White Paper: Tibet's Path of Development Is Driven by an Irresistible Historical Tide

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-04-15

二、新西藏走上了一条正确发展道路II. New Tibet Follows a Sound Path of Development
1949年中华人民共和国成立后,西藏发生了历史性的转变。1951年,西藏实现和平解放,为彻底将帝国主义势力驱逐出西藏创造了条件。1959年,西藏实行民主改革,一举结束了延续几百年的政教合一的封建农奴制。1965年,西藏自治区成立,社会主义制度建立。1978年后,中国开始改革开放,西藏现代化建设不断取得新成就。进入21世纪以来,西藏的发展驶入快车道,全面建设小康社会不断取得新进展。经过60多年的建设发展,西藏各族人民逐步探索出具有中国特色、西藏特点的发展路子,一个传统与现代交相辉映的新西藏呈现在世人面前。Tibet has undergone historic changes after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951 made it possible to expel the forces of imperialism from Tibet, and the democratic reform in 1959 brought to an end the feudal theocratic serfdom that had endured, and exerted both religious and political power, for hundreds of years. In 1965, the Tibet Autonomous Region was established, and the socialist system has since prevailed in Tibet. Following the launch of reform and opening up in 1978, the drive for modernization has brought extensive benefits to Tibet as much as to any other part of the country. Especially in the 21st century, Tibet has achieved even faster growth and further progress towards building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Through more than 60 years of development, the people of Tibet have found a path of development that is both characteristically Chinese and suited to the actual prevailing conditions in Tibet. Thus, a new Tibet that is a blend of both the traditional and the modern has appeared.
——新西藏的发展道路,是中华民族大团结之路- The development path of new Tibet safeguards the unity of the Chinese nation.
近代以来,由于帝国主义的侵略,西藏面临着是统一于中华民族大家庭还是从中华民族大家庭中分裂出去的两种命运。英国殖民者先后于1888年和1904年两次武装侵略西藏,强迫当时的中国清朝(1644-1911年)政府签订不平等条约,取得在西藏的大量特权。清朝灭亡后,英国殖民者积极培植西藏分裂势力,制造“西藏独立”问题。1949年中华人民共和国成立后,西藏上层分裂分子和帝国主义势力加紧策划“西藏独立”,企图把西藏从中国分裂出去。中央人民政府根据西藏的历史和现实情况,决定采取和平解放西藏的方针,坚定维护国家的统一和领土完整。十世班禅等藏族各界爱国人士也纷纷发出解放西藏的呼吁,要求中国人民解放军进驻西藏,维护国家统一。1951年5月23日,中央人民政府和西藏地方政府的代表签订《关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》(以下简称《十七条协议》),西藏宣告和平解放。十四世达赖于10月24日致电中央政府主席毛泽东,表示:“西藏地方政府及藏族僧俗人民一致拥护,并在毛主席及中央人民政府的领导下积极协助人民解放军进藏部队巩固国防,驱逐帝国主义势力出西藏,保护祖国领土主权的统一。”Tibet faced two different possible outcomes when the imperialists invaded the plateau in the modern era: unity with or separation from the Chinese nation. British colonialists invaded Tibet twice - in 1888 and 1904 - and forced the Qing court, which ruled China from 1644 to 1911, to sign a couple of unequal treaties that accorded Britain with many privileges in Tibet. When the Qing court was overthrown in 1911, the British began fostering separatist forces in Tibet, trying to engineer "Tibetan independence." No sooner had the People's Republic of China been founded in 1949 than separatists from the upper classes of Tibet were hastening to hatch plots for "Tibetan independence" with imperialist forces, attempting to separate Tibet from the motherland. Based on an assessment of Tibet's history and the prevailing conditions there, the Central People's Government of China decided to follow a principle of peaceful liberation for Tibet so as to safeguard national unity and territorial integrity. Patriots in Tibet, including the 10th Panchen Lama, also called on the central government to liberate and station Chinese People's Liberation Army troops in Tibet to ensure the unity of the country. The peaceful liberation of Tibet was finally achieved when the Agreement of the Central People's Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet (also known as the "17-Article Agreement") was signed on May 23, 1951. The 14th Dalai Lama sent a telegram to Mao Zedong, chairman of the Central People's Government, which read: "...The local government of Tibet as well as the ecclesiastical and secular people unanimously support this Agreement, and, under the leadership of Chairman Mao and the Central People's Government, will actively assist the PLA troops entering Tibet to consolidate national defense, ousting imperialist influences from Tibet and safeguarding the unification of the territory and the sovereignty of the motherland."
