21、我们庆祝世界贸易组织成立20周年,重申将共同努力,强化以世贸组织为代表的公开、透明、非歧视和基于规则的多边贸易体制。我们欢迎肯尼亚于2015年12月15日至18日在内罗毕举行世贸组织第十次部长级会议。 | 21. We join in the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and reaffirm our support for working together to strengthen an open, transparent, non-discriminatory, and rules-based multilateral trading system as embodied in the WTO. We welcome Kenya’s hosting of the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC10) in Nairobi on 15-18 December 2015. |
我们强调世贸组织在设定多边贸易规则方面的中心地位,注意到双边、区域和诸边贸易协定的重要性,鼓励谈判各方遵守透明、包容原则,与世贸组织规则兼容,确保有关谈判为强化多边贸易体制作出贡献。 | We stress the centrality of the WTO as the institution that sets multilateral trade rules. We note the importance of bilateral, regional and plurilateral trade agreements and encourage the parties to negotiations thereon to comply with the principles of transparency, inclusiveness and compatibility with WTO rules to ensure that they contribute to strengthening the multilateral trading system. |
22、我们重申,联合国贸易和发展会议作为联合国机构,可根据其授权对与发展问题有关的贸易、投资、金融和技术问题进行研究,呼吁贸发会议通过积极落实技术合作项目,为政策对话、研究和能力建设创造便利条件,履行其发展授权。我们期待贸发会议第十四次大会取得成功。 | 22. We reaffirm the role of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) as a UN body with a mandate to consider interconnected issues of trade, investment, finance and technologies as related to development. We call on UNCTAD to fulfill its development mandate through more active implementation of technical cooperation programmes and facilitation of policy dialogue, as well as research and capacity-building. We look forward to a successful outcome of UNCTAD XIV. |
23、我们赞赏在《金砖国家贸易和投资合作框架》落实过程中取得的进展,对《金砖国家电子商务合作框架》表示欢迎。上述框架将提升现有及未来倡议,并在该领域构建更紧密经济伙伴关系。我们指示部长们继续探索加强电子商务合作的方法和途径。 | 23. We applaud the progress in the implementation of BRICS Trade and Investment Cooperation Framework. We welcome the Framework for BRICS E-commerce Cooperation as an instrument to promote current and future initiatives with an aim to build a closer economic partnership in this sphere. We instruct our Ministers to continue to explore ways and means in strengthening our cooperation on E-commerce. |
我们欢迎加强金砖国家知识产权合作倡议,支持旨在建立和扩大在中小企业、贸易促进、单一窗口最佳实践分享等领域建立和扩大合作机制所作努力,指示本国官员研究在上述领域可开展的具体工作。 | We welcome the Initiative on Strengthening IPR Cooperation among the BRICS Countries. We support the efforts aimed at establishing and enhancing the cooperation mechanisms in such areas as SMEs support, trade promotion, sharing experiences on single window projects, inter alia, and direct officials to identify concrete activities in these areas. |
24、我们了解,在金砖国家间交易中扩大本币使用潜力巨大。我们要求相关部门继续讨论在贸易交往中更广泛使用本币的可行性。 | 24. We acknowledge the potential for expanding the use of our national currencies in transactions between the BRICS countries. We ask the relevant authorities of the BRICS countries to continue discussion on the feasibility of a wider use of national currencies in mutual trade. |
25、我们将继续共同行动,完善竞争性政策,改进竞争执法。 | 25. We will continue our joint efforts aimed at improving competition policy and enforcement. |
作为重要的新兴市场和发展中国家,金砖国家在经济发展和公平竞争问题上面临许多相似问题和挑战。金砖国家竞争机构间加强协调与合作具有重要意义。 | As important emerging markets and developing countries, BRICS are faced with many similar problems and challenges in terms of economic development and fair competition. It is of significance to strengthen the coordination and cooperation among the BRICS competition agencies. |
鉴此,我们重视建立金砖国家相关机制,倾向于通过共同签署谅解备忘录方式,专门研究竞争问题,特别关注有重要社会影响的经济领域。该机制将有助于各方在竞争方面的立法和执法合作。 | Considering this, we attach great importance towards developing a mechanism preferably through a joint MoU among the BRICS countries to study the issues of competition with a special focus on socially important economic sectors. The proposed mechanism may facilitate cooperation in competition law and enforcement. |
我们欢迎相关机构为制药领域创造公平竞争条件所做的努力。 | We welcome our relevant agencies’ efforts to create conditions for fair competition in pharmaceutical sector. |
26、金砖国家重申,将参与制定国际税收标准并就遏制税收侵蚀和利润转移现象加强合作,强化税收透明度和税收情报交换机制。 | 26. The BRICS countries reaffirm their commitment to participate in the development of international standards of international taxation and cooperation for countering the erosion of tax base and profit shifting, as well as to strengthen mechanisms for ensuring tax transparency and to exchange information for taxation purposes. |
