程和循环经济试点示范工程,大力推进工业废物和生活垃圾资源化利用。 | 2) We will strictly control both energy intensity and total energy consumption. We will continue to implement the early-warning and regulatory system for energy conservation and emissions reduction, tighten control over energy intensity, improve management of total energy consumption, and strictly evaluate the performance of energy conservation targets and correspondingly pursue accountability. For areas affected by severe smog, regions where conserving energy is difficult, and industries with overcapacity, we will strictly control the number of energy-intensive projects and put into effect policies for coal use reduction and for replacing some coal use with alternative energy sources. We will continue to launch key energy-conservation projects and pilot and demonstration projects that aim to establish a circular economy, and vigorously promote the recovery of resources from industrial and household waste. |
三是强化环境治理和生态保护。深入落实“大气十条”,实施水污染、土壤污染防治行动计划,强化重点地区大气污染防治和重点流域海域水污染防治。推动燃煤电厂超低排放改造。推进煤炭清洁高效利用。加快成品油质量升级。加大黄标车淘汰力度。加强风沙源、水土流失、石漠化、矿山地质环境治理和草原、农田生态保护。实施新一轮退耕还林还草工程、退牧还草工程和重大林业生态工程,新增退耕还林还草66.7万公顷,造林600万公顷。大力发展节能环保产业。推进海水淡化及综合利用。 | 3) We will strengthen pollution control and ecological protection. We will fully implement the ten measures on controlling air pollution as stipulated in the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, implement the action plan for preventing and controlling water and soil pollution, and strengthen efforts to prevent and control air pollution in key areas and water pollution in key drainage basins and sea areas. We will upgrade coal-burning power plants to achieve ultra-low emissions. We will promote clean and efficient use of coal. We will accelerate efforts to increase the quality of refined oil products. We will remove more high-emission vehicles from roads. We will redouble efforts to control the factors causing sandstorms, treat soil erosion, prevent the spread of stony deserts, improve the geological environment in mining areas, and protect ecosystems on grasslands and farmlands. We will launch a new group of projects to return marginal cultivated land to forests or grasslands and return grazing land to grasslands and major projects to develop forests for ecological conservation. In 2015, we will return an additional 667 thousand hectares of cultivated land to forests or grasslands, and afforest six million hectares of land. We will vigorously develop energy conservation and environmental protection industries. We will advance desalination and comprehensive utilization of seawater. |
四是积极应对气候变化。实施碳排放权交易管理暂行办法,深化低碳发展试点示范。深入开展气候变化南南合作,建设性参加联合国气候变化巴黎会议。 | 4) We will actively address climate change. We will implement the Interim Measures for the Management of Carbon Emission Rights Trading, and continue the pilot programs and demonstrations of low-carbon development. We will intensify South-South cooperation on climate change, and play a constructive part in the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. |
(八)加强保障和改善民生。把改善民生与增强社会活力、经济动力结合起来,加大投入力度,努力增加公共产品和服务有效供给。 | 8. Working harder to ensure and improve people's wellbeing We will integrate our efforts to improve people's wellbeing and invigorate social and economic development, and increase the investment in and effective supply of public goods and services. |
一是精准发力做好就业工作。落实完善促进就业创业政策,鼓励大众创业、万众创新。深入实施高校毕业生就业促进计划和大学生创业引领计划,推动落实农民工职业技能提升计划。强化对就业困难群体的帮扶,妥善解决兼并重组、化解产能过剩、淘汰落后产能过程中的职工安置问题,落实和完善失业保险支持企业稳定就业岗位政策。 | 1) We will take well-targeted steps to ensure employment. We will implement and improve policies to increase employment and entrepreneurship, and encourage individuals to start their own businesses and make innovations. We will fully carry out the program for promoting the employment of college and university graduates and guiding college and university students in starting up businesses, and provide vocational skills training to rural migrant workers. We will increase our assistance to groups who have difficulty in finding a job; properly solve the issue of resettling and providing employment to workers laid off due to SOE mergers and reorganizations, the phasing-out of excess production capacity, or the shutdown of outdated production facilities; and implement and improve the policy on using unemployment insurance funds to support enterprises in ensuring job opportunities. |
