五、关于妇女和儿童权利 | V. On Women and Children's Rights |
美国漠视《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《儿童权利公约》。在美国,妇女遭受贫困、职场歧视、家庭暴力以及性侵的情况堪忧;儿童受到校园暴力、性侵和枪击案以及危险工作环境影响,生命和健康权受到威胁。 | The U.S. disregarded the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In the U.S., women's susceptibility to poverty, workplace discrimination, domestic violence and sex harassment was worrying. The children's rights to life and health were threatened under the pall of school violence, sex molestation, gun violence, and hazardous work environment. |
大量妇女和儿童生活贫困。据统计,约4,200万妇女(约占美国妇女的三分之一)及2,800万儿童生活在贫困条件中或濒临贫困。(96)根据无家可归者国家中心的报告,每30个儿童就有1个无家可归,31个州和哥伦比亚特区无家可归儿童的数量在不断上升。(97) | A large number of women and children lived in poverty. According to statistics, about 42 million women (about one in three American women) and 28 million children lived in poverty or were right on the brink of it (www.time.com, January 13, 2014). One in 30 American children were homeless, and child homelessness increased in 31 states and the District of Columbia, according to a report released by the National Center on Family Homelessness (www.theguardian.com, November 17, 2014). |
妇女在职场面临薪酬歧视。在按最低工资标准获取工资的人群中,妇女占近2/3,她们在病假期间往往没有工资。女性工资平均仅为男性工资的77%,而非洲裔妇女和拉美裔妇女的工资更低。非洲裔妇女的工资仅为白人男性工资的64%,而拉美裔妇女的工资则仅为白人男性工资的55%。(98)女性在各个类型工作的平均工资都低于男性,即使是在像护士等工资较低而且以女性为主的职业中,女性的工资依然低于男性。(99) | Women were faced with wage discrimination. Nearly two-thirds of minimum wage workers were women, and these workers often got zero paid sick days. The average woman was paid 77 cents for every dollar a man makes, and that figure was much lower for African American and Latino women; African American women earned only 64 cents and Hispanic women only 55 cents for every dollar made by a white man (www.time.com, January 13, 2014). In virtually every job category, the average woman earned less than the average man. Even in those low-paid jobs that tend to be dominated by women, such as nurses, men earned more (www.thinkprogress.org, April 8, 2014). |
女性军人遭受性侵报告数量攀升。在美国军队中,平均每天至少有16起性袭击事件被报道。根据兰德公司所做的一份调查,在2014年9月30日之前的12个月中,有13,000件“非自愿的性接触”事件未被报道。(100)依据美国国防部所发布的报告,截至2014年9月,美国军队中性侵事件2014财政年度达5,983件,比2013财政年度增长了8%。(101)62%女性受害者因向上级举报性侵害而遭到了报复。(102) | Reports of female soldiers getting harassed were on the rise. In an average day in the U.S. military, at least 16 sexual assaults were reported. According to a RAND survey, 13,000 incidents of "unwanted sexual contact," went unreported during the 12 months ending September 30, 2014 (www.usatoday.com, November 7, 2014). According to a report released by the U.S. Department of Defense, there were a total of 5,983 incidents of sexual assaults in the fiscal year ending in September of 2014, up by over 8 percent from the fiscal year ending in 2013 (www.america.aljazeera.com, December 4, 2014). Some 62% of female victims said they faced repercussions for reporting assaults (www.bbc.com, December 5, 2014). |
家庭暴力问题普遍。根据美国司法部司法统计局数据,美国每年的家庭暴力数量约为96万起。家庭暴力受害者85%为女性。平均每天有3名女性被其伴侣杀害,有4名女性死于虐待,有3名儿童死于虐待,每年有约210万名美国女性遭到男性攻击。(103)2014年以来,加州1,000多件有关虐待寄养儿童的投诉没有办结。(104) | Domestic violence was prevalent. According to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice, the estimated number of domestic violence incidents per year was about 960,000. Women constituted 85 percent of victims of domestic violence. On average, 3 females were murdered by their partner each day, and 4 females and 3 children died each day as a result of abuse. Each year, 2.1 million American women were assaulted by men (www.statisticbrain.com, September 5, 2014). Since 2014, over 1,000 complaints concerning children in foster care being mistreated in California languished past the deadline for completing the investigations (The Los Angeles Times, September 13, 2014). |
