结束语 | Conclusion |
历史车轮滚滚向前,时代潮流不可阻挡。 | The wheels of history roll forward and the tides of the times are irresistible. |
西藏的发展道路是历史的选择,人民的选择。实践证明,只有坚持团结、反对分裂,坚持进步、反对倒退,坚持稳定、反对动乱,西藏才会有光明前途。任何人和任何势力企图逆历史潮流而动,其结果只能被历史和人民所抛弃。 | Tibet's path of development is one imposed by history and chosen by the people. Experience proves to us that only by upholding unity and opposing separatism, only by upholding progress and opposing retrogression, only by upholding stability and opposing turmoil, can the future of Tibet be assured. Any person or force that attempts to resist the tide will simply be cast aside by history and by the people. |
十四世达赖集团鼓吹的“中间道路”,以“西藏独立”为政治目的,背离中国国情和西藏实际,违反中国宪法和中国国家制度。十四世达赖集团只有承认西藏自古是中国的一部分,放弃“西藏独立”的主张,停止分裂中国的活动,真正做些对国家和对西藏有益的事情,才会有出路。 | The "middle way" advocated by the Dalai Lama and his supporters, with "Tibetan independence" as their ultimate goal, is just such an attempt. It places itself in opposition to the prevailing realities of the nation and in Tibet. It contravenes China's Constitution and its state systems. The only sensible alternative is for the Dalai Lama and his supporters to accept that Tibet has been part of China since antiquity, to abandon their goals of dividing China and seeking independence for Tibet, and to begin to act in the interests of Tibet and the country at large. |
西藏的未来属于西藏全体人民,属于整个中华民族,西藏的明天将更加美好。在未来的岁月里,西藏各族人民将同祖国大家庭各族人民一道,继续沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进,为建设团结、民主、富裕、文明、和谐的社会主义新西藏,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈奋斗! | The future of Tibet belongs to all the peoples of Tibet and to China as a nation. Tibet has every prospect of a brighter future. In the years to come, the people of every ethnic group in Tibet, along with others in the greater family of the motherland, will progress on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, striving to build a new, united and democratic Tibet, to celebrate the brilliance of its culture, to develop a prosperous, harmonious socialist society, and to join with their fellow Chinese in accomplishing the Chinese Dream of the great renewal of the nation. |
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