二是健全社会保障体系。制订深化养老保险制度改革总体方案,适时开展个人税收递延型商业养老保险试点。新农合和城镇居民医保财政补助标准从每人每年320元提高到380元,个人缴费水平同时由每人每年90元提高到120元。全面实施城乡居民大病保险、疾病应急救助和临时救助制度,加强重特大疾病医疗救助。完善城乡居民低保制度和被征地农民社会保障政策。提高优抚对象抚恤和生活补助标准。建立健全重特大自然灾害灾后恢复重建机制。 | 2) We will improve the social security system. We will formulate an overall plan for deepening reform of the old-age insurance system and, at the appropriate time, launch trials of commercial pension schemes that allow for deferred payment of individual income tax. We will raise government subsidies for the new rural cooperative medical care system and the basic medical insurance for nonworking urban residents from 320 yuan to 380 yuan per person per year and also increase the annual individual contribution from 90 yuan to 120 yuan per person. We will introduce major disease insurance for rural and nonworking urban residents and the system of emergency assistance and temporary assistance for disease treatment across the country, and intensify efforts to provide medical assistance for treatment of major and critical diseases. We will improve the subsistence allowance system for both urban and rural residents and the social security policy for farmers whose land has been expropriated. We will raise subsidies and living allowances for entitled groups. We will establish a sound mechanism for supporting recovery and reconstruction efforts in areas hit by catastrophic natural disasters. |
三是增强公共服务能力。创新公共服务提供方式,扩大政府购买服务。继续开展基层就业和社会保障服务设施建设。进一步改善贫困地区薄弱学校基本办学条件,加快民族地区教育发展,健全家庭经济困难学生资助体系,保障进城务工人员随迁子女平等接受义务教育,推进考试招生制度改革,加快职业教育产教融合。加强特殊教育、学前教育、继续教育和民族地区各类教育。鼓励社会办学。2015年,普通高等教育计划招生700万人,研究生招生79.7万人。在全国推开县级公立医院综合改革,扩大城市公立医院综合改革试点,完善鼓励社会办医的政策措施,推进覆盖城乡的医疗服务体系建设。积极发展中医药和民族医药事业。基本公共卫生服务经费财政补助标准从人均35元提高到40元,农村地区新增资金全部用于支付村医提供的基本公共卫生服务。加快推进现代公共文化服务体系建设,加强珍贵文化和自然遗产保护,加快新闻出版、广播影视、文学艺术等公共文化事业和文化产业改革发展。繁荣发展哲学社会科学。稳步推进国家公园体制试点。加强旅游基础设施建设,支持新兴旅游业态发展。加强养老服务体系建设。加快国家人口基础信息库建设。推进残疾人康复和托养、儿童福利等设施建设。大力建设全民健身公共服务体系。 | 3) We will become better able to provide public services. We will create new ways for providing public services, and expand government procurement of public services from nongovernmental sectors. We will continue to develop community-level facilities for employment and social security services. We will continue to improve the basic conditions of badly built and poorly operated schools in poor areas, accelerate the development of education in ethnic minority areas, improve the system for providing aid to students from poor families, ensure that the children of rural migrant workers in cities have the same access to compulsory education as local urban children, advance reform of the school examination and enrollment systems, and speed up the integration of vocational education with industry. We will strengthen special needs education, preschool education, continuing education, and all types of education in areas with concentrations of ethnic minorities. We will encourage nongovernmental sectors to run schools. In 2015, regular institutions of higher learning are planned to enroll seven million undergraduate students and 797,000 graduate students. We will carry out comprehensive reform of county-level public hospitals nationwide, expand comprehensive trial reforms of public hospitals in cities, improve policies and measures that encourage nongovernmental investment in the running of medical institutions, and continue to develop the system of medical services covering both urban and rural areas. We will vigorously develop traditional Chinese medicine and the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities. We will raise annual per capita government subsidies to basic public health services from 35 yuan to 40 yuan, with the entire additional sum in rural areas to be used for paying the basic public health services from rural doctors. We will accelerate development of the system of modern public cultural services, better preserve valuable cultural and natural heritage, and quicken reform and development of the culture industry as well as public cultural initiatives through the press and publishing; radio, film, and television; and literature and art. We will promote the flourishing of philosophy and the social sciences. We will steadily carry out trials for a system of national parks. We will strengthen infrastructure for tourism, and support the development of new models of tourism. We will intensify development of the system for elderly services. We will quickly establish a national database for basic population information. We will build more recovery and care facilities for people with disabilities and facilities for children's welfare. We will redouble efforts to develop the public service system for promoting national fitness. |
