41、我们期待在欧盟参与下,由中国、德国、法国、俄罗斯、英国、美国和伊朗尽早达成共同综合行动计划。该行动计划将重塑各方对伊朗核计划完全和平性质的信心,全面解除对伊制裁。共同综合行动计划将使伊朗能够在严格国际监管下,完全行使其依据《不扩散核武器条约》及其他国际义务,开展包括铀浓缩在内的和平利用核能的权利。这将有利于伊朗的贸易和投资正常化。我们相信,共同综合行动计划将极大地促进国际和地区安全。 | 41. We look forward to an early conclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) to be agreed upon between China, Germany, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States and Iran with the participation of EU. This plan of action is supposed to restore full confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme and provide for the comprehensive lifting of sanctions imposed on Iran. The JCPA should enable Iran to fully exercise its right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including the right to uranium enrichment, under the NPT, and consistent with its international obligations, under strict international safeguards. It should also provide for the normalization of trade and investment with Iran. We believe that the implementation of JCPA would strongly contribute to the strengthening of international and regional security. |
42、我们欢迎阿富汗顺利完成2014年选举进程并在总统阿什拉夫·加尼和首席执行官阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉博士的带领下成立民族团结政府。我们欢迎国际社会确认其在2014年12月伦敦会议决定中对阿富汗所肩负的责任。 | 42. We welcome the completion of the election process in Afghanistan in 2014 and the establishment of the National Unity Government led by President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Abdullah Abdullah. We welcome the international community's confirmation of its obligations to Afghanistan that was reflected in the decisions of the London conference held in December 2014. |
我们相信,由“阿人所有、阿人主导”的广泛、包容的阿富汗民族和解进程,是阿实现长久和平、恢复稳定和重建的最可靠道路。我们呼吁所有相关方参与和解,并呼吁武装反对派解除武装,接受阿富汗宪法,切断同基地组织、伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国和其他恐怖组织联系。 | We believe that a broad and inclusive national reconciliation in Afghanistan which is Afghan-led and Afghan-owned is the surest path to the lasting peace, stability rehabilitation and reconstruction in Afghanistan. We call on all parties concerned to participate in the reconciliation, and call on the armed opposition to disarm, accept the Constitution of Afghanistan and cut ties with Al-Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorist organizations. |
我们继续关心阿富汗的安全局势。我们重申恐怖主义和极端主义对阿富汗和本地区及域外的安全和稳定造成了严重威胁。伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国的出现及其影响力的迅速增长,连同阿富汗边境安全局势的显著恶化,已引发严重担忧。我们支持为打击阿富汗恐怖主义和极端主义所作出的努力。 | We remain concerned about the security in Afghanistan. We reiterate that terrorism and extremism pose a serious threat to the security and stability of Afghanistan, the region and beyond. The appearance and rapid growth of influence of the ISIL, as well as visible deterioration of the security situation along the border of Afghanistan are of serious anxiety. We support the efforts made in fighting against terrorism and extremism in Afghanistan. |
为此,我们确认已经准备就绪并呼吁国际社会继续与阿富汗保持接触,履行在民用和安全援助,包括加强其安全部队能力的长期承诺。 | For that purpose we confirm our readiness and call upon the international community to remain engaged in Afghanistan and fulfill its long-term commitments on civilian and security assistance, including strengthening its security forces’ capability. |
考虑到阿富汗毒品产量连续第二年空前高涨,我们呼吁采取更积极措施应对毒品威胁,并在所有国际论坛上讨论这一问题。我们主张进一步加强巴黎协议作为打击阿富汗鸦片扩散重要国家间框架的作用。 | Taking into account unprecedented growth in production of narcotic drugs in Afghanistan for the second consecutive year, we call for more active measures to address the drug problem and to discuss it at all relevant international fora. We stand for further strengthening of the Paris Pact as an important interstate framework for fight against the proliferation of opiates originating from Afghanistan. |