我们对逃税、有害实践以及造成税基侵蚀的激进税收筹划表示深切关注。应对经济活动发生地和价值创造地产生的利润征税。我们重申通过相关国际论坛就二十国集团/经合组织税基侵蚀和利润转移行动计划和税收情报自动交换问题继续开展合作。我们将共同帮助发展中国家增强税收征管能力,推动发展中国家更深入地参与税收侵蚀和利润转移项目和税收信息交换工作。金砖国家将分享税收方面的知识和最佳实践。 | We remain deeply concerned about the negative impact of tax evasion, harmful practices, and aggressive tax planning which cause erosion of tax base. Profits should be taxed where the economic activities driving the profits are performed and value is created. We reaffirm our commitment to continue to cooperate in relevant international fora on issues related to the G20/OECD BEPS Action Plan and AEOI. We are engaged in assisting developing countries to strengthen their tax administration capacity, and to promote a deeper engagement of developing countries in the BEPS project and the exchange of tax information. The BRICS countries will share knowledge and best practices in taxation. |
27、我们重申严厉谴责各种形式和表现的恐怖主义,强调无论出于意识形态、宗教、政治、种族、民族或是其他任何理由,恐怖主义罪行都是无法开脱的。 | 27. We reiterate our strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stress that there can be no justification, whatsoever, for any acts of terrorism, whether based upon ideological, religious, political, racial, ethnic, or any other justification. |
我们决心不断加强预防和打击国际恐怖主义的合作,强调联合国在协调反恐国际行动中发挥中心作用,有关行动应根据包括联合国宪章、国际难民和人道主义法、人权和基本自由在内的国际法进行。 | We are determined to consistently strengthen our cooperation in preventing and countering international terrorism. We stress that the UN has a central role in coordinating international action against terrorism, which must be conducted in accordance with international law, including the UN Charter, international refugee and humanitarian law, human rights and fundamental freedoms. |
我们相信,通过各国和国际社会全面履行联合国安理会所有相关决议及《联合国全球反恐战略》的承诺和义务,能够有效应对恐怖主义威胁。我们呼吁所有国家和国际社会履行其承诺和义务,并抵制政治处置和选择性执行。 | We believe that terrorist threats can be effectively addressed through a comprehensive implementation by states and the international community of all their commitments and obligations arising from all relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. We call upon all states and the international community to adhere to their commitments and obligations and in this regard to resist political approaches and selective application. |
金砖国家重申遵守金融行动特别工作组关于反洗钱、恐怖融资和大规模杀伤性武器扩散的国际标准。 | The BRICS countries reaffirm their commitment to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation. |
我们寻求加强在金融行动特别工作组和相同类型地区机构的合作。 | We seek to intensify our cooperation in FATF and FATF-style regional bodies (FSRBs). |
我们认识到主动开展国际合作,阻止暴力极端主义及其思想蔓延是打击恐怖主义的先决条件。同时,我们强调上述领域的国际合作应遵守国际法,并考虑到主权国家政府承担着防范和打击极端主义相关威胁的主要责任。 | We recognize that active international collaboration to counter the spread of violent extremism and its ideologies is a necessary prerequisite in the fight against terrorism. At the same time, we underscore that international cooperation on those tracks should rest upon international law taking into consideration that it is the sovereign governments that bear the primary responsibility for preventing and countering violent extremism-related threats. |
28、我们对全球毒品问题深度关切,毒品损害公众健康、危害公共和人民安全与福祉,破坏社会、经济、政治稳定和可持续发展。为应对这一问题,我们计划根据联合国1961年、1971年和1988年禁毒公约以及国际法相关规范和原则,采取整体和平衡措施,推进减少毒品供需战略。考虑到全球麻醉品生产和需求的空前增长,我们呼吁采取更加积极措施应对该问题,并在相关国际场合进行讨论。我们重申落实2009年第64届联合国大会通过的《关于以综合、平衡战略开展国际合作,应对世界毒品问题的政治宣言和行动计划》,以及麻醉品委员会在2014年高级别审议时通过的部长级联合声明。上述文件为2016年召开公开、包容的联大禁毒特别会议奠定了坚实基础。我们将在该特别会议的筹备阶段探讨采取共同行动。 | 28. We express deep concern about the world drug problem, which continues to threaten public health, public and human safety and well-being and undermines social, economic and political stability and sustainable development. We plan to address the problem through an integrated and balanced approach to drug supply and demand reduction strategies, in line with the UN conventions of 1961, 1971 and 1988 and other relevant norms and principles of international law. Taking into account the unprecedented global growth in the production and demand of narcotic drugs, we call for more active measures to address the drug problem and to discuss it at the relevant international fora. We reaffirm our commitment to the implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem adopted in 2009 at the 64th session of the UN General Assembly, as well as the Joint Ministerial Statement of the 2014 High-Level Review by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. These provide a solid basis for an open and inclusive UN General Assembly Special Session on the world drug problem to be held in 2016. We will explore convergences in the preparatory process for UNGASS 2016. |
