61、埃博拉疫情在几内亚、利比里亚、塞拉利昂引发人道主义灾难并造成严重社会经济影响,且疫情可能继续扩散,我们对此深表关切。我们高度赞赏国际卫生和人道主义工作者就迅速应对埃博拉疫情爆发所作的贡献和承诺,以及国际社会对受影响西非国家提供的关键支持和援助。 | 61. We are deeply concerned with the impact of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, including its grave humanitarian, social and economic consequences for these countries and the potential spread of the disease. We highly commend the contribution and commitment of international health and humanitarian relief workers to immediately react to EVD outbreak and the crucial support and assistance provided by the international community to the affected countries of West Africa. |
金砖国家在应对埃博拉疫情和支持疫区国家方面作出卓越贡献。此外,史无前例地动员国家卫生体系让我们有机会检验自己的应急水平,也促使我们设法在国家和地区层面完善应对措施。 | BRICS members contributed significantly in international response to EVD and in support to affected countries. What is more, unprecedented mobilization of national health systems allowed us to see how prepared we are and forced us to search for ways to improve national and regional response measures. |
我们完全支持联合国和其他国际组织抗击埃博拉疫情,减少其对经济和社会的影响,防止疫情再度蔓延,也支持其努力改革突发公共卫生事件的国际反应体系,从而提高其有效性。 | We fully support the work of the United Nations and other international institutions to stop the outbreak, limit the economic and social impact of the disease and prevent its recrudescence, as well as the efforts to reform systems of international response to public health emergencies to make them more effective in the future. |
我们承诺,金砖国家整体和各成员国都将采取措施支持上述努力,应对突发事件和长远系统性问题,在国家、地区和全球层面缩小应急准备同紧急行动间的差距,为疫区国家抗击疾病提供进一步帮助,比如通过世界卫生组织和其他国际组织等多种方式持续加强本地区卫生部门。 | We confirm our commitment to do what is necessary individually and collectively to support these efforts addressing emergency and longer-term systematic issues and gaps in preparedness and response on national, regional and global level and further assist affected countries in combating the disease, as well as to contribute to the ongoing efforts to strengthen health sectors across the region including through the WHO and other international organizations. |
62、我们欢迎2015年3月在巴西利亚举办的第二届金砖国家科技与创新部长级会议,祝贺各方签署科技与创新合作谅解备忘录,这是我们在此领域开展合作的战略性框架。 | 62. We welcome the holding of the Second BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Ministerial Meeting, which took place in Brasilia in March 2015, and celebrate the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, which provides a strategic framework for cooperation in this field. |
我们注意到金砖国家青年科学家论坛的潜力,它是在印度协调下,由金砖国家科技与创新部长会批准设立。 | We note with interest the potential of BRICS Young Scientist Forum that has been agreed by the BRICS Ministers for Science, Technology and Innovation with India as coordinating country. |
我们重申愿加强科技与创新合作,目标是加强社会经济发展的包容性与可持续性,缩小金砖国家与发达国家的科技差距,实现基于经济互补的高质量增长,并为当前世界经济面临的挑战寻求解决方案。 | We reaffirm our willingness to strengthen cooperation in science, technology and innovation with the purposes of promoting inclusive and sustainable social and economic development, bridging the scientific and technological gap between the BRICS countries and developed countries, providing a new quality of growth based on economic complementarity, as well as finding solutions to the challenges that the world economy faces today. |
我们注意到金砖国家以科技与创新为驱动打造知识经济的努力,将在联合研究、设计、开发、制造业、高科技产品等方面扩大合作。 | Taking note of our countries' efforts to create knowledge economies, whose drivers are science, technology and innovation, we will expand cooperation in joint research, design, development, manufacturing and promotion in the field of high-technology products. |
基于金砖国家研究和技术领域的巨大潜力,并根据科技与创新合作谅解备忘录的规定,我们重申制定金砖国家研究和创新倡议的重要性,该倡议将包括以下行动: | Taking into consideration immense research and technological potential in the BRICS countries and building on the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovations, we reaffirm the importance of the development of a BRICS Research and Innovation Initiative which shall cover actions including: |
