
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2015-08-04

李江查看车窗是否已经关闭。当地局势充满着太多变数,为了安全起见,车辆行驶过程中有着两条规定:所有人员必须穿戴防弹衣和钢盔,车窗必须关闭。[中国网图片库 叶洋萍 摄]

李江查看车窗是否已经关闭。当地局势充满着太多变数,为了安全起见,车辆行驶过程中有着两条规定:所有人员必须穿戴防弹衣和钢盔,车窗必须关闭。[中国网图片库 叶洋萍 摄]
Li Jiang checks the windows to make sure they are all closed. The situation changes constantly, so two rules have been set for all the vehicles during an operation for safety reasons -- all the people at the site must wear bulletproof vests and helmets and all the windows must be closed. [Photo by Ye Yangping/China.org.cn]

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