和平解放使西藏摆脱了帝国主义侵略势力的羁绊,宣告了帝国主义制造“西藏独立”图谋的破产,实现了中华民族在新的历史条件下的大团结。和平解放还解决了达赖和班禅相互之间的历史遗留问题,促成了西藏内部的大团结。西藏和平解放后,中国政府逐步废除了外国在西藏长期享有的特权。1954年,中国和印度签订了《关于中国西藏地方和印度之间的通商和交通的协定》,取消了印度继承的英国侵略西藏遗留下来的特权。1956年,中国和尼泊尔签订《中华人民共和国和尼泊尔王国保持友好关系以及关于中国西藏地方和尼泊尔之间的通商和交通协定》,解决了西藏地方与尼泊尔历史上的遗留问题。The peaceful liberation enabled Tibet to shake off the fetters of imperialism, confounded imperialist designs for an independent Tibet, and realized the unity of the Chinese nation in these new historical circumstances. It also addressed the issue between the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama left over from history, leading to unity within Tibet. After the peaceful liberation, the Chinese government gradually revoked the privileges foreign countries had awarded themselves in Tibet. In 1954, the People's Republic of China and India signed the Agreement on Trade and Intercourse between the Tibet Region of China and India, abolishing the privileges India had inherited from the British invaders. In 1956, China signed with Nepal the Agreement on Maintaining Friendly Relations between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Nepal and on Trade and Intercourse between the Tibet Region of China and Nepal, settling the issue between the local Tibet government and Nepal left over from history.
在此后的半个多世纪里,在中华民族大家庭中,西藏各族人民与全国各族人民同心同德,风雨同舟,建立起平等、团结、互助、和谐的民族关系,藏族与其他民族你中有我、我中有你,谁也离不开谁。在维护国家统一、反对民族分裂的斗争中,西藏各族人民紧密团结在中央政府周围,经受住了各种困难和风险的考验,维护了中华民族的团结和国家统一。在实现中华民族伟大复兴的进程中,西藏各族人民与全国各族人民共享国家发展成果和荣耀。Over more than half a century since then, the Tibetan people have shared one mind, and in the face of every challenge have stood together with the people of other ethnic groups of the Chinese nation. Together, they have established a harmonious relationship featuring equality, solidarity and interdependence. The people of Tibet have stood firmly with the central government in spite of hardships endured and challenges faced in the struggle against separatist forces in order to safeguard national unity and solidarity, and also to share with the rest of the country the fruits and achievements of development in the course of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
为帮助西藏摆脱贫穷落后状态,加快发展步伐,中央政府发挥社会主义制度和体制优势,举全国之力支援西藏建设,以优惠的政策和巨大的人力、物力、财力,不断为西藏的发展注入新的动力。60多年来,中央财政不断加大对西藏的财政转移支付力度。1952-2013年,中央政府对西藏的各项财政补助达5446亿元,占西藏地方公共财政支出的95%。1980年以来,中央先后五次召开西藏工作座谈会,从中国社会主义现代化建设全局出发,对西藏的发展建设作出整体规划。从1994年中央第三次西藏工作座谈会开始,中央实施对口支援西藏的政策,安排60个中央国家机关、18个省市和17家中央企业对口支援西藏。20年来,先后有七批5965名优秀干部进藏工作,实施援藏项目7615个,投入援藏资金260亿元,主要用于改善民生和基础设施建设,为西藏经济社会发展作出了重要贡献。2010年中央第五次西藏工作座谈会后,中央政府按照省市财政收入的千分之一核定了17个援藏省市的援助资金量,并建立了稳定增长机制。In order to help Tibet develop rapidly and get rid of poverty and backwardness, the central government has fully exploited the institutional advantages of the socialist system to pool nationwide strengths to support the construction of Tibet, and a series of preferential policies have been adopted and great financial and material resources as well as manpower have been amassed to inject new impetus to its development. For the past six decades and more, the financial department of the central government has steadily increased transfer payments for Tibet. In the period from 1952 to 2013, the central government provided 544.6 billion yuan to Tibet in financial subsidies, accounting for 95 percent of Tibet's total public financial expenditure. Since 1980, five national symposiums have been called on work in Tibet, working out integrated blueprints for Tibet's development by proceeding from the perspective of the country's overall drive for modernization. Since the Third National Symposium on Work in Tibet in 1994, the central government has put into effect the policy of pairing-up support for Tibet where 60 central state organs, 18 provinces or municipalities directly under the central government, and 17 centrally managed state-owned enterprises have been paired up with and made to provide assistance to specific areas of Tibet. Over the last two decades, a total of 5,965 of China's best officials have been appointed to work in Tibet, 7,615 assistance projects have been carried out, and 26 billion yuan has been invested in Tibet and mainly directed at improving infrastructure and quality of life. All of this assistance has made an enormous contribution to Tibet's social and economic development. After the Fifth National Symposium on Work in Tibet in 2010, the central government determined that the 17 provincial and municipal governments involved in the paired-up support program should provide Tibet with 0.1 percent of their yearly fiscal revenues as aid funds, thus establishing a mechanism to ensure a steady growth in such aiding funds.