——根据备忘录所述,加强包括大科学项目在内的大型科研设施建设合作,取得关键领域的科技突破; | - cooperation within large research infrastructures, including possible consideration of Megascience projects, to achieve scientific and technological breakthroughs in the key areas of cooperation outlined in the Memorandum; |
——就金砖国家已经开展的大型国家项目加强协调; | - coordination of the existing large-scale national programs of the BRICS countries; |
——制定并落实金砖国家框架计划,为有关研究、技术商业化和创新的多边联合研究项目筹资,这些项目需要科技部和科技中心、发展机构以及赞助研究项目的国家和地区基金的支持; | - development and implementation of a BRICS Framework Programme for funding multilateral joint research projects for research, technology commercialization and innovation involving science and technology ministries and centers, development institutes and national, as well as, if necessary, regional foundations that sponsor research projects; |
——建立联合研究和创新平台。 | - establishment of a joint Research and Innovation Platform. |
这些活动将作为金砖国家科技与创新工作计划加以执行,并由下届金砖国家科技与创新部长会批准。 | These activities will be carried out as per BRICS STI Work Plan to be endorsed at the next BRICS Meeting of Ministers for Science, Technology and Innovation. |
基于在巴西利亚举行的金砖国家科技与创新部长会声明,我们鼓励金砖国家商界、学术界以及其他同科技与创新发展相关的利益攸关方加大参与。 | Based on the Brasília Declaration of BRICS Ministers of Science, Technology and Innovation, we encourage increased participation of business, academia and other relevant stakeholders for science, technology and innovation development among BRICS countries. |
63、我们注意到投资教育、发展人力资本和促进经济增长彼此关联。我们重申,应根据2015年后发展议程,让所有人享有接受高质量、终身教育的同等机会。 | 63. We note the direct interdependence between investment into education, the development of human capital and the improvement of economic performance. We reaffirm the need for equally accessible, high-quality, and lifelong education for all, in line with post-2015 development agenda. |
我们支持为确保包容、同等质量教育所作努力。我们认识到,职业教育和培训是增加就业机会,特别是让年轻人进入劳动力市场的重要手段。我们鼓励金砖国家间的学生交流。 | We support efforts to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education. We recognize the importance of Vocational Education and Training as an instrument of improving employment opportunities, including for young people entering the labour market. We encourage students’ mobility among BRICS countries. |
我们鼓励通过落实世界技能组织相关项目等国际最佳实践,探索开展技能开发合作的可行性。 | We encourage exploring the possibilities of skills development cooperation through implementation of the international best practices, including relevant WorldSkills programmes. |
我们强调高等教育和研究的重要性,呼吁在承认大学文凭和学位方面加强交流。我们要求金砖国家相关部门就学位鉴定和互认开展合作,支持建立金砖国家网络大学和大学联盟的倡议。 | We underscore the primary importance of higher education and research and call for exchanging of experiences in recognition of university diplomas and degrees. We call for working towards cooperation between competent authorities of the BRICS countries for accreditation and recognition. We support the independent initiatives to establish the BRICS Network University and the BRICS University League. |
64、考虑到联合国教科文组织1966年国际文化合作原则宣言以及2001年文化多样性宣言,我们承认文化多样性是发展的源泉,相信文化交流与合作将促进相互理解。我们重申金砖国家在文化领域开展合作的重要性。为加强国家及民众间的友好关系,我们将继续通过多种方式鼓励金砖国家在文化艺术领域开展直接交流。 | 64. Taking into account 1966 UNESCO Declaration of Principles of International Cultural Cooperation and 2001 UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity, acknowledging that cultural diversity is the source of development and convinced that cultural exchanges and cooperation facilitate mutual understanding, we reiterate the importance of cooperation between the BRICS countries in the cultural sphere. Aiming at strengthening and developing friendly relation between our countries and peoples, we will continue to encourage in every possible way direct co-operation between our countries in the sphere of culture and art. |