四是创新机制加强保障性安居工程建设。推进棚户区改造货币化安置,鼓励城市政府多渠道增加公租房房源,让更多住房困难群众早日搬入新居。基本完成国有林区棚户区、国有林场危旧房改造工程建设。城镇保障性安居工程住房基本建成480万套,新安排740万套,其中棚户区改造580万套。注重分类指导、因地施策,积极支持居民自住和改善性住房需求,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。 | 4) We will make institutional innovations to strengthen construction of government-subsidized housing. We will promote the use of direct monetary housing subsidies to people displaced by the rebuilding of run-down areas, and encourage municipal governments to utilize multiple means to increase the supply of public rental housing so that more people in urgent need of housing can find new homes as soon as possible. We will basically complete the renovation of run-down areas in state forestry areas and of dilapidated housing on state forestry farms. In urban areas, work on 4.8 million government-subsidized housing units will be basically completed and construction will begin on an additional 7.4 million units, including 5.8 million units to be rebuilt in run-down areas. We will give targeted guidance and adapt measures tailored to specific local conditions in order to vigorously support the people's demand for first homes or second homes if their first homes are inadequate, and spur the steady and sound development of the real estate market. |
加强内地与香港、澳门在经贸等领域的交流合作,2015年底前实现内地与港澳服务贸易基本自由化。支持香港提升国际金融、航运、贸易中心地位,促进经济社会繁荣稳定和民生不断改善。支持澳门建设世界旅游休闲中心、中国与葡语国家商贸合作服务平台,推动澳门经济适度多元可持续发展。扩大和深化两岸各领域交流合作,加快海峡两岸经济合作框架协议后续谈判,推动经济互利融合。 | We will strengthen exchange and cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao in areas such as the economy and trade, and basically realize the liberalization of trade in services with the two regions by the end of 2015. We will support Hong Kong in elevating its position as an international financial, shipping, and trade center, and promote the long-term prosperity and stability of its economic and social development as well as the steady improvement of its people's wellbeing. We will support Macao in becoming a world tourism and leisure center and in building a platform for facilitating business and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese language countries, and will support appropriately diversifying its economy and promoting its sustainable development. We will expand and deepen exchange and cooperation in all fields between the mainland and Taiwan, quickly complete the follow-up talks on the cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, and promote economic integration for the mutual benefit of all. |
今年还有一项重要任务,就是在广泛征求意见、集聚民智的基础上,编制“十三五”规划,做好“十三五”规划纲要草案提交十二届全国人大四次会议审议的准备工作。 | This year we have an additional important task to perform: on the basis of soliciting a wide range of opinions and drawing on the wisdom of the people, we must formulate the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and complete the preparatory work for submitting it to the Fourth Session of the Twelfth NPC for deliberation. |
各位代表,做好2015年经济社会发展各项工作,任务艰巨,意义重大。我们要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央周围,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,自觉接受全国人大的监督,虚心听取全国政协的意见和建议,齐心协力,奋发有为,为全面完成“十二五”规划目标任务,促进经济社会持续健康发展而努力奋斗! | Fellow Deputies, Accomplishing all the work for economic and social development in 2015 is an onerous but important task. We will unite even closer around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide, implement the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major speeches, willingly accept the oversight of the NPC, and seek comments and suggestions from the CPPCC National Committee with an open mind. We will pool together our hearts and our energy in striving to achieve all the targets set out in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan and promote sustainable and sound economic and social development. |
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