八、发挥兵团特殊作用 | VIII. Promoting the Unique Role of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps |
新疆生产建设兵团(简称“兵团”)成立于1954年10月,是新疆维吾尔自治区的重要组成部分,履行国家赋予的屯垦戍边职责,实行党政军企合一、国家计划单列的特殊管理体制。在自己所辖垦区内,兵团依照国家和自治区的法律、法规,自行管理内部行政、司法事务。截至2014年,兵团下辖14个师,176个团,辖区面积7.06万平方公里,总人口273.29万,占新疆总人口的11.8%。 | Founded in October 1954, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) plays a key role in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It assumes the responsibilities of reclaiming the wasteland and guarding the border areas commissioned by the state, and operates a unique administrative system that combines the functions of the Party, government, military and enterprise, with economic planning directly supervised by the state. It is an organization that handles its own administrative and judicial affairs within the reclamation areas under its jurisdiction in accordance with the laws and regulations and those enacted by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. By the end of 2014, the XPCC had had under it 14 divisions comprised of 176 regiments, and was exercising jurisdiction over an area of 70,600 sq km boasting a total population of 2,732,900, accounting for 11.8 percent of Xinjiang's total. |
60多年来,几代兵团人发扬“热爱祖国、无私奉献、艰苦创业、开拓进取”的兵团精神,白手起家,艰苦奋斗,把亘古荒漠改造成生态绿洲,开创了新疆现代化事业,建成了规模化大农业,兴办大型工矿企业,建起了一座座新型城镇。兵团为推动新疆发展、增进民族团结、维护社会稳定、巩固国家边防做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。 | Inspired by the XPCC spirit of "loving the motherland, selfless devotion, hard work, and forging ahead with pioneering endeavors," over the past six decades the XPCC workers have, generation after generation, made strenuous efforts to turn the desolate Gobi wilderness from time immemorial into ecological oases, initiate Xinjiang's cause of modernization, build one after another large farms and industrial and mining enterprises, and establish quite a number of new cities and towns. The XPCC has made an indelible contribution to the development of Xinjiang by promoting unity among all the ethnic groups, maintaining social stability and consolidating border defenses. |
兵团对新疆发展进步发挥重要推动作用。兵团从建农场起步,依靠勤俭节约、艰苦创业积累的建设资金和生活资金,开矿山,建工厂,修公路,办商贸,兴办科教、文化、卫生事业。兵团创办的农牧团场和所属企业,生产所得不仅满足了自身的需求,还依法向地方政府纳税,并先后无偿地为地方规划建设了一批交通水利工程和工矿企业。为支持新疆工业发展,兵团还把已经建设起来的规模较大的一批工交建商企业移交地方,为自治区的现代化建设做出了重要贡献。兵团自组建以来,建成了阿拉尔市、铁门关市、图木舒克市、可克达拉市、双河市、五家渠市、石河子市、北屯市等8个城市和金银川镇、草湖镇、梧桐镇、蔡家湖镇、北泉镇、石河子镇等6个建制镇,以及一大批新兴团场城镇,促进了新疆城镇化的发展。 | The XPCC has played an important driving role for the development and progress of Xinjiang. Starting with establishing farms by reclaiming wastelands, the XPCC expanded its activities to running mines, building factories and roads, developing commerce and trade, and initiating undertakings in science, education, culture and healthcare with funds for construction and life it had accumulated by way of working hard and practicing economy. Its regimental agricultural and stock raising farms and subordinating enterprises not only have provided for their own needs, but also have paid taxes to the local governments in accordance with the law, in addition to planning and building in succession quite a number of transport and hydropower projects as well as industrial and mining enterprises for the local governments, for free. To support Xinjiang' s industrial development, the XPCC has also transferred to the local governments, at no cost, a number of large-scale industrial, construction, transport, and commercial enterprises it had developed, making an important contribution to the modernization of the region. Since its founding, the XPCC has built eight county-level cities of Alar, Tiemenguan, Tumushuke, Kekedala, Shuanghe, Wujiaqu, Shihezi and Beitun, six administrative towns of Jinyinchuan, Caohu, Wutong, Caijiahu, Beiquan and Shihezi, and a large number of smaller towns on the regimental farms, facilitating the urbanization process in Xinjiang. |