联合国在协调解决阿富汗问题的国际社会努力中发挥核心作用。 | The UN has a core role to play in the coordination of the international community efforts to settle the situation in Afghanistan. |
43、我们重申对乌克兰局势深表关切。我们强调武力不能解决有关冲突,实现和解的唯一途径是包容性政治对话。因此,我们呼吁各方遵守“执行明斯克协议综合措施”所有条款,该协议由乌克兰问题联络小组于2015年2月在明斯克达成,得到俄罗斯、德国、法国、乌克兰领导人支持,并获联合国安理会第2202号决议核可。 | 43. We reiterate our deep concern about the situation in Ukraine. We emphasize that there is no military solution to the conflict and that the only way to reconciliation is through inclusive political dialogue. In this regard we call on all parties to comply with all the provisions of the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements, adopted in February 2015 in Minsk by the Contact Group on Ukraine, supported by the leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine and endorsed by the UN Security Council in its resolution 2202. |
44、我们严重关切利比亚武装冲突的升级,这凸显了其对中东、北非和萨赫勒地区造成的十分消极后果。我们注意到2011年对该国的军事干预导致完整的国家体系、有效的军队和执法机构的崩溃,反而造成了恐怖和极端主义组织活动上升。我们强调维护利比亚主权和领土完整的紧迫性,重申有必要克服利比亚各政治力量间的纷争,就尽快建立全国团结政府达成协议。鉴此,我们支持联合国秘书长利比亚问题特别代表贝尔纳迪诺·莱昂促进利比亚邻国对话以及非盟推动利比亚各方对话的努力。 | 44. We express serious concern about the escalation of the armed conflict in Libya, highlighting its extremely negative consequences for the Middle East, North Africa and the Sahel region. We note that the military intervention in this country in 2011 led to the breakdown of integrated state institutions, effective army and law-enforcement bodies, which in turn contributed to the rise of activities of terrorist and extremist groups. We underline the urgency to safeguard the sovereignty of the country and its territorial integrity, and we reaffirm the need to overcome the dissensions between Libyan political forces and to achieve an agreement on the formation of a National Unity Government as soon as possible. In this context, we express our support for the efforts to foster the inter-Libyan dialogue by the UN Secretary-General and his Special Representative for Libya Bernardino Leon, by the neighboring countries and by the African Union. |
45、我们对南苏丹当前可怕的安全和人道主义危机表示关切。我们谴责所有破坏停火和针对平民和人道主义机构的暴力行为。我们呼吁各方展现政治意愿并承诺结束南苏丹的悲剧,为安全投送人道主义物资提供条件。我们相信只有通过旨在实现全国和解的包容性政治对话,才能找到解决危机的可持续方案。我们支持东非政府间发展组织(伊加特)和其他地区和国际行为体为寻求以组建全国团结过渡政府为基础的政治解决方案所作调停努力,以及调停执政党不同派别领导人的平行努力,对未能在2015年3月前达成权力分享安排表示遗憾。我们赞扬联合国南苏丹特派团为履行授权所作努力。我们认识到这取决于稳定的政治环境。我们谴责对联合国南苏丹特派团哨所和国内流离失所人员避难营地的袭击。 | 45. We express our concern about the dire security and humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. We condemn all ceasefire violations and acts of violence against civilians and humanitarian agencies. We call upon all parties to demonstrate the political will and commitment to end the tragedy in South Sudan and to provide conditions for the safe delivery of humanitarian aid to the population. We express our belief that a long-lasting solution to the crisis is only possible through an inclusive political dialogue aimed at national reconciliation. We support efforts being made by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and other regional and international actors to mediate a political solution to the crisis based on the formation of a transitional government of national unity as well as parallel efforts towards facilitation of mediation between leaders of the various factions of the ruling party, and regret the failure to reach an agreement on power-sharing arrangements by March 2015. We commend the efforts of the UN Mission in South Sudan to fulfill its mandate. We condemn the attacks on UNMIS posts and IDP shelter sites. |