我们欢迎金砖国家签署政府间文化合作协议,该协议将为扩大和深化文化艺术合作,促进文化对话发挥重要作用,这有助于拉近金砖国家文化和民众的距离。 | We welcome the signing of the Agreement between the Governments of the BRICS Member States on Cooperation in the Field of Culture. This Agreement will play an important role in expanding and deepening cooperation in the fields of culture and art, in promoting dialogue between cultures, which will help bring closer the cultures and peoples of our countries. |
65、联合国将于今年9月召开发展峰会,审议千年发展目标进展并通过2015年后发展议程,指导今后15年国际发展合作。我们高度重视这次发展峰会,希望峰会展现领导人的战略眼光、各方团结一心以及通过合作解决全球发展问题的决心。 | 65. The United Nations will hold the Summit this September to review the progress of the MDGs and adopt the post-2015 development agenda, which will guide international development cooperation in the next 15 years. We attach great importance to the Summit and hope that the Summit will demonstrate the strategic vision of the leaders, the solidarity of all parties and their commitment to address global development issues through cooperation. |
我们重申,将致力于推动联合国发展峰会通过富有雄心的2015年后发展议程。2015年后发展议程应建立在千年发展目标基础之上,确保完成未兑现的承诺,同时应对新挑战。2015年后发展议程还应进一步强化国际社会对于消除贫困,实现可持续、平等、包容性经济增长和可持续发展的承诺,充分遵守1992年里约联合国环境和发展大会达成的所有原则,特别是共同但有区别的责任原则。我们强调在落实2015年后发展议程过程中共同采取行动的重要性。 | We reaffirm our commitment to the ambitious post-2015 development agenda, which is to be approved by the UN Summit. We reiterate that the post-2015 development agenda should be built on the foundation laid by the Millennium Development Goals, ensure completion of unfinished commitments and respond to new challenges. A post-2015 development agenda should furthermore reinforce the international community’s commitment to eradicate poverty achieve sustained, equitable and inclusive economic growth and sustainable development, fully comply with all principles of the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio in 1992, including, in particular, the principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR). We stress the importance of an integrated approach to the means of implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. |
我们认为,消除贫困是实现可持续发展的先决条件和核心目标,强调需要采取连续性措施,实现可持续发展的经济、社会和环境三要素的平衡与统一。为此,应致力于建立一个全球性并适用于所有国家的单一框架和一系列目标,同时考虑各国不同情况并尊重各国国家政策和优先议程。因此,我们迫切需要梳理已达成的协议以及多边发展峰会和会议的成果,并在此基础上开展工作。我们欢迎联合国大会可持续发展目标工作组的报告,并强调应把该工作组的建议作为将可持续发展目标纳入2015年后发展议程的主要基础。 | We consider eradication of poverty as an indispensable requirement for and overarching objective towards the attainment of sustainable development, and stress the need for a coherent approach to attain inclusive and balanced integration of economic, social and environmental components of sustainable development. This approach involves working towards a single framework and set of goals that are universal in nature and applicable to all countries while taking into account differing national circumstances and respecting national policies and priorities. It is therefore imperative that we align and build upon existing agreements and the outcomes of multilateral summits and conferences on development. In this regard, we welcome the report of the Open Working Group of the UN GA on Sustainable Development Goals and emphasize that proposals of the Open Working Group should be the main basis for the integration of sustainable development goals into the post-2015 development agenda. |
66、我们期待即将于2015年7月13至16日在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴召开的第三届国际发展筹资大会取得圆满成功。我们呼吁所有参与方进行富有成果的对话,通过富有雄心和有效的战略,来动员资源促进可持续发展。 | 66. We look forward to the success of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 13-16 July 2015. We call on all parties to engage in a fruitful dialogue with a view to adopting an ambitious and effective strategy for mobilizing resources for sustainable development. |