我们赞赏禁毒部门间的合作,欢迎2015年4月22日在莫斯科举行的金砖国家禁毒部门负责人会议所做相关决定,包括建立应对世界毒品问题联动机制;我们也注意到2015年4月23日在莫斯科召开的第二届国际禁毒合作部长级会议的相关成果。 | We commend the cooperation among our respective drug control authorities, and welcome decisions adopted at the meeting of the BRICS Heads of anti-drug agencies held in Moscow on 22 April 2015, including those aimed at creating mechanisms of interaction in countering the world drug problem; we also take note of the results of the Second Ministerial Anti-drug Conference held in Moscow on 23 April 2015. |
29、我们坚信腐败是全球性挑战,侵蚀各国法律体系,阻碍各国可持续发展,并助长其他形式的犯罪。我们相信,国际合作在预防和打击腐败方面发挥关键作用。我们重申,将根据《联合国反腐败公约》和已建立的多边原则与规范,通过包括司法互助在内的各种手段打击腐败。我们期待于2015年11月2至6日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡举行的《联合国反腐败公约》第六次缔约国会议取得成功。 | 29. We are convinced that corruption is a global challenge which undermines the legal systems of states, negatively affects their sustainable development and may facilitate other forms of crime. We are confident that international cooperation plays a pivotal role in countering and preventing corruption. We reaffirm our commitment to make every effort to that end, including mutual legal assistance, in accordance with the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and multilaterally established principles and norms. In this regard, we look forward to the success of the sixth session of the Conference of State parties to the UNCAC, which will take place in St. Petersburg on 2-6 November 2015. |
鉴此,我们决定成立金砖国家反腐败合作工作组。 | In that context, we decided to create a BRICS Working Group on Anti-Corruption Cooperation. |
30、我们将加大金砖国家预防和打击跨国有组织犯罪力度。 | 30. We intend to intensify efforts undertaken by our States to prevent and combat transnational organized crime. |
我们将致力于使预防犯罪与刑事司法问题作为重要问题纳入联合国长期优先议程。我们支持《2000年联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》缔约国会议为加强《公约》有效履行所做努力,包括推进谈判进程,建立有关机制,以审查《公约》条款及其附加协定的落实情况。 | We will work for the inclusion of crime prevention and criminal justice issues among the long-term priorities of the UN agenda. We support efforts of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime of 2000 to enhance the effectiveness of its application, including through advancing the negotiating process to establish a mechanism to review the implementation of the Convention provisions and its additional protocols. |
我们支持采取一致、全面行动应对跨国有组织犯罪问题,认可2015年4月在多哈举行的第十三届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会有关成果。 | We stand for the adoption of an integrated and comprehensive approach to the problem of transnational organized crime, taking due cognizance of the outcomes of the 13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice held in Doha in April 2015. |
我们的目标是深化金砖国家在预防和打击跨国组织犯罪问题上的相互联动。 | We aim to deepen interaction among the BRICS countries on issues related to the prevention and combat of transnational organized crime. |
31、海盗和海上武装抢劫犯罪对国际航海安全以及相关领域的安全与发展构成严重威胁。我们重申,沿海国家应主要负责打击此类犯罪行径,我们也将目标一致、加强合作,并倡议各方坚持参与打击上述活动。我们强调需就海盗问题采取全面应对方案,以从根源上解决这一问题。我们认为有必要对海盗活动频发海域的各类风险进行客观评估,以减缓对沿海各国经济和安全造成的负面影响。 | 31. Piracy and armed robbery at sea represent a significant threat to the security of international navigation and to the security and development of affected regions. While reiterating that Coastal States have the primary responsibility for counteracting these types of criminal offences, we intend to reinforce our cooperation towards this goal and we call upon all parties concerned to remain engaged in the fight against these phenomena. We also stress the need for a comprehensive response to piracy, in order to tackle its underlying causes. We stress the need for an objective assessment of risks in piracy-prone areas with a view to mitigating negative effects on the economy and security of coastal states. |