46、我们欢迎索马里联邦政府旨在建立有效国家机关、解决尖锐社会经济问题和同索马里各区域建立建设性关系的努力。我们认可索马里军队和非盟索马里特派团维和部队在打击青年党极端势力方面取得的切实成绩。我们对恐怖主义威胁在东北非和东非国家上升表示关切。我们强烈谴责青年党武装分子2015年4月2日在肯尼亚加里萨大学发动造成大量人员伤亡的非人道袭击。我们将同肯尼亚政府和人民团结一致与恐怖主义做斗争。我们强调,无论何种情况,都不应为恐怖主义辩解。 | 46. We welcome the efforts of the Federal Government of Somalia aimed at establishing capable state authorities, solving acute socio-economic problems and building constructive relations with all the Somali regions. We recognize the tangible achievements of the Somalian army and the units of the peace keeping African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in fighting the Al-Shabaab extremist group. We express our concern about the growth of the terrorist threat in the countries of Northeast and East Africa. We strongly condemn the inhumane attack by Al Shabaab fighters on the University of Garissa, Kenya on 2 April 2015, which resulted in deplorable casualties. We express our solidarity with the Government and the people of Kenya in their struggle against terrorism. We stress that there can be no justification for terrorism whatsoever. |
47、我们支持联合国驻马里多层面综合稳定特派团的工作,这是国际社会为解决马里危机所作努力的组成部分。我们致力于考虑到各方立场的政治解决方案,鼓励旨在确保马里领土完整和国家主权的建设性谈判。我们注意到马里和平和解协议的签署,赞赏阿尔及利亚政府和其他国际和地区行为体为寻求危机的政治解决方案所作的调停努力。我们对各种力量企图扰乱当地局势和干扰和平谈判表示严重关切。 | 47. We support the activities of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali as a part of the efforts of the international community to settle the Malian crisis. We are committed to a political solution to the conflict which would take into account positions of all the parties; we encourage constructive negotiations aimed at securing the territorial integrity and statehood of Mali. We note the signing of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali and commend the mediation efforts of the Algerian Government and other international and regional actors with a view to obtain a political solution for the crisis. We express grave concern about the attempts by various forces to destabilize the situation and disrupt the peace negotiations. |
48、我们对刚果民主共和国东部地区安全和人道局势;裁军、复员、前战斗人员重返刚果社会的缓慢进程;自然资源的非法开采和出口;境内大量邻国难民及国内流离失所的人员滞留表示关注。我们强调有必要重振《刚果民主共和国和该地区和平、安全和合作框架》的落实进程,强化政府结构。我们支持刚果民主共和国政府在联合国刚果稳定团的支持下争取刚果民主共和国和平与稳定的努力。我们呼吁参与方履行其义务,以实现刚果民主共和国的长久和平与稳定。我们称赞维护地区稳定和保护平民的努力,强调给予冲突地区的妇女和儿童特别关注的重要性。我们重申有必要立即和有效解除解放卢旺达民主力量和所有其他消极力量和武装组织的行动能力。我们认为仅凭军事手段不能实现刚果民主共和国的长期稳定。 | 48. We remain concerned about the security and humanitarian situation in eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC); the slow pace of the process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants into the Congolese society; the illegal exploitation and exportation of natural resources; the high number of refugees from neighbouring countries and internally displaced persons present in the country. We stress the need to revive the implementation process of the framework agreement for peace, security and cooperation in the DRC and the region and to strengthen its government structures. We support the efforts by the Government of the DRC, supported by MONUSCO/UN to bring peace and stability to the DRC, and we call upon all involved parties to honor their obligations in order to achieve lasting peace and stability in the DRC. We commend the efforts to stabilize the region and protect civilian populations, and underline the importance of directing special attention to the situation of women and children in areas of conflict. We reiterate the need for the urgent and effective neutralization of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) and all other negative forces and armed groups. We believe that long-term stability in the DRC cannot be achieved by military means alone. |