官方发展援助在发展筹资中扮演重要角色。我们敦促发达国家在此方面如期并完全兑现承诺。我们认为,动员国内、国际两种资源,营造国内、国际两个有利环境是促进发展的关键因素,呼吁通过广泛动员多种资源,有效利用发展筹资为发展中国家提供强力支持,帮助其实现可持续发展。 | Official Development Assistance plays an important role in financing for development. We urge developed countries to honour their commitments in full and on time in this regard. We recognize that the mobilization of domestic and international resources and an enabling domestic and international environment are key drivers for development and we call for a large-scale mobilization of resources from a variety of sources and for the effective use of financing in order to give strong support to developing countries in their efforts to promote sustainable development. |
我们承诺将进一步强化并支持南南合作,强调南南合作是南北合作的补充而不是替代,南北合作仍是国际合作的主渠道。 | We are committed to further strengthening and supporting South-South cooperation, while stressing that South-South cooperation is not a substitute for, but rather a complement to North-South cooperation which remains the main channel of international development cooperation. |
我们愿深化伙伴关系以加快国际发展,并通过对话、合作、经验分享等形式加强互动,促进互利共赢的国际合作。因此,我们欢迎召开金砖国家国际发展合作高级官员会议的计划。 | We intend to strengthen partnerships for advancing international development and to begin interaction through dialogue, cooperation and exchange of experience in advancing international development of mutual interest to our countries. In this connection, we welcome plans for a meeting of senior officials of the BRICS countries in charge of international development cooperation. |
67、我们已做好在全球及国家层面应对气候变化的准备,推动在联合国气候变化框架公约下达成一个全面、有效、公正的协议。 | 67. We express our readiness to address climate change in a global context and at the national level and to achieve a comprehensive, effective and equitable agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. |
我们强调技术和科学知识转让对于应对气候变化及其不利影响的重要性,同意在各方共同关心的优先问题上开展联合研究。 | We stress the importance of transfer of technology and scientific knowledge to address climate change and its adverse effects and therefore agreed to conduct joint research on the priority issues of common interest. |
68、我们欢迎2015年4月22日在莫斯科召开的第一届金砖国家环境部长会,这标志着金砖国家在环境领域建立起合作新机制。我们支持金砖国家建立一个分享环境无害化技术的国际平台,以加强公共和社会资本合作,帮助金砖国家应对环境挑战。 | 68. We welcome the first meeting of environment ministers of our countries in Moscow on 22 April 2015 that marked the beginning of a new format of cooperation in the environmental area. We support the establishment of a platform for sharing environmentally sound technologies as a new international mechanism for public-private partnerships that can assist in addressing environmental challenges in our countries. |
69、我们认识到监测能源领域全球趋势的重要性,包括预测能源消费,为保证能源安全和经济发展向能源市场发展提供建议,因此呼吁金砖国家相关机构考虑开展能源合作的可能性。 | 69. Recognizing the importance of monitoring global trends in the energy sector, including making forecasts regarding energy consumption, providing recommendations for the development of energy markets in order to ensure energy security and economic development we call on our relevant agencies to consider the possibilities of energy cooperation within BRICS. |
考虑到能源领域在保证金砖国家可持续经济发展方面的重要性,我们欢迎平衡消费者、生产者和能源资源转移国利益,并为能源市场可持续和可预测发展创造条件。 | Taking into consideration the role of the energy sector in ensuring the sustainable economic development of the BRICS countries, we welcome balancing the interests of consumers, producers and transit countries of energy resources, creating the conditions for sustainable and predictable development of the energy markets. |
认识到在节能、能效、能效技术研发等领域加快国际合作的重要性和必要性,我们欢迎2015年5月举行的第一届能效正式会议,期待金砖国家在该领域开展合作,并建立相关工作平台。我们欢迎俄罗斯今年底举办第一届金砖国家能源部长会议的倡议。我们敦促金砖国家的企业共同研发能效技术和设备,呼吁金砖国家工商理事会研究在该领域开展合作的方式。 | Reaffirming the importance and necessity of advancing international cooperation in the field of energy saving, energy efficiency and developing energy efficient technologies, we welcome the holding of the first official meeting on energy efficiency in May 2015 and look forward to developing intra-BRICS cooperation in this area, as well as the establishment of the relevant platform. We welcome the Russian proposal to hold the first meeting of the BRICS Ministers of energy in the end of this year. We urge businesses of the BRICS countries to jointly develop energy efficient technologies and equipment and we call upon BRICS Business Council to study ways of cooperation in this field. |