我们欢迎多国为保卫海上交通线所做努力,强调国际社会继续共同行动打击海盗和海上武装抢劫的重要性。我们相信,对海盗的法律诉讼将对国际社会维护航行安全的努力形成补充。问责以及促进陆地长期发展政策,是提高反海盗联盟有效性的关键要素。我们强调,要永久解决受影响地区的海盗问题,应着眼于改善可持续发展、安全和稳定,并强化本地机构和治理。 | We commend the efforts made by many nations to safeguard the sea lines of communication, and stress the importance of continued joint efforts by the international community to fight piracy and armed robbery at sea. We believe that legal prosecution of pirates should complement the endeavours by the international community to ensure safe navigation. Accountability is a key element to increase the effectiveness of the anti-piracy coalition, as well as the promotion of long-term development policies on land. We underline that a long-lasting solution to the issue of piracy in affected areas requires improving sustainable development, security and stability, and strengthening local institutions and governance. |
32、我们重申外空开发和利用应出于和平目的,强调谈判缔结一项或多项旨在防止外空军备竞赛的国际协定,是裁军谈判会议的优先任务。我们支持以中国与俄罗斯提交的“禁止在外空放置武器、对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力条约”更新草案等为基础,开始实质性工作。 | 32. Reaffirming that the exploration and use of outer space shall be for peaceful purposes, we stress that negotiations for the conclusion of an international agreement or agreements to prevent an arms race in outer space are a priority task of the Conference on Disarmament, and support the efforts to start substantive work, inter alia, based on the updated draft treaty on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space and of the threat or use of force against outer space objects submitted by China and the Russian Federation. |
我们认识到各国将受益于旨在推动和平应用相关外空技术的外空合作。我们将加强相互合作,联合开展各种外空技术及格洛纳斯、北斗系统等卫星导航技术的应用,以及空间科学研究。 | We recognize our countries can benefit from opportunities for outer space cooperation in order to promote the application of relevant technologies for peaceful purposes. We will intensify our cooperation in the areas of joint application of space technologies, satellite navigation, including GLONASS and Beidou, and space sciences. |
我们重申,外空应由各国根据国际法并在平等基础上自由地进行和平开发与利用。对外空的开发和利用应造福所有国家并符合各国利益,不论各国的经济或科技发展水平。我们强调,各国均应为推动和平开发利用外空的国际合作作出贡献,同时重点照顾发展中国家需求。我们反对阻碍上述国际合作及发展中国家的国家空间活动的单边措施。 | We reiterate that outer space shall be free for peaceful exploration and use by all States on a basis of equality in accordance with international law, and the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development. We stress that all States should contribute to promoting international cooperation on peaceful exploration and use of outer space while taking into particular account the needs of developing countries. We oppose unilateral measures which may hinder the international cooperation as well as national space activities of the developing countries. |
我们坚信国际社会应不懈努力,提高外空活动、运行的安全水平,预防冲突。金砖各国可合作制订这一领域共同方略。在保障外空活动的长期可持续性,以及联合国和平利用外空委员会讨论确保外空用于和平目的的方法和途径时,应优先关注外空活动安全相关问题。 | We are firmly convinced that the international community should consistently undertake efforts to raise the basic levels of safety of space activities and operation and prevent conflict. In this connection, our countries can cooperate in working out common approaches in that area. Priority should be accorded to issues related to the safety of space operations, in the broader context of ensuring the long-term sustainability of outer space activities, as well as ways and means of preserving outer space for peaceful purposes, which are on the agenda of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS). |
33、信息通信技术正成为缩小发达国家和发展中国家之间差距以及发现专业和创造性人才的新重要媒介。我们认识到信息通信技术的重要性,它是从信息社会向知识社会转变的工具,并与人类发展息息相关。我们支持将信息通信技术相关问题纳入2015后发展议程,提高信息通信技术的可及性,帮助包括妇女在内的弱势群体实现上述议程确立的目标。 | 33. ICTs are emerging as an important medium to bridge the gap between developed and developing countries, as well as to foster professional and creative talents of people. We recognize the importance of ICTs as a tool for transition from information to a knowledge society and the fact that it is inseparably connected with human development. We support the inclusion of ICT-related issues in the post-2015 development agenda and greater access to ICTs to empower women as well as vulnerable groups to meet the objectives of the agenda. |
我们也认识到发展中国家在信息通信技术生态系统中的潜力,认为发展中国家在处理2015后发展议程中的信息通信技术相关问题时可发挥重要作用。 | We also recognize the potential of developing countries in the ICT ecosystem and acknowledge that they have an important role to play in addressing the ICT-related issues in the post-2015 development agenda. |