49、我们对布隆迪形势发展表示关切。我们敦促卷入当前危机的各方保持克制,通过包容性对话解决政治分歧,从而重建社会和平与稳定。我们寻求危机的政治解决方案的地区努力,呼吁国际社会继续参与支持寻求政治解决方案的地区努力以及布隆迪今后的社会经济发展。 | 49. We are concerned about and closely follow the developments in the Republic of Burundi. We urge all actors involved in the current crisis to exercise restraint and resolve their political differences through inclusive dialogue, so that social peace and stability can be restored. We support regional efforts to find a political solution to this crisis and call upon the international community to remain engaged in supporting the regional facilitation of a political solution, as well as in the future socio-economic development of Burundi. |
50、我们注意到中非共和国的局势仍不稳定:安全问题继续引发关切。我们由此强调中非共和国政府肩负制定冲突各方彼此可接受解决方案的首要责任,中非共和国政府应当为裁军、复员以及前战斗人员重返社会创造条件。我们相信全面的全国对话是实现中非共和国长期稳定的唯一途径。 | 50. We note that the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) remains unstable: and that issues pertaining to security continue to cause concerns. We underline in this regard that the primary responsibility for developing mutually acceptable modalities of settlement by the conflicting parties is borne by the Government of the CAR, which should create prerequisites for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants into the civil society. We believe that a comprehensive national dialogue is the only way to achieve long-term stability in the CAR. |
我们注意到2015年5月4日-11日在中非共和国闭幕的班吉和解论坛,呼吁所有利益攸关方有效执行其建议。 | We note proceedings of the recently concluded Bangui Forum for Reconciliation that was held 4-11 May 2015 in the Central African Republic and call upon all stakeholders to effectively implement its recommendations. |
51、我们也对恐怖主义和暴力极端主义灾难深表关切,谴责青年党、博科圣地和其他组织发动的恐怖主义行径,这对非洲的和平稳定构成严重威胁。 | 51. We also express deep concern about the scourge of terrorism and violent extremism and condemn the terrorist acts perpetrated by Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram and other groups, which pose a serious threat to peace and stability in Africa. |
52、我们强调,在当前全球金融和经济体系不稳定,国际大宗商品市场价格波动的背景下,发展实体经济尤为必要。 | 52. We emphasize that, in the context of the unstable global financial and economic system and price volatility in global commodity markets, the development of the real sector of economy becomes particularly relevant. |
我们认识到,金砖国家都是资源富集国,劳动力和知识、技术人才充足,发展工业是经济增长之本。提高高附加值产品的生产和出口,将帮助金砖国家发展国民经济,更好参与全球价值链并提高竞争力。 | We recognize that industrial development is a fundamental source of growth for the BRICS countries, which possess ample natural resources and significant labor, intellectual and technical capacities. Increasing production and export of high value-added goods will help BRICS countries enhance their national economies, contribute to their participation in global value chains and improve their competitiveness. |
因此,我们重申联合国工发组织在促进包容性和可持续工业发展方面的独特授权。 | In this connection, we reaffirm the unique mandate of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development. |
我们相信,以各经济部门均衡发展,开发和引进先进和创新技术,调动金融机构资源,鼓励私人投资为基础的经济增长至关重要。 | We are convinced about the importance of economic growth based on the balanced development of all economic sectors and on the development and introduction of advanced technologies and innovations, the mobilization of resources from financial institutions and the encouragement of private investment. |
在此背景下,我们注意到金砖国家在采矿和金属工业、制药业、信息技术、化工和石化等领域深化技术研发和创新合作的潜力,既包括自然资源的勘探、提炼、加工、转变和使用,也包括营造良好的投资环境并落实互利共赢的项目。 | In this context, we note the potential to boost collaboration in developing technology and innovation in the potential sectors of BRICS economies, such as mining and metal industry, pharmaceuticals, information technology, chemicals and petrochemicals, both in the area of exploration and extraction of natural resources and in their processing, transformation and use, including through the promotion of a favourable investment climate and the implementation of mutually beneficial joint projects. |
