五、妇女与决策管理 | V. Women and Decision Making |
中国制定和实施相关法律法规和政策规划,保障妇女享有与男性平等的政治权利,妇女参政比例进一步提高,在国家和社会事务决策和管理中的作用增强。 | China has formulated and implemented laws, regulations and policy outlines to ensure that women enjoy equal political rights with men, which has resulted in a higher level of female participation in politics and a greater role played by women in decision making and management of state and social affairs. |
完善促进妇女参与决策和管理的法律政策。制定和实施促进妇女参与决策和管理的积极措施,妇女参与决策和管理的人数和比例不断提高。各地制定的妇女权益保障法实施办法和选举法实施细则,普遍对地方各级人大代表候选人中的女性比例作出明确规定。国家制定专项规划,明确培养选拔女干部的目标指标和工作要求,并采取具体措施,提高各级女干部的人数和比例。《中华人民共和国村委会组织法》规定,“妇女村民代表应当占村民代表会议组成人员的三分之一以上”。《中国妇女发展纲要(2011-2020年)》提出,到2020年“村委会成员中女性比例达到30%以上。村委会主任中女性比例达到10%以上”“居委会成员中女性比例保持在50%左右”。2013年出台的《村民委员会选举规程》具体规定,“候选人中应当有适当的妇女名额,没有产生妇女候选人的,以得票最多的妇女为候选人”,并采取一系列措施提高村民委员会中的女性比例。 | Improving laws and policies that boost women's participation in decision making and management. China has formulated and implemented proactive measures to boost women's participation in decision making and management, which, in turn, has helped increase the number and proportion of women in decision-making and managerial positions. The detailed implementation rules of the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women and the Electoral Law adopted by various places across China all include explicit provisions on the proportion of women candidates to local people's congresses. The state has formulated a special plan that defines the goals of and requirements for training and selection of women officials, and has taken concrete measures to increase the number and proportion of women officials at various levels. The Organic Law of the Village Committees of the People's Republic of China rules that "female villager representatives should make up more than one third of the village committee." The Program for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020) states that "by 2020 the percentage of women in village committees will exceed 30 percent, and that female village committee heads should exceed 10 percent"; and that "the ratio in neighborhood committees should be around 50 percent." The Election Procedure of Village Committees issued in 2013 specifies that "village committee candidate lists should include a certain number of women; if not, those women who get the most votes should be candidates." This show that a number of measures has been adopted to improve the representation of women in village committees. |
妇女参与决策和管理的比例提高。重视发挥妇女在人民代表大会中的作用,提高妇女在各级人民代表大会代表中的比例。2013年十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议女代表比例为23.4%,比20年前提高了2.4个百分点;少数民族妇女代表占少数民族代表的41.3%。注重提高妇女在社会主义协商民主中的参与度,重视发挥政协妇联界和女委员作用。2013年全国政协十二届一次会议女委员比例为17.8%,比20年前提高了4.1个百分点。中国共产党女党员的比例显著提高,2013年为24.3%,比1995年增加了8.7个百分点。各民主党派女性成员比例均高于20年前。妇女参与国家公共事务管理的人数不断增加。2013年中央机关及直属机构录用的公务员中女性比例为47.8%。近年来,地方新录用公务员中女性比例不断提高。 | Women's participation in decision making and management has markedly improved. China values the role of women in people's congresses by improving their representation in the ranks of deputies to people's congresses at various levels. The ratio of women deputies to the first session of the 12th National People' s Congress in 2013 was 23.4 percent, 2.4 percentage points higher than 20 years ago; ethnic minority women deputies made up 41.3 percent of the total number of ethnic minority deputies. China sets store on improving women's participation in socialist consultative democracy and the role of representatives of women's federations and women delegates to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). The proportion of women members at the first session of the 12th CPPCC national committee in 2013 was 17.8 percent, 4.1 percentage points higher than 20 years ago. The ratio of female CPC members also markedly increased, reaching 24.3 percent, an increase of 8.7 percentage points from 1995. The ratio of women members in all other political parties (other than the CPC) is higher than 20 years ago. The number of women participating in the management of state public affairs keeps increasing. In 2013, the female employment ratio in central government agencies and their subsidiaries reached 47.8 percent. In recent years, the number of newly employed women civil servants has also increased steadily at local levels. |
妇女广泛参与基层民主建设。2013年,村委会成员中的女性比例为22.7%,比2000年提高了7个百分点;村委会主任和村民代表中的女性比例也明显提高,妇女成为农村基层治理的重要力量。2013年,居委会成员中的女性比例为48.4%,主任中的女性比例为41.5%。女职工积极参与企业民主管理和监督。2014年,工会会员中女性占38.1%,企业职代会职工代表中女代表比例为29.3%,在企业董事会、监事会中,女职工董事、监事占职工董事和监事的比例分别为40.1%和41.5%。 | Women's extensive participation in the development of grassroots democracy. In 2013, female representation in village committees was 22.7 percent, an increase of 7 percentage points from 2000; the ratio of women as village committee heads and representatives also increased significantly, making women an important force in primary-level rural governance. In 2013, women made up 48.4 percent of neighborhood committees and female heads of neighborhood committees represented 41.5 percent. Female employees also play an active part in democratic management and supervision in enterprises. In 2014, female workers represented 38.1percent of the trade union members, female employee representatives accounted for 29.3 percent of workers' congresses, and female representatives made up 40.1 percent and 41.5 percent of boards of directors and regulatory committees, respectively. |
妇女和妇女组织在国家民主政治建设中的影响力日益增强。支持鼓励妇女有序参与国家和社会事务管理,不断拓宽参与的范围和途径。人大女代表、政协女委员积极参政议政,密切关注性别平等议题,积极提出议案、建议和提案,推动解决性别平等和妇女发展问题。注重将性别平等纳入决策,各级女领导干部在决策管理中发挥重要作用。妇联组织代表妇女参与立法协商和协商民主,推动将性别平等纳入法律、法规和政策的制定与执行,在妇女权益保障法、反家庭暴力法等法律制定和修订中,积极推动立法体现性别平等原则。妇女组织是基层社会治理的重要力量。近年来,妇联组织依托村级组织和社区活动场所建立70余万个“妇女之家”,在密切联系和服务妇女群众、参与基层社会治理中发挥了重要作用。其他妇女组织也积极参与民主管理和民主监督。 | The influence of women and women's organizations in the development of the country's democratic politics keeps growing. China supports and encourages women to take part in the management of state and social affairs in an orderly manner by expanding the scope and channels for such participation. Women deputies to people's congresses and the CPPCC women members have taken an active part in the administration and discussion of state affairs by actively introducing bills, suggestions and motions to help improve gender equality and women's development. The state sets store by gender equality in decision making, enabling leading women officials to play an important role in decision making and management. Women's federations participate in legislation and consultative democracy. They have pressed for incorporating gender equality in the formulation and implementation of policies, laws and regulations, and urged to give expression to the principle of gender equality in the formulation and amendment of the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women and the Anti-domestic Violence Law of the People's Republic of China. Women's organizations are a force of growing importance in primary level social governance. In recent years, using the venues of rural village committees and urban communities, women's federations have established more than 700,000 service centers (known as "Women's Home") to connect and serve women effectively, and to help with primary level social governance. Other women's organizations also take an active part in democratic governance and supervision. |
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