我们认为十分有必要进一步加强包括互联网在内的信息通信技术领域合作,这符合我们各国利益。鉴此,我们决定建立金砖国家信息通信技术合作工作组。我们重申,利用信息通信技术以及互联网损害包括隐私权在内的人权和基本自由的行为不可容忍,人们在线下享有的权利应同样在线上得到保护。应考虑建立保密和保护用户个人信息的机制。 | We recognize the urgent need to further strengthen cooperation in the areas of ICTs, including Internet, which is in the interests of our countries. In that context, we decided to constitute a BRICS working group on ICT cooperation. We reiterate the inadmissibility of using ICTs and the Internet to violate human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to privacy, and reaffirm that the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online. A system ensuring confidentiality and protection of users' personal data should be considered. |
我们认为互联网是全球资源,各国应平等参与全球网络的演进和运行,并考虑相关利益攸关方根据其各自作用和职责参与其中的必要性。我们赞成建立一个公开、统一和安全的互联网。我们坚持各国政府在管理和保障国家网络安全方面的作用和职责。 | We consider that the Internet is a global resource and that states should participate on an equal footing in its evolution and functioning, taking into account the need to involve relevant stakeholders in their respective roles and responsibilities. We are in favour of an open, non-fragmented and secure Internet. We uphold the roles and responsibilities of national governments in regard to regulation and security of the network. |
我们认为,需要推动多边、民主、透明、互信原则,并制定普遍认可的网络领域行为准则。有必要确保联合国在制定互联网国际公共政策方面发挥促进作用。 | We acknowledge the need to promote, among others, the principles of multilateralism, democracy, transparency and mutual trust, and stand for the development of universally agreed rules of conduct with regard to the network. It is necessary to ensure that UN plays a facilitating role in setting up international public policies pertaining to the Internet. |
我们支持互联网治理生态系统的演进,该系统应基于开放和民主的进程,且不受任何单边因素的影响。 | We support the evolution of the Internet governance ecosystem, which should be based on an open and democratic process, free from the influence of any unilateral considerations. |
34、信息通信技术为公民有效参与经济、社会和国家活动提供新的工具。信息通信技术为建立全球可持续发展伙伴关系、增进国际和平与稳定、推动保护人权提供了更多机遇。此外,我们对利用信息通信技术从事跨国有组织犯罪,发展进攻型手段和实施恐怖活动表示关切。我们同意,通过国际合作和国际通行的国际法规范和原则来使用和发展信息通信技术,对于确保一个和平、安全、开放的数字和互联网空间至关重要。我们再次谴责全球大规模电子监控和个人数据搜集的行为,以及其对国家主权和个人权力的侵犯,尤其是隐私权。我们认为各国在信息通信技术发展水平与能力上存在差异。我们将致力于关注扩大所有数字通信形式的普遍接入,并提高民众在这方面的认识。我们也强调通过推动金砖国家合作打击信息通信技术应用于犯罪和恐怖活动的必要性。我们认为有必要在联合国框架下制定打击信息通信技术犯罪的具有约束力的普遍性规范文书。此外,我们对以威胁国际和平安全为目的,滥用信息通信技术的潜在行为表示关切。我们强调《联合国宪章》确立的国际法原则的核心重要性,特别是政治独立、领土完整和国家主权平等、不干涉他国内政、尊重人权和基本自由。 | 34. Information and communications technologies provide citizens with new tools for the effective functioning of economy, society and state. ICTs enhance opportunities for the establishment of global partnerships for sustainable development, the strengthening of international peace and security and for the promotion and protection of human rights. In addition, we express our concern over the use of ICTs for purposes of transnational organized crime, of developing offensive tools, and conducting acts of terrorism. We agree that the use and development of ICTs through international cooperation and universally accepted norms and principles of international law is of paramount importance in order to ensure a peaceful, secure and open digital and Internet space. We reiterate our condemnation of mass electronic surveillance and data collection of individuals all over the world, as well as violation of the sovereignty of States and of human rights, in particular, the right to privacy. We recognize that states are not at the same level of development and capacity with regard to ICTs. We commit ourselves to focus on expanding universal access to all forms of digital communication and to improve awareness of people in this regard. We also stress the need to promote cooperation among our countries to combat the use of ICTs for criminal and terrorist purposes. We recognize the need for a universal regulatory binding instrument on combating the criminal use of ICTs under the UN auspices. Furthermore, we are concerned with the potential misuse of ICTs for purposes, which threaten international peace and security. We emphasize the central importance of the principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter, particularly the political independence, territorial integrity and sovereign equality of states, non-interference in internal affairs of other states and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. |