我们强调,应通过建立工业园、技术园和工程中心等方式加强产能合作,发展和引进世界一流技术,并为工程和技术人员提供培训。 | We stress the importance of intensifying cooperation of industrial production capabilities, establishing industrial parks and clusters, technology parks and engineering centers with a view to developing and introducing cutting-edge technologies, providing training for engineering and technical personnel and managers. |
我们强调,鼓励在基础设施、物流和可再生能源等优先领域进行投资,是金砖国家实现可持续经济增长的战略目标。我们将同舟共济,共同应对竞争挑战。因此,金砖国家同意共同合作,扩大在金砖国家间铁路、公路、海港和空港的投资。 | We highlight that encouraging investment in priority areas such as infrastructure, logistics and renewable sources of energy is a strategic goal for the sustainable growth of our economies. We reiterate our interest in joining efforts in order to face the challenge of competitiveness. In this regard, the BRICS countries agree to collaborate for the promotion of investment opportunities in railways, roadways, seaports and airports among our countries. |
53、我们重申将继续深化农业合作,特别是在以下领域:农业技术和创新,为脆弱群体提供食物,降低气候变化对粮食安全的影响,农业对气候变化的适应性,减少粮食市场价格波动,分享最新市场信息,通过参与展览、博览会和投资论坛促进贸易和投资。我们积极支持联合国大会宣布2015年为国际土壤年的决定,愿采取有效政策和行动,确保土壤资源的可持续管理和保护。 | 53. We reiterate our commitment to further develop agricultural cooperation, in particular, related to agricultural technologies and innovations, provision of food for the most vulnerable communities, mitigation of the negative impact of climate change on food security and the adaptation of agriculture to climate change, reducing volatility in agricultural markets, sharing up-to-date market information, enhancing trade and investment, including through participation in exhibitions, fairs, and investment forums. We actively support the UN General Assembly decision to declare 2015 the International Year of Soils, and express our intention to contribute to the implementation of effective policies and activities aimed at ensuring sustainable management and protection of soil resources. |
我们欢迎金砖国家驻联合国粮农组织等国际组织的代表处进行合作,强调在罗马举行的金砖国家非正式磋商工作组所做工作的重要性。 | We welcome cooperation of our delegations in international organizations, including in UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). We reinforce the importance of the work of the informal consultative group of BRICS countries in Rome. |
54、我们确认,提高工业和能源设施的安全水平是金砖国家的优先工作之一。为此,我们欢迎金砖国家有关监管部门开展合作,以更好保护金砖国家的公众安全和环境。我们也欢迎俄罗斯关于举行首次金砖国家工业和能源安全监管部门负责人会议的倡议。 | 54. We confirm that the improvement in safety levels of industrial and energy facilities is one of the priority areas for the BRICS countries. In this regard we welcome cooperation between the relevant regulatory bodies of the BRICS countries aimed at better protection of the public and environment in our countries. We also welcome the initiative of the Russian Federation to host the meeting of the BRICS Heads of Industrial and Energy Safety Authorities. |
55、为保证就2015年后可持续发展指标协调有序地开展工作,我们要求金砖国家统计机构就设立上述指标的统计方法加强合作,确保其可比性。为此,金砖国家统计机构应在联合国专门委员会中保持经常性密切合作。 | 55. In order to ensure well-coordinated work on the post-2015 sustainable development indicators, we task the BRICS national statistical agencies to pursue collaboration on methodological approaches towards establishing these indicators to ensure their comparability and in this regard to cooperate closely on a regular basis within specialized UN commissions and committees. |
56、我们认识到互联互通在加强金砖国家经济联系、培育更紧密伙伴关系方面的重要意义。我们欢迎和支持金砖国家提出的促进互联互通和基础设施发展的倡议。 | 56. We recognize the significance of connectivity in enhancing economic ties and fostering closer partnership among BRICS countries. We welcome and support BRICS countries' initiatives in promoting connectivity and infrastructure development. |