——新西藏的发展道路,是人民当家作主之路- The development path of new Tibet ensures that the people are masters of their own fate.
把农奴主掌权的旧西藏改造为人民当家作主的新西藏,是西藏社会发展的必然要求和西藏各族人民的根本愿望。在中国特色社会主义民主政治框架内,西藏已走上现代民主之路,人民的各项政治权利得到充分尊重和保障。The transformation of the old serf-owning Tibet into a new Tibet where the people are masters of their own fate was an essential precondition of Tibet's social development and also a fundamental aspiration of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. Within the framework of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, Tibet has embarked on a road of modern democracy, and all political rights of the people are fully respected and protected.
在西藏,藏族和门巴族、珞巴族、纳西族、回族、汉族等民族,共同享有平等参与国家事务管理的权利。作为国家根本政治制度的人民代表大会制度,是中国各族人民行使民主权利的主要途径。目前在全国人民代表大会中,西藏自治区有21名代表,其中12名为藏族公民,门巴族、珞巴族虽然人口极少,也分别各有1名代表。人民政协是中国社会主义民主政治的特有形式和独特优势,是中国人民实行协商民主的重要机构。目前在中国人民政治协商会议中,西藏自治区有委员29名,其中藏族和其他少数民族委员有26名。在西藏自治区34244名四级人大代表中,藏族和其他少数民族代表31901名,占93%以上,门巴族、珞巴族、纳西族、回族、壮族等均有自己的代表。西藏自治区十届人大常委会44名组成人员中有藏族和其他少数民族25名,14名常委会主任、副主任中有藏族和其他少数民族8名。基层民主建设不断加强。在西藏,目前95%以上的村建立了村民代表会议制度,选举产生村民自治组织。村务公开、民主管理实现全覆盖,90%以上的村设立公开栏,保障群众的知情权、参与权、决策权、监督权。192个城镇社区全部建立了社区居民代表大会、社区居委会等社区组织,社区居民自治有充分的组织保证。In Tibet there are Tibetans, Monbas, Lhobas, Naxi's, Huis, Han's and peoples of some other ethnic groups; they all enjoy the right to equally participate in the administration of state affairs. The system of people's congress, as a basic political system of China, serves as the main channel through which the people exercise their democratic rights. Now, the Tibet Autonomous Region has 21 deputies to the National People's Congress, of whom 12 are Tibetans, and even the Monba and Lhoba ethnic groups, despite their small populations, are each represented by one. The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is unique to China's socialist democracy; it is an important platform for the Chinese people to exercise deliberative democracy. At present, Tibet has 29 members on the CPPCC National Committee, including 26 from the Tibetan and other ethnic minorities. Among the 34,244 deputies to the local people's congresses at all four administrative levels in Tibet, 31,901 are from the Tibetan, Monba, Lhoba, Naxi, Hui, Zhuang and other ethnic minorities, accounting for more than 93 percent. The 44-member standing committee of the tenth Tibet regional people's congress has 25 representatives from Tibetan and other ethnic minorities, who occupy eight of the 14 positions of chairpersons or vice-chairpersons. Community-level democracy is also subject to constant enhancement. More than 95 percent of Tibet's villages have established the system of villagers' representative meetings and elected villagers' self-governance organizations. All villages have made their affairs public and exercise democratic management, and more than 90 percent of them have set up billboards to guarantee the rights of the general public to be informed about, to participate in, to make decisions on, and to scrutinize local government. All of Tibet's 192 urban communities have also set up community residents' congresses and community committees, providing a solid organizational mechanism for the self-governance of local urban residents.