我们重申《德班宣言》和《福塔莱萨宣言》指明的关于安全使用信息通信技术的重要性、联合国在解决相关问题方面的关键作用的总体方针。我们鼓励国际社会将工作重点放在信息通信使用中建立信任措施、能力建设,不使用武力和预防冲突等方面。我们将寻求开展彼此间务实合作,以应对使用信息通信技术中的共同安全挑战。我们将继续考虑在该领域制定负责任国家行为准则、规范和原则。 | We reaffirm the general approach set forth in the e’Thekwini and Fortaleza Declarations on the importance of security in the use of ICTs and the key role of the UN in addressing these issues. We encourage the international community to focus its efforts on confidence-building measures, capacity-building, the non-use of force, and the prevention of conflicts in the use of ICTs. We will seek to develop practical cooperation with each other in order to address common security challenges in the use of ICTs. We will continue to consider the adoption of the rules, norms and principles of responsible behavior of States in this sphere. |
为此,金砖国家信息通信技术使用安全专家工作组将在以下领域开启合作:关于使用信息通信技术过程中安全问题的信息和最佳实践分享、打击网络犯罪有效协调、成员国间联络点建立、现有计算机安全事件响应小组内的合作、联合研发有关项目、能力建设、国际准则、原则和标准制定。 | In that context, the Working Group of Experts of the BRICS States on security in the use of ICTs will initiate cooperation in the following areas: sharing of information and best practices relating to security in the use of ICTs; effective coordination against cyber-crime; the establishment of nodal points in member-states; intra-BRICS cooperation using the existing Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT); joint research and development projects; capacity building; and the development of international norms, principles and standards. |
35、我们注意到国际社会日益面临严重的自然和人为灾害,强烈认为有必要推动在预防和应对紧急情况方面开展合作。 | 35. Noting that the international community increasingly faces grave natural and human-made disasters, we strongly believe that there is a need to promote cooperation in preventing and developing responses to emergency situations. |
在此背景下,我们欢迎印度和其他金砖国家在上述领域提出的合作倡议,以及俄罗斯提出的于2016年在圣彼得堡举行金砖国家灾害管理机构负责人会议的倡议。 | In that context, we welcome initiatives by India and other BRICS countries concerning cooperation in the above mentioned field, as well as Russia's initiative to convene a meeting of the BRICS Heads of National Agencies Responsible for Disaster Management in St. Petersburg in 2016. |
我们也了解金砖国家在科技创新合作领域就自然灾害问题进行了内容丰富的讨论,2014年5月由巴西组织的金砖国家灾害管理研讨会就是已有成果。 | We also acknowledge the fruitful discussions regarding natural disasters taking place within the context of the BRICS cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, which already resulted in a BRICS Workshop in this field, organized by Brazil in May 2014. |
36、我们尊重阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的独立、统一、主权和领土完整,对叙利亚当前的暴力行为、不断恶化的人道主义形势及本地区日益上升的国际恐怖主义和极端主义威胁深表关切。和平解决叙利亚冲突是唯一选项。我们支持旨在基于2012年6月30日日内瓦公报,在不设前提和没有外部干涉的情况下,通过叙利亚各方间的广泛对话,推动政治和外交解决叙利亚危机的努力,反映叙利亚社会各阶层的愿望,保障叙利亚各种族或职业人民的权利的努力。 | 36. Respecting the independence, unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, we express deep concern about the ongoing violence in Syria, the deteriorating humanitarian situation and the growing threat of international terrorism and extremism in the region. There is no alternative to the peaceful settlement of the Syrian conflict, we support the efforts aimed at promoting a political and diplomatic settlement of the crisis in Syria through a wide dialogue between the Syrian parties that reflects the aspirations of all sectors of Syrian society and guarantees the rights of all Syrians regardless of their ethnicity or confession on the basis of the Geneva Final Communiqué of 30 June 2012 without preconditions and external interference. |
我们谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,呼吁叙利亚社会在这一危险的威胁面前团结一致,国际社会应严格执行联合国安理会第2170、2178和2199号决议所有条款,特别是打击资助或以其他形式支持恐怖主义的行为,并遵守与打击恐怖主义和极端主义有关的普遍认同的国际法规范,包括尊重各国主权原则。 | Condemning terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, we call for consolidation of Syrian society in the face of this dangerous threat, strict implementation by the international community of all provisions of the UN Security Council resolutions 2170, 2178 and 2199, particularly dealing with suppression of financing and other forms of supporting terrorists, as well as for compliance with universally recognized norms of international law related to countering terrorism and extremism, including the principles of respect for the sovereignty of the states. |
