Full text: Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of India

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-05-22


5月14日,中国国家主席习近平(右)在西安会见印度总理莫迪。[新华社 姚大伟 摄]
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, May 14, 2015. [Xinhua/Yao Dawei]
一、应中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强邀请,印度共和国总理纳兰德拉·莫迪对中国进行正式访问。中华人民共和国主席习近平会见莫迪总理,李克强总理与莫迪总理举行会谈,全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长张德江会见莫迪总理。莫迪总理对习近平主席和李克强总理为此访作出的特殊安排深表谢意,对中国人民给予的热情欢迎表示感谢。1. H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India, is currently paying an official visit to China at the invitation of H.E. Mr. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Prime Minister Modi called on H.E. Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China and held talks with H.E. Mr. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council. He also met with H.E. Mr. Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China. Prime Minister Modi expressed his deep appreciation for the special gestures extended by President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang during the visit and thanked the Chinese people for the warm welcome accorded to him.
二、两国领导人回顾了双边关系取得的进展。双方一致认为,2014年9月习近平主席访问印度是双边关系发展的重要里程碑。两国领导人注意到,习主席访印期间双方一致同意构建更加紧密的发展伙伴关系,以此作为双边关系的核心内容,这为双方充实双边关系内涵提供了历史机遇。2. Leaders of the two countries reviewed the progress of bilateral relations. The two sides shared the view that President Xi’s visit to India in September 2014 was a significant milestone in the development of bilateral relations. The leaders noted that there is a historic imperative for China and India to enrich their bilateral relations, with the agreement on building closer developmental partnership reached during President Xi’s visit to India as a core component.
三、两国领导人同意,作为地区和世界大国,中印同时复兴为实现亚洲世纪提供了重要机遇。他们注意到,中印关系将在21世纪的亚洲乃至全球发挥决定性作用。两国领导人同意,中印必须在追求各自发展目标和维护安全利益的进程中相互支持,同时尊重和照顾彼此关切、利益和愿望。作为两个最大发展中国家、最大新兴经济体和国际格局中的重要力量,中印两国之间的建设性关系模式为推进国与国关系、完善国际体系提供了新的基础。3. The leaders agreed that simultaneous re-emergence of China and India as two major powers in the region and the world offers a momentous opportunity for realisation of the Asian Century. They noted that China-India bilateral relations are poised to play a defining role in the 21st Century in Asia and indeed, globally. The leaders agreed that the process of the two countries pursuing their respective national developmental goals and security interests must unfold in a mutually supportive manner with both sides showing mutual respect and sensitivity to each other’s concerns, interests and aspirations. This constructive model of relationship between the two largest developing countries, the biggest emerging economies and two major poles in the global architecture provides a new basis for pursuing state-to-state relations to strengthen the international system.
加强政治对话和战略沟通Strengthening Political Dialogue and Strategic Communication
四、鉴于中印双边关系不断拓展,两国国际地位日益提升,双方需要增进战略互信,两国领导人同意保持频繁高层交往,并充分利用现有对话机制,以加强彼此沟通。4. Recognizing the expanding bilateral relationship, the growing international role of India and China and the imperative of forging strategic trust, the leaders agreed to enhance communication through frequent exchanges at the leadership level and by fully utilising the existing dialogue mechanisms.
五、双方同意开展国家元首或政府首脑定期访问,充分利用两国领导人出席多边活动的机会就双边关系及地区和国际问题进行协商。5. The two sides agreed to regular visits at the level of Heads of State/ Government. Full use will be made of the opportunities provided by the presence of their leaders at various multilateral fora to hold consultations on bilateral relations and issues of regional and global importance.
六、鉴于中国各省和印度各邦对推进双边关系发挥越来越重要的作用,双方同意成立地方合作论坛。首次论坛于2015年5月15日在北京举行,李克强总理和莫迪总理共同出席。6. Noting the increasingly important role played by Indian States and Chinese Provinces in advancing the bilateral relationship, the two sides agreed to establish a State/Provincial Leaders’ Forum. The first meeting of the Forum was held in Beijing on 15 May 2015, with the participation of Premier Li and Prime Minister Modi.
七、鉴于中国共产党中央委员会对外联络部与印度外交部组织的高层交往为促进两国了解与合作所作贡献,双方同意将有关交流机制制度化并予以扩大。7. Acknowledging the contribution of high-level exchanges organised under the aegis of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Ministry of External Affairs of India in fostering cooperation and understanding, the two sides agreed to institutionalise and expand the exchange mechanism.
八、为进一步便利和促进两国文化、旅游、经济、人员往来,双方决定互相在对方国家增设一个总领事馆。中国将在金奈开设总领事馆,印度将在成都开设总领事馆。8. In order to facilitate and promote greater cultural, tourism, economic and people-to-people engagement between the two countries, an additional Consulate General shall be established in each other's country. China shall open a new Consulate General in Chennai, while India shall open a new Consulate General in Chengdu.
