二、人身权利 | II. Rights of the Person |
2014年,中国强化食品安全监管,完善生产安全法律制度,依法打击恐怖主义活动,重视被追诉人、被羁押者和罪犯的人身权利保障,加大禁毒工作力度,切实保障公民人身权利。 | In 2014 China strengthened supervision over foodstuffs, improved laws and regulations on production safety, combated terrorism according to law, attached more importance to protecting the rights of the accused, detainees and criminals, and stepped up drug-control efforts to protect citizens' personal rights. |
食品安全监管更加严格。全国人民代表大会常务委员会审议了食品安全法修订草案,在食品生产、食品流通、餐饮服务、食品进出口等环节规定了更严格、覆盖全程的监管制度,建立食品原产地可追溯制度和质量标识制度,加大对食品安全违法行为的处罚力度,依法维护消费者的合法权益。2014年3月,最高人民法院正式实施《关于审理食品药品纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的规定》,加大对危害食品药品安全犯罪打击力度,各级人民法院全年审结相关案件1.1万件。2014年3月,国务院食品安全办公室、国家食品药品监督管理总局、国家工商总局联合发布《关于严厉打击生产经营假冒伪劣食品违法行为 进一步加强农村食品市场监管工作的通知》,围绕农村食品市场存在的无证无照经营、销售和使用无合法来源食品及原料等突出问题和安全隐患,开展系列专项整治行动。整治期间,全国共检查食品生产单位42.42万户次、食品经营户386.88万户次,检查批发市场、集贸市场等各类市场14.29万个次,开展监督抽检25.36万批次,依法取缔无证经营2.28万户,吊销食品生产经营许可证1142户,吊销营业执照642户,捣毁制售假冒伪劣食品窝点1375个,查扣侵权假冒食品数量36.19万公斤,查处各类食品违法案件4.51万件,受理并处置消费者投诉举报4.68万件。 | Stricter supervision over food safety. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) deliberated the revised draft of the Food Safety Law, which enhances the supervision of the whole process in this field from food production and circulation to catering services, and food import and export, sets up a food-traceability system and a quality labeling system, and increases the penalties for violations of food safety to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in accordance with the law. In March 2014 the Supreme People' s Court put into effect the Provisions of Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Cases Involving Food and Drug Disputes, increasing efforts to crack down on crimes endangering food and drug safety. People's courts at all levels concluded a total of 11,000 related cases in that year. In March 2014 the Food Safety Office of the State Council, China Food and Drug Administration and State Administration for Industry and Commerce, jointly issued the Notice on Cracking Down on Illegal Acts of Making and Selling Counterfeit and Poor-quality Food, and Strengthening Supervision of Rural Food Markets, launching a special campaign to address problems in the rural food markets such as doing business without a license, and selling and using food and foodstuffs from illegal sources. During this nationwide campaign, the competent departments inspected food producers 424,200 times, food sellers 3,868,800 times, wholesale markets and pedlers' markets 142,900 times, spot checked these markets 253,600 times, banned 22,800 unlicensed businesses according to law, revoked 1,142 licenses for food production and marketing, cancelled 642 business licenses, destroyed 1,375 counterfeit and poor-quality food-producing workshops, checked and confiscated 361,900 kg of foodstuffs that violated trademark laws, investigated and prosecuted 45,100 cases of foodstuffs illegality, and handled 46,800 related complaints and reports from consumers. |
生产安全法律制度进一步完善。2014年8月,全国人民代表大会常务委员会通过了关于修改安全生产法的决定,增加安全生产标准化建设、安全生产规划、安全生产责任保险、安全生产管理机构职责、严重违法行为公示等规定及相关配套制度措施。强化安全生产红线意识、执法监督责任和暗查暗访、打非治违等日常监管。2014年,全国共组织安全生产执法检查组45.3万个,检查生产经营单位234.2万家(次),打击整治127.8万起,停产整顿7745家,关闭取缔5000余家。强化隐患整治,公开曝光重大隐患企业,对存在各类隐患的企业依法依规给予限期整改、停产整顿、罚款和取缔关闭等处罚措施。强化责任追究,严肃事故查处。2014年重特大事故平均结案时间从2013年的123天缩短到113天,2013年发生的51起重特大事故已全部结案,2014年发生的42起重特大事故目前已结案38起,共追究969人,其中追究刑事责任302人。 | Improvement of work safety laws and regulations. In August 2014 the Standing Committee of the NPC approved the Decision on Amending the Work Safety Law, which enhances regulations, mechanisms and measures concerning standardization, planning, liability insurance, responsibility of management organizations and public announcement of serious breaches of the law in the field of work safety. The Decision has helped raise awareness of work safety, strengthen responsibility for law enforcement and supervision, and routine checks and supervision, both overt and covert, to curb violators. In 2014, 453,000 work safety inspection groups conducted 2,342,000 inspections of production and business units, dealing with 1,278,000 incidences of violations, halting the operations of 7,745 such units for rectification and shutting down over 5,000 units. The government strengthened rectification of safety risks, made known to the public all enterprises posing major risks, meted out punitive measures to them such as rectification within deadlines, suspending production for rectification, imposing a fine or shutting down the business completely. The accountability system has been strengthened, and work safety incidents have been thoroughly dealt with. The average time spent on dealing with major and extremely serious safety incidents in 2014 was shortened to 113 days from 123 days in 2013. All the 51 major and extremely serious safety incidents occurred in 2013 have been dealt with, and 38 out of 42 such incidents occurred in 2014 have been dealt with, with 969 persons called to account and 302 of them held criminally liable. |
依法打击恐怖活动保障人民群众生命财产安全。2014年10月,第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议对《中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法(草案)》进行了初次审议。2014年11月,草案在中国人大网上公布,向社会征求意见。草案对反恐怖主义工作机制与职责、安全防范、情报信息、应对处置和国际合作等作了规定。2014年12月28日,第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议批准了《上海合作组织反恐怖主义公约》,进一步强化打击恐怖主义的国际合作。2014年9月,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部发布《关于办理暴力恐怖和宗教极端刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见》,明确了办理暴力恐怖和宗教极端刑事案件的基本原则、案件性质认定,明确了案件认定标准和管辖原则。全年各级人民法院审结煽动分裂国家、暴力恐怖袭击等犯罪案件558件,判处罪犯712人。司法机关依法严惩天安门“10·28”、昆明“3·01”等暴力恐怖犯罪,切实维护人民群众的生命财产安全。 | Combating terrorism in accordance with the law to ensure the safety of life and property of the people. In October 2014 the Anti-terrorism Law of the People's Republic of China (draft) was first deliberated at the 11th Plenary Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th NPC. In November 2014 public views of the draft were solicited via www.npc.gov.cn. This draft stipulated the working mechanism, scope of functions and duties, security precautions, intelligence, emergency response and international cooperation in anti-terrorism efforts. On December 28, 2014, the 12th Plenary Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th NPC approved the Anti-terrorism Convention of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to further international cooperation against terrorism. In September 2014 the Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate and Ministry of Public Security released the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases Involving Terrorism and Religious Extremism, defining the basic principles for handling such cases, how to determine the nature of the cases, and principle of jurisdiction. People's courts at all levels dealt with 558 cases of crimes of inciting separatism and terrorism, prosecuting 712 culprits. The judicial organs severely punished crimes such as the terrorist attacks at Tiananmen on October 28, 2013 and at Kunming railway station on March 1, 2014 to ensure the safety of life and property of the people. |
被追诉人、被羁押者和罪犯的人身权利得到保障。2014年,公安部制定《公安机关讯问犯罪嫌疑人录音录像工作规定》、最高人民检察院修订完善《人民检察院讯问职务犯罪嫌疑人实行全程同步录音录像的规定》,严格落实讯问犯罪嫌疑人录音录像工作,对全程同步录音录像的录制原则、录制方式、录制程序、录音录像资料的管理和使用等方面作出详细规定。各级公安部门、司法行政部门共同推进看守所法律援助工作站建设,法律援助机构在看守所派驻值班律师提供法律咨询等帮助,切实保障被追诉人、被羁押者的合法权利。截至2014年底,法律援助机构在看守所设立了近1700个法律援助工作站,上海、安徽、江西、湖南、重庆、贵州等省(市)看守所实现法律援助工作站全覆盖。公安部开展专项整顿活动,全面提升看守所安全规范管理水平;深入推进监所医疗卫生专业化工作,确保在押人员患病得到及时、有效治疗。最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部、国家卫生和计划生育委员会联合发布《暂予监外执行规定》,司法部发布《关于加强监狱生活卫生管理工作的若干规定》等规范性文件,严格公正文明执法水平得到进一步提升。 | The rights of the accused, detainees and criminals are protected. In 2014 the Ministry of Public Security formulated the Regulations on Making Audio-Video Recordings by the Public Security Organs When Interrogating Criminal Suspects and the Supreme People's Procuratorate amended the Provisions on Making Synchronous Audio-Video Recordings Throughout the Entire Process of Interrogation of Duty-Related Criminal Suspects, making sure audio-video recording is used in the entire process of interrogating criminal suspects, and giving detailed provisions on the principle, method and procedure of synchronous audio-video recordings, and management and use of such audio-video recordings. The public security, judicial and administrative departments at all levels worked together to promote the establishing of legal aid stations in detention centers, and resident lawyers from legal aid organizations provide legal consultation for the accused and detainees to protect their legitimate rights and interests. By the end of 2014, up to 1,700 legal aid stations had been set up by the legal aid organizations in detention centers across the country, and this service now covers all the detention centers in the cities of Shanghai and Chongqing, and the provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan and Guizhou. The Ministry of Public Security has launched a special program to comprehensively improve the safety management level of detention centers and pressed ahead with professional health care services provided in detention centers to ensure that sick detainees are treated in a timely and effective manner. The Regulations on Temporarily Serving Sentences Outside Prison jointly issued by the Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Justice, and National Health and Family Planning Commission, and Opinions on Strengthening Sanitation Management in Prisons issued by the Ministry of Justice have helped to make law enforcement fairer, stricter and more civilized. |
禁毒工作取得重要成效。2014年,公安禁毒部门认真贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于加强禁毒工作的意见》,深入开展百城禁毒会战专项行动,沉重打击毒品犯罪,有效净化社会环境,保障公民人身健康与安全。全国共破获毒品犯罪案件14.59万起,抓获毒品犯罪嫌疑人16.89万名,缴获各类毒品合计68.95吨。坚持“以人为本、依法管理、科学戒毒、综合矫治、关怀救助”的原则,采取自愿戒毒、社区戒毒、强制隔离戒毒、社区康复等多种措施,帮助吸毒人员戒除毒瘾。截至2014年底,全国累计登记吸毒人员295.5万人,三年未复吸人员达100.8万人。全国28个省(自治区、直辖市)共设立维持治疗门诊767个,在治吸毒人员18.7万余人。建立戒毒康复人员就业安置基地(点)836个,累计安置社会面阿片类戒毒康复人员51.5万人,就业安置率达47.8%。建成收治病残吸毒人员专区(收治中心)46个,累计收治9000余人次。 | Major progress has been made in drug control. In 2014 drug control department under the Ministry of Public Security implemented the Opinion of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Strengthening Drug Control, intensified efforts to launch a special drug-control program in 100 cities and cracked down on drug-related crimes, to clean the social environment and ensure the health and safety of citizens. During this period, a total of 145,900 drug-related cases were prosecuted nationwide, with 168,900 criminal suspects arrested and 68.95 tons of drugs of various kinds seized. In helping drug addicts receive treatment we observe the principle of "putting people first, managing drug treatment services according to law, adopting scientific and comprehensive measures based on individual needs, and supplementing treatment with care and aid," and take measures such as voluntary in-patient treatment, community treatment, compulsory quarantine treatment and community rehabilitation. By the end of 2014 the registered drug addicts totaled 2.955 million, and those who had not relapsed for three years totaled 1.008 million. In 28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, 767 drug-treatment clinics were established, receiving a total of 187,000 drug users; 836 employment service centers were set up for drug users recovering from treatment, providing job opportunities for 515,000 ex-addicts of opioids, with an employment rate of 47.8 percent; 46 rehabilitation centers for sick and disabled drug users were set up, providing treatment to over 9,000 people. |
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