我们重申对在叙利亚使用有毒化学武器的谴责。我们赞赏根据联合国安理会第2118号决议和《禁止化学武器公约》所规定的叙利亚义务,对叙利亚化学武器库实施国际管控,将有毒物质及其前体转移出叙利亚。我们强调这些努力的成功是禁化武组织执理会和联合国安理会成员目标一致、叙利亚当局与禁化武组织和联合国特派团建设性合作的结果。 | We reiterate our condemnation of any use of toxic chemicals as a weapon in Syria. We commend the outcome of setting international control over the Syrian arsenals of chemical weapons and transferring toxic substances and their precursors from Syrian territory in accordance with the UNSC resolution 2118 and the obligations of Syria under the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. We emphasize that the success of these efforts was the result of a unity of purpose among the members of the Executive Council of the OPCW and the UNSC and constructive cooperation of the Syrian authorities with the special mission of the OPCW/UN. |
我们对叙利亚危机人道主义局势恶化深表关切,强烈谴责冲突各方侵犯人权行为。我们重申根据2014年联合国安理会第2139、2165、2191号决议和联合国紧急人道主义援助指导原则,确保人道主义机构安全、不受阻碍地接触受影响人群的必要性。我们欢迎叙利亚各方为履行上述决议采取的务实措施。我们拒绝将叙利亚人道主义援助问题政治化,注意到单边制裁对叙利亚社会经济形势产生的持续消极影响。 | We express our deep concern about the deterioration of the humanitarian aspects of the Syrian crisis and strongly condemn human rights violations by all parties to the conflict. We reaffirm the need to ensure safe and unhindered access of humanitarian agencies to affected population in accordance with UNSC resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165(2014), 2191(2014) and the UN guiding principles of emergency humanitarian assistance. We welcome practical steps taken by the Syrian parties to fulfill the requirements of these resolutions. We reject the politicization of humanitarian assistance in Syria and note the continuing negative impact of unilateral sanctions on the socio-economic situation in Syria. |
我们支持俄罗斯为推动政治解决叙利亚问题所采取的步骤,特别是在2015年1月和4月在莫斯科主办了两轮叙利亚各方磋商,支持联合国秘书长及其叙利亚问题特别代表斯达芬·德米斯图拉,以及其他旨在和平解决叙利亚冲突的国际和地区努力。 | We express support for the steps of the Russian Federation aimed at promoting a political settlement in Syria, in particular the organization of two rounds of consultations between the Syrian parties in Moscow in January and April 2015, as well as the efforts by the UN Secretary General, his Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, and other international and regional efforts aimed at peaceful resolution of the Syrian conflict. |
37、我们最强烈地谴责所有形式和表现的恐怖主义,伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯兰国、“胜利阵线”及与其关联的恐怖组织持续、大规模、严重侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法,特别是基于宗教和种族迫害个人和社区,以及针对平民特别是妇女和儿童各种形式的暴力行为。 | 37. We condemn in the strongest terms terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, the continued, widespread and grave abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law committed by the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Al-Nusrah Front and associated terrorist groups, and in particular the persecution of individuals and communities on the basis of their religion or ethnicity, as well all forms of violence against civilians, particularly women and children. |
38、我们对伊拉克和叙利亚不稳定导致本地区恐怖主义活动上升的外溢效应表示关切,敦促各方以连贯方式应对恐怖主义威胁。我们强烈谴责自诩的伊拉克-黎凡特伊斯兰国等恐怖和极端组织在伊拉克的非人道暴力行为,尤其是杀害和强制迁离无辜平民,以及/或是基于宗教、文化或种族背景锁定受害者,以及/或是导致伊拉克纪念碑、清真寺、教堂、博物馆、宫殿和圣地等伊拉克文化和历史遗产的损毁行为。 | 38. We express concerns about spillover effects of the instability in Iraq and Syria resulting in growing terrorist activities in the region, and urge all parties to address the terrorist threat in a consistent manner. We strongly condemn the inhumane acts of violence perpetrated by terrorist and extremist groups, such as the self-styled ISIL, in the territory of the Republic of Iraq, especially those actions consisting of the killing and forced displacement of innocent civilians; and/or related to targeting victims on religious, cultural or ethnic grounds; and/or resulting in the destruction of Iraqi cultural and historical heritage, such as monuments, mosques, churches, museums, palaces and shrines. |