九、双方认为加强两军联系有助于增进互信。印方欢迎中国中央军委副主席年内访印,中方邀请印国防部长等军队领导人年内访华;两国陆军第五次联合反恐训练于2015年在华举行。双方将开展军舰互访并举行通过演习和海上搜救演习。9. The two sides believed that enhanced military ties are conducive to building mutual trust and confidence. The Indian side welcomed visit of a Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China to India this year, and the Chinese side invited Indian defence minister and other military leaders to visit China this year. The fifth joint counter-terrorism training between the two armies will be held in China in 2015. The two sides will exchange visits of naval ships and hold PASSEX and SAR exercises.
十、双方肯定已签署的协议和议定书对维护边境地区和平与安宁所发挥的积极作用,致力于加强边防合作,开展两军总部和相邻军区年度访问和交流,努力开通两军总部间热线电话,在中印边界各段设立边防会晤点。10. The two sides acknowledged the positive role of the Agreements and Protocols that have been signed so far in maintaining peace and tranquillity in the border areas. Committed to enhance border defence cooperation, the two sides will carry out annual visits and exchanges between the two Military Headquarters and neighboring military commands, endeavor to operationalize the hotline between the two Military Headquarters,and establish border personnel meeting points at all sectors of the China-India border areas.
十一、双方确认,早日解决边界问题符合两国的根本利益,是两国政府努力实现的战略目标。双方决心着眼两国关系大局和两国人民长远利益,积极寻求边界问题的政治解决。双方积极评价中印边界问题特别代表会晤机制取得的重要进展,重申将坚持“三步走”路线图,在已有成果和共识基础上,继续推进框架谈判进程,争取早日找到一个公平合理和双方都能接受的边界问题解决方案。11. The two sides affirmed that an early settlement of the boundary question serves the basic interests of the two countries and should be pursued as a strategic objective by the two governments. Bearing in mind the overall bilateral relations and the long-term interests of the two peoples, the two sides are determined to actively seek a political settlement of the boundary question. They made a positive assessment of the important progress made through the mechanism of the Special Representatives, and reaffirmed the commitment to abide by the three-stage process for the settlement of the boundary question, and continuously push forward negotiation on the framework for a boundary settlement based on the outcomes and common understanding achieved so far, in an effort to seek a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution as early as possible.
十二、双方愿以积极态度解决突出分歧,包括在边界问题上的分歧。上述分歧不应阻碍双边关系的持续发展。边境地区的和平与安宁是双边关系发展和持续增长的重要保障。在边界问题最终解决前,双方致力于落实现有协议,并继续努力维护边境地区的和平与安宁。12. The two sides will resolve outstanding differences, including the boundary question, in a proactive manner. Those differences should not be allowed to come in the way of the continued development of bilateral relations. Peace and tranquility on the China-India border was recognized as an important guarantor for the development and continued growth of bilateral relations. Pending a final resolution of the boundary question, the two sides commit to implementing the existing agreements and continue to make efforts to maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas .
构建更加紧密发展伙伴关系的下步规划Next Steps in Closer Developmental Partnership
十三、双方决心共同努力,进一步加强两国更加紧密的发展伙伴关系,为两国以及地区乃至世界经济增长和繁荣注入动力。13. The two sides resolved to work together to further strengthen their closer developmental partnership as it would provide impetus to economic growth and prosperity of the two countries as well as of their respective regions and the world at large.
十四、双方认为,近年来两国双向贸易和投资的增长促进了双边关系整体发展,并为两国各自经济增长与发展提供了支持。鉴此,双方同意采取必要措施消除双边贸易和投资障碍,相互提供更多市场准入便利,支持两国有关地方加强贸易投资往来,以充分挖掘2014年9月签署的经贸合作五年发展规划中所指定领域的现有和潜在互补性,包括印度药品、印度信息技术服务、旅游、纺织和农产品。14. Taking note of the increase in two-way trade and investment flows in the past few years, the two sides acknowledged its positive contribution to strengthening their overall bilateral relationship and to supporting each other’s growth and development processes. In this regard, it was agreed that both sides will take necessary measures to remove impediments to bilateral trade and investment, facilitate greater market access to each other’s economies, and support local governments of the two countries to strengthen trade and investment exchanges, with a view to optimally exploiting the present and potential complementarities in identified sectors in the Five Year Trade and Economic Development Plan signed in September 2014, including Indian pharmaceuticals, Indian IT services, tourism, textiles and agro-products.
十五、双方决心共同采取措施缓解双边贸易不平衡问题,实现双边贸易可持续发展。这些措施包括进一步加强药品监管(含注册)合作,加快对中印互输农产品的检验检疫磋商,加强印度信息技术企业与中国企业的联系,促进旅游、电影、医疗保健、信息技术和物流等服务产业贸易。双方将充分发挥中印经贸联合小组会议的作用,为此作出努力。两国领导人欢迎双方在亚太贸易协定框架下加强协商,在互利合作的基础上努力妥善解决降低印度有关产品的关税问题。15. The two sides resolved to take joint measures to alleviate the skewed bilateral trade so as to realize its sustainability. Such measures will include cooperation on pharmaceutical supervision including registration, speedier phytosanitary negotiations on agro-products for two-way trade, stronger links between Indian IT companies and Chinese enterprises, and increasing services trade in tourism, films, healthcare, IT and logistics. Both sides will make full use of the China-India Joint Economic Group to work on this. The leaders welcomed the decision to expedite discussion and endeavor to favourably address,in the spirit of mutual cooperation and reciprocity, the issues pertaining to tariff reduction in respect of relevant Indian products under the framework of Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement.