China's system of regional ethnic autonomy is based on the national conditions. Tibet is one of the five ethnic autonomous regions of China. According to the Constitution and the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy of the People's Republic of China, the Tibet Autonomous Region enjoys extensive autonomy in legislation, language, culture and education, and flexible application of relevant state laws as well as fiscal management and official appointments. Since their establishment in 1965, the regional people's congress and its standing committee have passed more than 290 local laws and regulations or resolutions and decisions of a legislative nature, and formulated measures for the flexible application of some state laws in Tibet in order to adapt them to local conditions.

Tibet created alternative regulations in 1981 and 2004, in which the legal age of marriage for both men and women was reduced by two years relative to the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, and polyandrous and polygynous relationships that had existed before the regulations took effect would be allowed to continue if no one involved proposed dissolution. Tibet also issued the Interim Measures for Family Planning in Tibet Autonomous Region (Trial). Han Chinese officials and workers and their families are authorized to have only one child per couple; as regards Tibetan, Naxi, Hui and Zhuang officials and workers, and their family members whose hukous (residency registration) are in relevant urban enterprises, are allowed to have two children per couple at reasonable intervals; farmers and herdsmen in farming and pastoral areas are not subject to any restrictions, likewise there are no restrictions on couples from the Monba, Lhoba, Sherpa and Deng ethnic groups.

In addition to the national holidays, Tibet has also established other public holidays, mostly traditional Tibetan festivals such as the Tibetan New Year and Shoton Festival.

《中华人民共和国宪法》规定,国家帮助民族自治地方从当地民族中大量培养各级干部、各种专业人才和技术工人。《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》规定,自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长由实行民族区域自治的民族的公民担任;民族自治地方的自治机关所属工作部门的干部中,应当合理配备实行区域自治的民族和其他少数民族的人员。《中华人民共和国公务员法》规定,民族自治地方录取公务员时,要对少数民族考生予以适当照顾。目前,在西藏自治区干部队伍中,藏族和其他少数民族干部占70.95%,其中县乡两级领导班子中,藏族和其他少数民族占70.13%。西藏自治区历届人民代表大会常务委员会主任和人民政府主席由藏族公民担任。在全国高考录取和国家公务员考试中,藏族等少数民族都享受加分政策。According to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the state has the responsibility to help the ethnic autonomous areas train large numbers of officials at various levels, and specialized personnel and skilled workers of various professions and trades from among the ethnic group or groups in those areas. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional Ethnic Autonomy stipulates that the chairperson of an autonomous region, the prefect of an autonomous prefecture or the head of an autonomous county is to be a member of the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned; other government posts in the relevant area will be assigned to members of the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy and to other ethnic minorities on a proportional basis. The Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China provides that, where there is any employment of civil servants in an autonomous area, applicants from ethnic minorities will be given appropriate preferential treatment. In the current contingent of local officials in Tibet, 70.95 percent are from the Tibetan and other ethnic minorities, and among county and township leaders the proportion is very similar. Since the Tibet Autonomous Region was set up, all the chairpersons of the standing committee of the regional people's congress and of the regional people's government have been elected from the Tibetan ethnic group. Tibetan and other ethnic minority candidates for the national college entrance and civil servant exams enjoy a preferential marking system.
——新西藏的发展道路,是各民族共同繁荣进步之路- The development path of new Tibet guarantees the common prosperity of all ethnic groups.
几十年来,在中央政府的大力支持和全国各族人民的积极帮助下,经过西藏各族人民的团结奋斗,西藏的发展水平迈上新台阶,各项事业不断取得新成就。With the full support of the central government and the generous assistance of other ethnic groups from the rest of the country, the people of Tibet have worked together to achieve widespread success.