我们强调,应以全面、一体和系统方式加强互联互通,重点推进政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通和民心相通。同时,金砖国家应在互利共赢基础上,努力加强政策磋商和协调。 | We affirm that connectivity should be strengthened in a comprehensive, integrated and systematic way in the key areas of policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade and people-to-people connections, while making strenuous joint efforts to enhance policy consultation and coordination among BRICS countries on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. |
我们认识到,加强民间交流将进一步加深金砖国家、民众和社会交流。我们承诺为旅游领域的长期合作创造良好环境。 | We recognize that enhanced people-to-people connectivity will further stimulate interaction among BRICS countries, people and society. We are committed to create favourable conditions for long-term cooperation in the field of tourism. |
57、我们满意地注意到金砖国家在人力资源和就业、社会福利和安全以及社会融合政策方面加强协调所取得的进展。 | 57. We note with satisfaction the progress achieved in coordination of efforts with regard to human resources and employment, social welfare and security, as well as social integration policy. |
我们期待将于2016年2月举行的金砖国家首次劳工和就业部长会议,届时将重点关注创造体面就业岗位,劳工和就业事宜信息分享等问题,这将为金砖国家在社会关系和劳工领域的长期合作打下坚实基础。 | We expect the first meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Labour and Employment, which is to take place in February 2016 and will focus on the creation of decent jobs and information sharing on labour and employment issues, will lay a solid foundation for our long-term cooperation in the sphere of social relations and labour. |
58、我们欢迎金砖国家首次人口部长会议(2015年2月在巴西利亚举行)的成果,重申将根据《金砖国家2015-2020年人口合作议程》,按照开罗国际人口和发展大会的指导原则和目标,以及其为促进人口长期平衡发展而采取的关键行动,进一步深化在共同关心的人口和与发展相关的事务上的合作。 | 58. We welcome the outcomes of the first meeting of the BRICS Ministers responsible for population matters (Brasilia, 12 February 2015) and reaffirm our commitment to further cooperation on population and development-related matters that are of common interest, in accordance with the Agenda for BRICS Cooperation on Population Matters for 2015-2020 and in observance of the guiding principles and objectives of the Action Plan of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, and key actions for its further implementation to promote a long-term and balanced demographic development. |
我们重视人口转变及转变后所带来的挑战,包括人口老龄化和死亡率下降,强调有效利用人口红利来促进经济增长和发展,解决性别不平等、赡养老人、妇女权利、青年和残疾人等社会问题的重要性。我们重申将致力于保障性与生殖健康和全民生育权。 | We underscore the relevance of the demographic transition and post-transitional challenges, including population ageing and mortality reduction, as well as the importance to effectively use the demographic dividend to advance economic growth and development and to address social issues, in particular gender inequality, elderly care, women's rights and issues facing young people and people with disabilities. We reiterate our commitment to ensure sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights for all. |
我们将通过官员和专家年度研讨会、定期部长级会议等方式,加强在人口领域的合作。 | We intend to develop our cooperation on population matters by using such formats as annual seminars of officials and experts and regular meetings of ministers responsible for the indicated issues. |
我们指示专家们于2015年11月在莫斯科举行金砖国家人口问题定期磋商,探讨人口挑战及其与金砖国家经济发展的关系,使人口事务更加有效地融入我们的宏观经济、金融和社会政策之中。 | For population matters to be more effectively integrated into our macroeconomic, financial and social policies we instruct our experts to hold in Moscow in November 2015 regular BRICS consultations on population matters dedicated to demographic challenges and to how they are related to the economic development of BRICS countries. |
59、我们认识到移民问题的跨国性,以及金砖国家在该领域开展国际合作和部门间合作的重要性。因此,我们注意到俄罗斯在任期内举办首届金砖国家移民部长级(移民机构负责人)会议的倡议。 | 59. We acknowledge the transnational nature of migration, and, hence, the importance of mutual cooperation among BRICS countries in this area, including among the relevant national agencies. In this regard, we note the initiative of the Russian Federation to hold the first BRICS Ministerial migration meeting (Heads of migration authorities) during the Russian Chairship.g |