我们重申致力于伊拉克的领土完整、独立和国家主权,反对所有形式、可能损害伊拉克国家民主体制团结和伊拉克人民丰富社会结构和谐共存的外部干涉。我们强调支持伊拉克政府实现国家和解的努力,强调和解进程为在伊拉克共和国实现持久和平,安全和稳定发挥的核心作用。 | We reaffirm our commitment to the territorial integrity, independence and national sovereignty of the Republic of Iraq and reject all forms of foreign interference that may hamper the consolidation of its national democratic institutions and the harmonious coexistence of the rich social fabric of the Iraqi people. We stress our support to the government of Iraq in its efforts to achieve national reconciliation and underscore the key role of the reconciliation process for the achievement of a lasting peace, security and stability in the Republic of Iraq. |
我们敦促国际社会向伊拉克为国内流离失所人员和受影响地区的难民提供人道主义援助的努力伸出援手。 | We urge the international community to assist Iraq in its efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons and refugees in the affected areas of that country. |
我们仍强烈致力于支持伊拉克共和国实现稳定、和平、民主。和平、全国和解和团结,这有利于地区和全球和平与安全。 | We remain strongly committed to support the Republic of Iraq in achieving stability, peace, democracy, national reconciliation and unity, which is in the interest of regional and global peace and security. |
39、我们重申致力于在包括联合国相关决议、马德里原则和《阿拉伯和平倡议》等普遍认可的国际法律框架下为实现巴以冲突的全面、公正和持久解决作出贡献,坚信解决巴以冲突有利于本地区其他危机的积极走向和推动中东地区持久和平。 | 39. Reaffirming our commitment to contribute to a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of a universally recognized international legal framework, including the relevant UN resolutions, the Madrid Principles and the Arab Peace Initiative, we strongly believe that the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can contribute both to a positive outcome of other crises in the region and to the promotion of sustainable peace in the Middle East. |
因此,我们呼吁以色列和巴勒斯坦重启谈判,按照两国方案,以1967年停火线为基础,在双方认可并得到国际社会承认的边界内,建立一个以东耶路撒冷为首都、与以色列和平共处、经济上自立的巴勒斯坦国。鉴此,我们注意到“中东四方机制”各方所作努力。我们反对以色列在巴勒斯坦被占领土上持续修建定居点的行为。这违反国际法并严重破坏和平努力,威胁两国方案的可行性。我们欢迎所有旨在实现巴勒斯坦内部团结的倡议,敦促各方推动全面履行巴勒斯坦承担的国际义务,包括承认以色列和停止暴力。我们呼吁联合国安理会按照《联合国宪章》在处理巴以冲突方面全面履行职责。 | Therefore, we call upon Israel and Palestine to resume negotiations leading to a two-state solution with a contiguous and viable Palestinian State existing side by side in peace with Israel within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders based on 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital. In this regard, we note the respective efforts of the Middle East Quartet. We oppose the continuous Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Territories, which violate international law and seriously undermine peace efforts and threaten the concept of the two-state solution. We welcome all initiatives aimed at achieving intra-Palestinian unity and urge the parties to this process to facilitate to full extent the implementation of the international obligations assumed by Palestine. We call on the UN Security Council to fully exercise its functions under the UN Charter with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. |
我们鼓励参加2014年在开罗举行的“加沙地带重建国际捐助者会议”的国家兑现承诺,呼吁以色列和巴勒斯坦当局为向巴勒斯坦人民输送国际援助创造必要条件。我们欢迎联合国救济工程处向巴勒斯坦难民提供援助和保护的努力,鼓励国际社会继续对该机构的工作提供支持。鉴此,我们欢迎巴西近期加入联合国救济工程处咨询委员会。 | We encourage the states that participated in the 2014 International Donors Conference on Reconstruction of Gaza Strip in Cairo to fulfill their pledges and call on Israeli and Palestinian authorities to create the necessary conditions for channeling international aid to the people of Palestine. We welcome the efforts of the UN Relief and Works Agency in providing assistance and protection for Palestine refugees and encourage the international community to further support the Agency. In this context, we welcome the recent accession of Brazil to UNRWA's Advisory Commission. |
40、我们支持中东尽早成为无核武器和其他大规模杀伤性武器区,为此呼吁尽快就此召开该区域内所有国家出席的会议。我们呼吁中东国家展示政治意愿,采取务实态度,以建设性方式参与,以实现建立中东无核武器及其他大规模杀伤性武器区的崇高目标。 | 40. We support the efforts aimed at ensuring the early establishment in the Middle East of a zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction on the basis of agreements freely arrived at among the states of the region. We reiterate the call for convening of a conference on the issue to be attended by all states of the region. We urge the Middle East countries to show political will and pragmatic approach and adopt a constructive position for achieving the noble goal of creating a Middle East free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction. |
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