70、我们欢迎金砖国家立法机构、工商界和公民社会之间建立联系,以促进金砖国家之间的友谊和对话。 | 70. We welcome the development of relations between the parliaments, businesses and civil society institutions of the BRICS countries, aimed at promoting friendship and dialogue between our nations. |
71、我们欢迎2015年6月在莫斯科举行的金砖国家议会论坛及其加强和促进议会间合作的意愿,包括在国际议会组织会议期间举行磋商,以协调共同倡议和立场。 | 71. We welcomed the meeting of the Parliamentary Forum held in Moscow in June 2015 and the intention to strengthen and promote inter-parliamentary cooperation, including consultations on the margins of international parliamentary organizations for coordinating joint initiatives and positions. |
72、我们欢迎金砖国家工商论坛和金砖国家工商理事会富有成果的会议,以及他们为加强金砖国家间商业关系、推动合作项目和倡议所作的努力。 | 72. We welcome fruitful meetings of BRICS Business Forum and BRICS Business Council as well as their efforts in strengthening business ties and promoting projects and initiatives between the BRICS countries. |
我们将为进一步深化金砖国家间的贸易、投资和商业合作创造有利环境,包括取消过多的行政壁垒和贸易障碍。 | We aim to create a favorable environment for further development of trade, investment and business cooperation between the BRICS countries, including through removing excessive administrative barriers and trade impediments. |
我们注意到金砖国家工商理事会关于简化金砖国家间商务旅行签证手续的建议,要求相关机构继续就此开展工作。 | We take note of the recommendation of the Business Council regarding the simplification of visa procedures for business travel between the BRICS countries and we ask our relevant authorities to continue to work towards this end. |
73、我们欢迎金砖国家智库理事会举行的活动,金砖国家长期战略报告以及在莫斯科举行的扩大金砖合作的第七届学术论坛。我们认为,为专家深入交换意见提供常设平台十分重要,期待他们提供更多高质量的研究和分析,以及就共同关心的问题进行有效讨论。 | 73. We welcome activities of BRICS Think Tanks Council (BTTC) and the Long-Term Strategy for BRICS Report as well as the 7th Academic Forum in Moscow for expanding BRICS cooperation. We value this permanent platform for in-depth expert opinion and look forward to further consolidated high quality research, analysis, as well as effective think-tank discussions on issues of mutual interest. |
金砖国家智库理事会应加强金砖国家在面向未来的研究、知识分享、能力建设、政策建议等方面的合作。 | The BTTC should further strive to enhance cooperation in future-oriented research, knowledge sharing, capacity building and policy advice between think tanks in BRICS countries. |
74、我们欢迎俄罗斯关于召开第一届金砖国家民间社会论坛的建议,这将有利于民间社会组织、学术界、工商界和金砖国家政府就诸多重要的社会和经济问题开展对话。我们也欢迎在俄罗斯担任主席国期间举办工会论坛,并启动关于金砖合作的“青年维度”活动。 | 74. We welcome the initiative of the Russian Chairship in hosting Civil BRICS Forum, which contributes to a dialogue between civil society organizations, academia, business and governments of the BRICS countries on a wide range of important socio-economic issues. We also welcome holding of the Trade Unions Forums as well as the launch of “youth dimension” of our cooperation under the Russian Chairship. |
75、我们欢迎金砖国家外交部长签署设立金砖国家联合网站谅解备忘录。该网站将成为向金砖国家人民和国际社会介绍金砖国家价值观、目标和开展活动的有效平台。我们将探讨使金砖国家联合网站发展成虚拟秘书处的可行性。 | 75. We welcome the signing of the MoU on the Creation of the Joint BRICS Website among our Foreign Ministries. It will serve as a platform for informing people of our countries and the wider international community about BRICS principles, goals and practices. We will explore the possibility of developing the BRICS Website as a virtual secretariat. |
76、印度、中国、南非和巴西对俄罗斯政府和人民在乌法主办金砖国家领导人第七次会晤致以诚挚谢意。 | 76. India, China, South Africa and Brazil express their sincere gratitude to the Government and people of Russia for hosting the Seventh BRICS Summit in Ufa. |
77、俄罗斯、中国、南非和巴西赞赏印度将于明年主办金砖国家领导人第八次会晤,将全力给予支持。 | 77. Russia, China, South Africa and Brazil convey their appreciation to India for its offer to host the Eighth BRICS Summit in 2016 and extend their full support to that end. |
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