帕拉庄园位于西藏自治区江孜县城西2公里,是目前西藏唯一保持完整的贵族庄园。该庄园是西藏大贵族帕拉家族的主庄园,全称帕觉拉康。1994年,西藏自治区人民政府将帕拉庄园列为全区重点文物保护单位,1996年列为全区爱国主义教育基地。庄园主体建筑三层楼,现存房屋57间,分别设有经堂、大展厅、家族史厅、会客厅、夫人卧房等展厅,还有庄主玩麻将的专门大厅。图为庄园主的住房。[中国网 张露露 摄] Pala Manor, the only thoroughly preserved aristocratic manor in the Tibet Autonomous Region, lies in the west of Gyangze County, Shigatse City. The manor is a three-story building with 57 rooms. Pictured here is the house of the manor owner. [Photo by Zhang Lulu/China.org.cn] |
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