校园枪击、性侵问题严重。在2014年初的6周内,就发生了13起校园枪击案,其中包括8天内发生在高中以下学校内的4起枪击案。(105)2014年1月17日下午,在费城的学校发生了两起枪击案,一名男孩和一名女孩遭到了枪击,二人均为15岁。(106)美国高中性暴力现象令人震惊。美国大学女生协会所作的一项调查显示,58%的七年级到高三的学生在一个学年里经历过性骚扰,五分之一的高中女生表示曾在学校被性侵犯过,八分之一的高中女生表示曾被强奸。有关专家指出,该调查揭露出“这一问题令人震惊的广泛性”。(107)美国大学校园弥漫着性暴力文化,像一朵“黑云”笼罩着校园,却从未得到美国任何高等教育机构的适当应对。(108) | Issues of school gun violence and sexual harassment were grave. In the first six weeks of 2014 alone, there were 13 school shootings including one eight-day period in which there were four shootings in K-12 schools (www.everytown.org, February 5, 2014). On the afternoon of January 17, 2014, a boy and a girl, both aged 15, were shot in two school shootings in Philadelphia (Washington Daily News, January 18. 2014). Sex violence in American high schools was astonishing. According to a survey by the American Association of University Women, in a given school year, 58 percent of 7th-12th graders experienced sexual harassment. One in 5 high school girls said they had been sexually assaulted at school, and 1 in 8 high school girls said she had been raped. One expert said the survey had revealed the astounding pervasiveness of this problem (www.america.aljazeera.com, November 14, 2014). A culture of sex violence was casting a pall over American campus, but failed to be dealt with properly by any American higher learning institutions (The Wall Street Journal, September 30, 2014). |
童工从事危险工作。美国劳工法允许年纪幼小者参加工作,只要他或她的父母同意且该工作不与其学校学习时间相冲突。这意味着,一名12岁的儿童在烟草农场课余时间每周工作50或60小时是完全合法的。(109)根据对美国四个最大的烟草生产州(北卡罗来纳州、肯塔基州、田纳西州和弗吉尼亚州)141名7岁至17岁的儿童烟草工人采访,近四分之三的受访儿童表示感到身体不适:恶心、呕吐、头痛、晕眩、呼吸困难或在烟草农场工作时出现的其他严重症状,其中许多症状都与急性尼古丁中毒的临床反应一致。 | Child laborers were engaged in dangerous works. American Labor Law allows juniors to work, as long as his or her parents consent and the work does not directly conflict with school hours. That means, it is perfectly legal for a 12-year-old to work 50 or 60 hours a week in tobacco fields. Based on interviews with 141 child tobacco workers, aged 7 to 17, in the country's four largest tobacco-producing states: North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia, nearly three-quarters of children interviewed reported feeling sick - with nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, or other serious symptoms while working in tobacco fields. Many of these symptoms were consistent with acute nicotine poisoning (www.politico.com, September 16, 2014). |
注(96)《时代》周刊网站(time.com),2014年1月13日。 注(97) 英国《卫报》网站(www.theguardian.com),2014年11月17日。 注(98)《时代》周刊网站(time.com),2014年1月13日。 注(99) 《思考进步》网站(thinkprogress.org),2014年4月8日。 注(100)《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2014年11月7日。 注(101) 半岛电视台美国频道网站(america.aljazeera.com),2014年12月4日。 注(102) 英国广播公司网站(www.bbc.com),2014年12月5日。 注(103) 美国司法统计局网站(www.statisticbrain.com),2014年9月5日。 注(104) 《洛杉矶时报》,2014年9月13日。 注(105) Everytown网站(everytown.org),2014年2月5日。 注(106) 《华盛顿新闻报》,2014年1月18日。 注(107) 半岛电视台美国频道网站(america.aljazeera.com),2014年11月14日。 注(108) 《华尔街日报》,2014年9月30日。 注(109) 《政治》杂志网站(www.politico.com),2014年9月16日。 | |
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