兵团对新疆生产力进步发挥引领示范作用。兵团充分运用集团化、规模化生产组织优势,形成了我国内陆干旱地区独具一格的机械化、集约化、大规模现代化农业体系,在农业节水灌溉、农业机械化推广、现代农业示范基地建设中处于全国领先水平,已成为国家重要的优质商品棉和特色林果生产基地。2014年,农作物播种面积1327.9千公顷,占新疆播种总面积的22.2%。棉花总产量达163.6万吨,分别占新疆和全国棉花总产量的36.3%、26.6%,棉花单产、机械化率、人均占有量连续多年位居全国首位。节水灌溉器材、番茄制品、棉纺锭等产量和规模名列全国前茅。91个农产品被评为中国和新疆名牌或驰名商标。 | The XPCC has played an exemplar role in guiding the development of productive forces in Xinjiang. Fully exploiting its large-scale and group advantages in production organization, the Corps has built a modern agricultural system featuring mechanized, intensive and massive-scale production which is unique to China's inland arid areas, leading the nation in agricultural water-saving irrigation, promotion of mechanized farming, and the building of modern agriculture demonstration bases; it has become a key national production base for quality cotton and specialty fruit. In 2014, the total sown area of farm crops under its management reached 1,327,900 ha, accounting for 22.2 percent of the total in Xinjiang. The total output of cotton was 1.6 million tons, making up 36.3 percent of Xinjiang's production and 26.6 percent of the national total, leading the country for years in per-unit yield, rate of mechanization and per-capita output. It also tops the country in both output and scale of production of water-saving irrigation equipment, tomato products and cotton textile spindles. Ninety-one items of its farm produce have been acknowledged as famous brands or reputed trademarks of China and Xinjiang. |
兵团对新疆民族团结发挥促进作用。在新疆,兵团所属师、团场及企事业单位分布于各地(州、市)、县(市)行政区内,兵团与地方密不可分,广泛融入新疆经济社会各方面。兵团认真贯彻党的民族宗教政策,坚持为各族群众办好事、办实事,1959年就制定了《关于拥军爱民为各族人民大办好事纲要二十条》。1984年,兵团建制恢复不久,即在全兵团推行基层单位与地方乡村建立共建机制。在兵团和地方的相互交往中,农业生产单位常年向地方农村传授新技术、送去新品种,带动各族群众共同致富;医疗机构常年深入地方农村、牧区开展巡回医疗,防病治病,送医送药;文艺团体常年为地方各族群众慰问演出。兵团职工长期与地方各民族群众毗邻而居、和睦相处、守望相助。兵团不仅为其职工,也为地方各族群众提供多方面的社会公共服务,吸引、聚集了来自疆内外的各族群众在兵团生产经营、就医求学、劳动就业,促进了民族团结、兵地团结及兵地融合发展,促进了各民族相互嵌入社会发展模式的形成,构筑了新疆各民族交往交流交融的社会生活基础。在创造兵团文化过程中,丰富了新疆地域文化,推动了各民族文化的交流,促进了各民族对“一体多元”中华文化的认同。 | The XPCC has promoted ethnic unity in Xinjiang. In Xinjiang, the divisions, regimental farms, enterprises and public institutions under the XPCC are extensively scattered in the various prefectures, cities, counties of Xinjiang, closely interwoven with the local administrative divisions and extensively involved in various aspects of the autonomous region's economic and social development. The Corps has earnestly implemented the Party' s ethnic and religious policies, performing public service and offering practical help to the people of various ethnic groups. As early as 1959, it formulated the Twenty-Article Outline Concerning Support to the Army and Love for the People for Sincerely Serving the People of Various Ethnic Groups. In 1984, shortly after it was restored, the XPCC launched a co-construction mechanism between its grassroots-level units and local villages. During their interactions, the Corps' agricultural production units have kept imparting new technology and new crop species to local farmers, helping all local ethnic minorities to gain prosperity. The Corps' medical institutions have kept making medical-aid tours to the local villages and pasturing areas all year round, delivering medicines, treating the sick and preventing diseases. The Corps' performing art troupes also bring free shows to the local peoples. The XPCC workers live in peace and harmony as neighbors with people of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang; they share mutual support and assistance. The Corps has provided various public services not only to its workers, but also to the local people, attracting people from all ethnic groups of Xinjiang and various other parts of the country to work, study, seek medical care, and start businesses in the