There have been substantial improvements in the quality of life. In 2013, the Gross Regional Product (GRP) of Tibet reached 80.767 billion yuan; the per-capita net income of farmers and herdsmen was 6,578 yuan and the per-capita disposable income of urban dwellers was 20,023 yuan. The overwhelming majority of Tibetans have now shaken off poverty that had dogged them for centuries to enjoy a relatively comfortable life. The low-income housing projects for farmers and herdsmen that were initiated in 2006 have been completed, and a total of 460,300 low-income houses were built, providing safe modern housing to 2.3 million farmers and herdsmen. The average per-capita floor space of farmers and herdsmen was 30.51 sq m, and that of urban dwellers reached 42.81 sq m.

In 2013, the population of Tibet rose to 3.1204 million, and average life expectancy was 68.2 years. These represent a tripling and a doubling of the respective figures from the early 1950s. According to the "CCTV Economic Life Survey" jointly sponsored by the National Bureau of Statistics, China Post Group, and China Central Television (CCTV), Lhasa has topped the "happiness index" for five consecutive years.

教育卫生和社会保障事业全面发展。西藏在全国率先实现学前教育、城乡义务教育和高中阶段教育15年免费教育,小学学龄儿童入学率达99.59%,初中毛入学率达到98.75%,高中阶段毛入学率达到72.23%。人口素质明显提升,基本扫除了青壮年文盲,15周岁以上人口人均受教育年限达到8.1年。基本医疗卫生服务体系基本建立,现有医疗卫生机构6660个(含村卫生室)。以免费医疗为基础的农牧区医疗制度覆盖全体农牧民,政府经费补助标准2014年提高至年人均380元。在全国率先实现城乡居民免费健康体检。There has been comprehensive development in Tibet's education, health and social security. The region took the lead in China to provide its residents with a 15-year free education (three-year preschool, six-year primary school, three-year junior middle school and three-year senior middle school); 99.59 percent of school-age children are enrolled at primary level; the gross enrollment rates for junior middle school and senior middle school have reached 98.75 percent and 72.23 percent, respectively. The quality of the population is also improving. Illiteracy has been wiped out among the young and the middle-aged, and the average length of time spent in education for people above the age of 15 has reached 8.1 years. A basic medical and health service system has been established. Tibet now has 6,660 medical and health institutions. Free medical services are now available to all farmers and herdsmen in the autonomous region, with the relevant annual subsidy being raised to 380 yuan per person in 2014. Tibet is the first area in China to provide free physical examinations for urban and rural residents.
现代化水平不断提高。现代工业和基础设施不断发展,建立起包括20多个门类、富有西藏特色的现代工业体系。以水电为主,地热、风能、太阳能等多能互补的新型能源体系全面建成。2013年,电力装机容量128万千瓦,用电人口覆盖率100%。以公路、航空、铁路、管道运输建设为重点的综合交通运输体系逐步完善。2014年,基本实现县县通公路、乡乡通公路,其中62个县通油路,青藏铁路延伸线拉萨至日喀则铁路建成通车。西藏已建成通航机场5个,8家航空公司在藏运营,开通国内航线45条。遍布全区的光缆、卫星和长途电话网全面建成,县以上基本实现3G通信技术全覆盖,基本实现乡乡通宽带、村村通电话。2013年年底,电话普及率达到98.1部/百人,互联网普及率为37.4%。The drive for modernization continues. Modern industry and infrastructure are improving rapidly. A distinctive modern industrial system has been established that is adapted to the needs and conditions in Tibet and comprises more than 20 industries, in addition to the full development of a new energy system that is based on hydraulic power features complementation of geothermal, wind and solar power as well as other new energy sources. In 2013, the total installed generating capacity reached 1.28 million kw, and 100 percent of the local population was ensured access to electric power supply. A comprehensive transportation system including road, aviation, railway, and pipeline transportation has been gradually developed and improved. In 2014, every county and township now has highway access; 62 of the region's 70 counties are accessible by asphalted roads. The rail link connecting Lhasa and Shigatse - an extension to the Qinghai-Tibet Railway - is now in service. Tibet has now five airports served by eight airlines; and 45 domestic air routes link Tibet with other parts of China. A network of optical cable, satellite and long-distance telephone lines has been established in the region, and all places above county level now have 3G coverage. Every township has broadband service and every village has telephone services. By the end of 2013, the penetration rates of telephones and Internet stood at 98.1 percent and 37.4 percent, respectively.
