
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2015-08-04

雷场气温已过40度,但扫雷兵仍然得穿上十几公斤的扫雷服。扫雷服的特殊性,必须在战友的相互帮助下才能穿戴好。[中国网图片库 叶洋萍 摄]

雷场气温已过40度,但扫雷兵仍然得穿上十几公斤的扫雷服。扫雷服的特殊性,必须在战友的相互帮助下才能穿戴好。[中国网图片库 叶洋萍 摄]
Despite temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius, the minesweepers must wear special armor weighing 10 kilograms. Here, they are helping each other to put it on. [Photo by Ye Yangping/China.org.cn]

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