XPCC, thus promoting ethnic unity, unity between the Corps and local governments, and integrative development of both XPCC and the local society, facilitating the formation of interwoven social development model for Xinjiang's ethnic groups and laying down the social foundation for these ethnic groups to communicate and integrate. During the process of creating the unique XPCC culture, the Corps makes a due contribution to enriching the local cultures of Xinjiang by promoting cultural exchanges among the different peoples and enhancing their identity with the Chinese culture that features integrated diversity. |
兵团对维稳戍边发挥特殊作用。兵团始终坚持亦兵亦民、劳武结合、兵民合一,一手抓劳动生产,一手抓军事训练,58个边境团场的数十万职工守卫着祖国2000多公里的边境线,保卫中国西北边防的安全。面对新疆严峻复杂的社会稳定形势,兵团所属师、团和企事业单位建立了应急民兵队伍,为新疆社会稳定、打击暴力恐怖犯罪、维护人民安宁发挥了不可替代的特殊作用。 | The XPCC has played a unique role in maintaining stability and defending border area. Always upholding principles of being both soldiers and civilians, and combining productive labor with military duties and the army with the people, the Corps has paid equal attention to productive work and military training; the hundreds of thousands of XPCC workers from 58 border regimental farms have guarded a 2,000-km section of China's borderlines to ensure the security of China' s northwestern borders. In the face of severe and complex threats to social stability in Xinjiang, the various divisions, regiments, companies, enterprises and public institutions under the XPCC have established an emergency-response militia contingent. The XPCC has played a unique and irreplaceable role in maintaining social stability in Xinjiang, quashing violent terrorist activities and safeguarding the public. |
组建兵团、支持兵团、发展兵团,是中国政府治国安邦的战略布局和强化国家边疆治理的重要方略,也是维护新疆稳定、维护民族团结、维护国家统一、开发建设边疆的重大制度创新,是中央支援地方、内地支援边疆、各民族相互支援的有效形式。经过几十年的建设,兵团城市和团场城镇已经逐步发展为区域的经济和文化中心,成为人口、资金、产业、人才、教育、医疗卫生等资源的集聚之地。兵团始终坚持国家利益就是兵团利益、新疆大局就是兵团大局,始终是开发建设新疆、造福各族人民的一支重要力量,始终是维护祖国统一、保持新疆稳定的一支重要力量,始终得到了自治区各级政府和各族人民的支持帮助。新形势下,围绕新疆社会稳定和长治久安总目标,兵团充分发挥调节社会结构、推动文化交流、促进区域协调的作用,进一步壮大综合实力,深化“兵地融合”发展,努力为新疆的发展进步与和谐稳定做出更大贡献。 | It is the Chinese government's strategic plan to administer state affairs and ensure national stability and an important strategy to strengthen frontier governance to form, support and develop the XPCC; it is a major institutional innovation in maintaining stability in Xinjiang, safeguarding ethnic unity and national unification, and developing the border area; and it is an effective mechanism for the central government to support the localities, the more developed inland areas to support border areas, and the various ethnic groups to render mutual assistance. After decades of development, XPCC-built cities and regiment-built towns have gradually developed into the regional economic and cultural hubs, where all sorts of resources converge - population, capital, industry, talent, education and healthcare. Upholding the national interests as its own interests and overall situation of Xinjiang its foremost concern, the XPCC has remained a key force in developing and building Xinjiang and bringing benefits to people of all its ethnic groups, as well as in safeguarding national unification and maintaining stability in Xinjiang. As such, it has always enjoyed support and help from the region's governments at all levels and the people of all the ethnic groups. In view of the new conditions and prioritizing the overall goal of lasting stability and peace in Xinjiang, the XPCC will give full play to its role in adjusting the social structure, promoting cultural exchange and facilitating inter-district coordination, further boost its strength, deepen XPCC-Xinjiang integrative development, and endeavor to make still greater contributions to the development, progress, harmony and stability of Xinjiang. |
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