对外开放水平不断提高。西藏经济逐步由封闭型向开放型、由供给型向经营型转变,发展步伐基本上与全国同步。目前,西藏已经融入全国统一的市场体系,来自全国和世界各地的商品源源不断地进入西藏,西藏特色商品也大量进入全国乃至世界市场。2013年,全区进出口总额为33.19亿美元,赴藏旅游人数达到1291万人次,其中境外游客22万人次。Tibet is becoming increasingly open to the outside world. Keeping abreast with other parts of China, Tibet has gradually evolved from being a closed type to being one that is open and market-oriented. Tibet has been fully incorporated into the national market system. While products from all over the nation and across the world flow into Tibet, the region's own characteristic products also move in large quantities to other parts of the country and further afield. In 2013, the total value of Tibet's foreign trade reached 3.319 billion U.S. dollars; and the region hosted 12.91 million tourists, including 220,000 from overseas.
——新西藏的发展道路,是西藏优秀传统文化得到传承和弘扬之路 - The development path of new Tibet facilitates the inheritance and spread of the positive aspects of traditional Tibetan culture.


Tibet has succeeded in preserving the spoken and written Tibetan language. The region enacted three provisions in 1987, 1988 and 2002, respectively, to provide a solid legal base for the study, use and development of the Tibetan language and script. Bilingual education, with Tibetan as the principal language, is widespread in Tibet. Primary schools in all farming and pastoral areas and some urban areas use both Tibetan and Chinese in teaching, but mostly Tibetan for the major courses. Middle schools also use both languages, and Tibetan classes in middle schools in inland areas also have Tibetan language course. In the national college entrance exams, it is permissible to answer questions using Tibetan script. Computer coding of Tibetan characters has reached national and international standards. Editing, laser phototypesetting and electronic publishing in Tibetan are extensively adopted. Tibetan is widely used in political life. Resolutions, laws and regulations adopted at people's congresses at all levels, and official documents and declarations published by people's governments at various levels and their subsidiary departments in Tibet are published in both Tibetan and Chinese. In judicial proceedings, Tibetan is used to try cases involving litigants from the Tibetan group and for the relevant legal documents. While preserving and developing the Tibetan language, the state also popularizes standard Chinese throughout the country, including Tibet, so as to promote economic and cultural exchanges between ethnic groups and regions.
优秀传统文化得到保护和传承。西藏自治区制定《西藏自治区文物保护管理条例》、《西藏自治区人民政府关于加强文物保护的布告》等,加强文物保护。现有各类文物点4277处,国家重点文物保护单位55处,自治区级文物保护单位391处,市县级文物保护单位978处,国家历史文化名城3座。布达拉宫、罗布林卡、大昭寺被列入世界文化遗产名录,拉萨、日喀则、江孜被列为国家级历史文化名城,西藏博物馆被列为国家一级博物馆,西藏档案馆收藏有300多万件重要历史档案。现有国家级非物质文化遗产名录76处,自治区级323项,地市级76项,县级814项。国家级非遗代表性传承人68名,自治区级350名,民间藏戏队117支。格萨尔、藏戏被列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。现代公共文化日益普及,广播电视综合覆盖率分别达到94.38%、95.51%。西藏所有行政村都有农家书屋、所有藏传佛教寺庙都有寺庙书屋。2011年,西藏设立文化产业发展专项资金,扶持西藏文化产业发展。The outstanding traditional Tibetan culture has been preserved and handed down. Tibet has issued the Regulations of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Protection of Cultural Relics, and issued the Notice of the Tibet Autonomous Region People's Government on Strengthening the Protection of Cultural Relics, in addition to the enactment of various other relevant laws and regulations. Currently, Tibet has 4,277 cultural relic sites, including 55 key cultural heritage sites under state protection, 391 under regional protection, and 978 under city- or county-level protection, as well as three state-level historical and cultural cities (Lhasa, Shigatse and Gyangtse). The Potala Palace, the Norbulingka and Jokhang Temple are on the World Heritage List. Tibet Museum is a national A-class museum. The Tibet Archives boasts a collection of more than 3 million documents of historic importance. Tibet has 76 items listed as state-class intangible cultural heritage items, 323 as regional ones, 76 as city-level ones, and 814 as county-level ones, in addition to 68 representative trustees of such cultural items at the national level and 350 at the regional level. There are 117 Tibetan opera troupes. Tibetan opera and the Gesar epic are included in UNESCO's Masterpieces of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Modern public cultural services also extend across an ever-widening area; radio and TV coverage has reached 94.38 percent and 95.51 percent, respectively. Every administrative village or Buddhist temple in Tibet now boasts a library appropriate to its needs. In 2011, Tibet set up a special fund to support the development of cultural industries.