十六、两国领导人同意,战略经济对话是双方探讨双边经济合作新领域的重要机制。下次战略经济对话将于2015年下半年在印举行,由中国国家发展和改革委员会主任与印度国家转型委员会副主席共同主持。16. The two leaders agreed that the Strategic Economic Dialogue is an important mechanism to explore new areas of bilateral economic cooperation. The next meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue, co-chaired by Chairman of NDRC of China and Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog of India , will be held in India during the second half of 2015.
十七、两国领导人对当前两国相互投资的积极势头感到满意,中国企业积极响应“印度制造”倡议,印度企业也在中国拓展业务。17. The leaders noted with appreciation the positive momentum in investment projects as Chinese companies respond to the invitation to ‘Make in India’ and Indian companies expand their presence in China.
十八、两国领导人对双方开展铁路合作所采取的措施和取得的进展感到满意,包括印度金奈-班加罗尔-迈索尔路段提速、德里-那加普尔高速铁路可行性研究、布巴内什瓦尔和拜亚帕那哈里车站再开发规划、重载运输培训和设立铁道大学方面的合作;对双方商定铁路这一重要基础设施领域的下阶段合作行动计划表示欢迎。18. The two leaders noted with satisfaction the steps taken and the progress achieved in the Railway sector cooperation including the projects on speed raising on the existing Chennai-Bengaluru-Mysore line, the proposed feasibility studies for the Delhi-Nagpur section of high speed rail link, the station redevelopment planning for Bhubaneswar & Baiyappanahalli, heavy haul transportation training and setting up of a railway university. They welcomed the Action Plan outlining the next steps in the partnership in this key infrastructure sector.
十九、两国领导人欢迎中国国务院发展研究中心与印度国家转型委员会签署关于建立对话机制的谅解备忘录。19. The leaders welcomed the signing of the MoU to institute a dialogue mechanism between the Development Research Centre of the State Council of Chinaand the NITI Aayog of India.
二十、双方愿继续加强两国金融监管部门和金融企业之间的合作,为两国构建更加紧密的发展伙伴关系提供支持。20. The two sides expressed their readiness to enhance cooperation between the financial regulators and enterprises of the two countries in support of the building of the Closer Developmental Partnership.
人文交流Culture and People-to-people Exchanges
二十一、2015年5月15日,李克强总理和莫迪总理在北京共同出席“太极瑜伽相会”活动。双方同意2015年6月21日共同组织国际瑜伽日相关活动。两国领导人欢迎云南民族大学与印度文化关系委员会开展合作。21. Premier Li and Prime Minister Modi attended the Yoga-Taichi demonstration event in Beijing on 15 May 2015. The two sides also agreed to work together to successfully organize events related to the International Yoga Day on 21 June 2015. The leaders welcomed collaboration between the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and Yunnan Minzu University.
二十二、两国领导人注意到加强教育机构交流将为两国社会经济发展发挥积极作用,欢迎双方相关部门签署教育交流计划。22. The leaders noted that enhanced exchanges among education institutions of the two sides will play a positive role in socio-economic development of the two sides. They welcomed the signing of the expanded Educational Exchange Programme.
二十三、双方对“中国-印度文化交流计划”取得的进展感到满意。双方将于2015年下半年各派200名青年互访。23. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the progress achieved in the China-India Cultural Exchange Initiative. The two sides will have the annual exchange of 200 youths from each side in the second half of this year.
二十四、双方欢迎四川省和卡纳塔卡邦缔结友好省邦关系,重庆市和金奈市、青岛市和海德拉巴市、敦煌市和奥兰加巴德市缔结友城关系。24. The agreements on establishing a provincial partnership between Karnataka and Sichuan and sister-city relationships between Aurangabad - Dunhuang, Chennai – Chongqing, and Hyderabad – Qingdao were welcomed.
二十五、为进一步加强对话、增进相互了解,双方决定设立“中印智库论坛”,每年召开一次,在两国轮流举办。双方同意将媒体高峰论坛机制化,由中国国务院新闻办公室和印度外交部负责,每年一次,轮流在两国举办。两国领导人欢迎上海复旦大学设立甘地印度研究中心。25. With a view to foster closer dialogue and mutual understanding, the two sides decided to establish a ‘China-India Think Tanks Forum’, which will meet annually, alternately in China and India. They also agreed to institutionalize the ‘High Level Media Forum’ and tasked the State Council Information Office of China and the Ministry of External Affairs of India to convene it on an annual basis, alternately in China and India. The leaders welcomed the establishment of the Center for Gandhian and Indian Studies at Fudan University, Shanghai.

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