我们对地中海大量移民死亡表示遗憾。我们呼吁国际社会,特别是有关国家,为这些移民提供必要援助,集中力量解决无监管移民和流离失所人员不断增长的根本原因。 | We express regret for the large-scale loss of lives of migrants in the Mediterranean. We call upon the international community, in particular the countries concerned, to provide necessary assistance to these migrants, and to intensify collective efforts to address the root causes of the growing unregulated migration and displacement of people. |
60、我们重申,人人都有权拥有最高水平的身心健康,享有必要的高质量生活,以保持个人及家庭的健康和福祉。 | 60. We reaffirm the right of every person, without any distinction, to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and to the quality of life that is necessary to maintain his or her own health and well-being and the health and well-being of his or her family. |
我们对传染病和非传染病导致全球威胁不断上升并呈现多样化表示关切。上述疾病对经济和社会发展具有负面影响,特别是在发展中国家和最不发达国家。 | We are concerned about growing and diversifying global threats posed by communicable and non-communicable diseases. They have a negative impact on economic and social development, especially in developing and in the least developed countries. |
在此背景下,我们赞赏金砖国家加强国际合作,支持有关国家实现卫生目标的努力,包括让民众广泛而公平地获得医疗服务、确保医疗服务的质量和经济可负担性,同时考虑各国不同的国情、政策、优先目标和能力。我们也呼吁国际社会以及公共和私人部门的利益相关方,包括公民社会和学术界,加强伙伴关系,以改善所有人的健康。 | In this context, we commend the efforts made by the BRICS countries to contribute to enhanced international cooperation to support the efforts of countries to achieve their health goals, including the implementation of universal and equitable access to health services, and ensure affordable, good-quality service delivery while taking into account different national circumstances, policies, priorities and capabilities. We also seek enhanced partnerships by the international community and other stakeholders from both the public and private sectors, including the civil society and academia to improve health for all. |
国际社会正同抗菌素耐药性增加进行斗争,这导致卫生风险大幅增加。主要疾病(艾滋病、肺结核、疟疾等)持续传播,高致病性流感、新冠状病毒或埃博拉等新发传染病不断涌现,我们对此深感关切。 | International community is struggling with increased antimicrobial resistance, which contributes to multiplying health risks. We are also concerned with the continuing spread of major diseases (HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria and others), and with the emergence of infections with a pandemic potential, such as highly pathogenic influenza, novel coronavirus or Ebola. |
金砖国家在抗击传染病方面经验丰富。我们愿意加强合作,同有关国际组织协调配合,应对全球卫生挑战,从而确保金砖国家为提高全球卫生安全作出集体贡献。为此,我们将在以下方面开展合作: | BRICS countries have significant experience in combating communicable diseases. We are willing to cooperate and coordinate our efforts, including with relevant international organizations, to tackle global health challenges and ensure that BRICS countries jointly contribute to improve global health security. In this regard we will work together in such areas as: |
——管理新型流行病潜在传染风险; | - Management of risks related to emerging infections with pandemic potential; |
——落实承诺,限制并消除阻碍发展的传染病(艾滋病,肺结核,疟疾,被忽略的热带病,小儿麻痹症,麻疹); | - Compliance with commitments to stop the spread of, and eradicate, communicable diseases that hamper development (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, “neglected” tropical diseases, poliomyelitis, measles); |
——研发、生产、供应药品,以更好地预防和治疗传染病。 | - Research, development, production and supply of medicines aimed at providing increased access to prevention and treatment of communicable diseases. |
我们要求相关部门考虑在这些领域采取中期行动,使金砖国家从公共卫生角度为全球卫生安全作出共同及各自的贡献。 | We ask our relevant authorities to consider medium-term steps to be taken in these areas to seek the collective and individual input of BRICS countries to global health security from a public health perspective. |
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