Citizens enjoy full freedom of religious belief. In Tibet, Tibetan Buddhism, Bon, Islam, and Catholicism coexist with a number of other religions, and within Tibetan Buddhism there are different sects such as Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug. The freedom of religious belief of various ethnic groups is respected and protected by the Constitution and the laws, with all religions and sects being treated equally. This equates to true religious tolerance. No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or disbelieve in, any religion, nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. Currently, Tibet has 1,787 sites for different religious activities, over 46,000 resident monks and nuns, and 358 Living Buddhas; there are four mosques and over 3,000 Muslims, and one Catholic church and 700 believers. Traditional religious activities such as learning the scriptures and debate, promotion through degrees, initiation as a monk or nun, abhisheka (empowerment ceremony), sutra chanting, and self-cultivation are held on a regular basis, while ceremonial activities are also held at important religious festivals in accordance with conventions. Ordinary believers usually have a scripture hall or a Buddha shrine at home, and such religious activities as circumambulation while reciting scriptures, Buddha worship, and inviting lamas or nuns from monasteries to hold religious rites are normally practiced.

Living Buddha reincarnation is a succession system unique to Tibetan Buddhism and is respected by the state. Through traditional religious rituals and historical conventions like drawing lots from a golden urn, the Tibet Autonomous Region searched for and identified the reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama, and conferred and enthroned the 11th Panchen Lama with the approval of the State Council in 1995. The State Administration for Religious Affairs issued the Measures on the Management of the Reincarnation of Living Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism in 2007 to further institutionalize the reincarnation process of Living Buddhas. Since democratic reform in Tibet, over 60 incarnated Living Buddhas have been confirmed through historical conventions and traditional religious rituals.

——新西藏的发展道路,是可持续发展之路- The development path of new Tibet is sustainable.
西藏是国家重要的生态安全屏障,对亚洲乃至世界都有着重要意义。多年来,西藏在发展过程中,始终遵循经济规律、社会规律和自然规律,不以牺牲自然环境为代价,注重经济、社会、生态的和谐统一,走可持续发展之路。中央政府坚持以人为本的科学发展观,把环境保护放在突出位置,作为发展的重要选项。西藏自治区政府提出了建设西藏生态安全屏障以及建设生态西藏、美丽西藏的战略目标,努力探索高原环境下实现西藏可持续发展的新路子。Serving as the important ecological safety barrier in China, Tibet's role is significant not only in Asia but on a global level. In recent decades, in keeping with economic, social and natural laws, Tibet has avoided development at the expense of the natural environment. Instead it has followed a sustainable path compatible with the harmonious coexistence of economy, society, and ecological environment. Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, the central government lays great emphasis on environmental protection, deeming it as an important part of development. Aiming at the strategic objectives of building the ecological safety barrier as well as ecological and beautiful Tibet, the regional government strives to establish and follow a new sustainable pattern of development on the Tibet plateau.
多年来,中央和西藏自治区编制实施了一系列生态环境保护与建设规划,对西藏的生态环境保护与建设进行全面规划与部署。中国政府在1998年和2000年制定的《全国生态环境建设规划》和《全国生态环境保护纲要》中,将青藏高原冻融区作为全国八大生态建设区之一,进行专门规划,建立保护措施。2009年,中国政府通过《西藏生态安全屏障保护与建设规划(2008-2030年)》,计划投资158亿元,争取到2030年基本建成西藏生态安全屏障。西藏自治区编制实施了《生态环境建设规划》、《水土保护规划》、《农牧区环境综合整治规划》、《生态功能区规划》等一系列生态环境保护与建设规划,并加大通过立法保护生态环境力度,近年来修订了《西藏自治区环境保护条例》,出台了《西藏自治区生态环境保护监督管理办法》等规章。Over the years, both central and regional governments have devised and implemented a series of plans for ecological conservation in Tibet to make overall planning for eco-environmental protection and economic construction of the region. In the National Plan for Eco-environmental Improvement and the National Program for Eco-environmental Protection, formulated by the government in 1998 and 2000 respectively, a separate plan with specific protection measures was drawn up to make the freeze-thawing zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau one of the country's eight major areas for ecological improvement. In 2009, the national government approved the Plan for Ecology Safety Barrier Protection and Improvement in Tibet (2008-2030), aiming to complete the Tibet ecology safety barrier by 2030 with an investment of RMB 15.8 billion. The Tibet Autonomous Region has also worked out and implemented a series of plans for eco-environmental protection and construction, including the Eco-environmental Improvement Plan, Plan for Water and Topsoil Conservation, Comprehensive Improvement Plan for the Environment in Farming and Pastoral Areas, and Ecological Function Zoning. Tibet has also further intensified efforts in eco-environmental protection by way of legislation, such as amending the Regulations of the Tibet Autonomous Region for Environmental Protection, and issuing the Methods of the Tibet Autonomous Region on Oversight and Management of Eco-environmental Protection.
国家和自治区地方政府采取了严格的环境保护措施。实施天然林保护工程、退耕还林、退牧还草工程和天然草地保护与建设、游牧民定居、人工种草、草场改良等草地生态环境建设项目;启动了国家森林生态效益补偿基金,开展了防沙治沙、水土流失和小流域综合治理及地质灾害防治工作。坚持慎重发展工业的原则,严格限制高能耗、高污染、高排放行业在区内发展,推广使用清洁能源,努力减少温室气体排放。多年来,中央政府和西藏自治区政府采取严格措施,严禁矿产资源开发。2013年,政府进一步严格环境准入,新颁布实施生态环境保护监督管理办法、矿产资源勘查开发监督管理办法和环境保护考核办法,特别是实行了矿产资源勘查开发自治区政府统一管理和环境保护一票否决制。Both the central and regional governments have adopted quite a number of strict measures for environmental protection. Projects have been carried out to protect natural forests, to reforest cultivated land, and to restore grassland by prohibiting grazing, as have grassland ecological environment improving programs like conservation and recovery of natural grassland, settlement of nomads, man-made grassland, and deteriorated pastureland improvement. A national fund was launched to compensate costs of public forest management. Efforts are being made in the areas of desertification control, water and soil conservation, comprehensive control of the drainage basins of small rivers, and prevention of geological disasters. Tibet's regional government is very prudent in developing industry, imposing strict constraints on industries that are heavy consumers of energy, and those which cause severe pollution or issue heavy emissions. It advocates the use of clean energy, and endeavors to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The central and regional governments have adopted strict measures to prohibit exploitation of mineral resources. In 2013, the Tibetan government issued and began implementing regulations on supervising eco-environmental protection, regulations on supervising the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, and measures on evaluating environmental conservation, further controlling the access to mineral development licenses through stricter environmental standards. The autonomous region has brought exploration and exploitation of mineral resources under its unified management, and vetoes any project that fails to meet the environment standards.
在各方面的共同努力下,西藏的生态文明建设取得明显成效。目前,西藏的自然保护区面积达到41.37万平方公里,占全区国土面积的33.9%,居全国之首;森林覆盖率达11.91%,活林木总蓄积量居全国首位;各类湿地面积600多万公顷,居全国首位。125种国家重点保护野生动物、39种国家重点保护野生植物在自然保护区得到很好保护。截至2012年年底,西藏有天然草地面积8511万公顷,其中可用天然草地面积6910万公顷。目前,西藏仍是世界上环境质量最好的地区之一,大部分区域处于原生状态。Thanks to concerted efforts made by all parties concerned, great progress has been made in Tibet's ecological improvement. Currently, its nature reserves, which amount to 413,700 sq km, or 33.9 percent of the total land area of the region, lead the whole country. Its forest coverage rate reaches as high as 11.91 percent, and the region tops the whole country in total growing wood stock. Tibet boasts 6 million ha of wetlands, leading all the other areas of China. All the region's 125 species of wild animals and 39 wild plants under state protection are well cared for in the established nature reserves. By the end of 2012, Tibet had 85.11 million ha of natural grassland in total, of which 69.1 million ha was available for grazing. Tibet remains one of the areas with the best environmental quality in the world, with most parts of the region maintaining their original natural state.
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