White Paper: Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-09-25

七、尊重和保护宗教信仰自由VII. Respecting and Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief
新疆历史上就是一个多种宗教并存的地区。目前,新疆有伊斯兰教、佛教、基督教、天主教、道教等。Xinjiang is a region where several religions have existed side by side since ancient times. The religions in Xinjiang today include Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism and Orthodox Eastern Church.
新中国成立前,新疆宗教关系十分复杂,历史上不同宗教之间、同一宗教的不同教派之间发生过很多冲突。10世纪中叶,信仰伊斯兰教的喀喇汗王朝向信仰佛教的于阗王国发动了40余年的宗教战争。这场战争给新疆南部地区经济社会和人民生活造成了严重的破坏,佛教徒被迫改信伊斯兰教,佛教文化更几近毁灭。明清时期,伊斯兰教内部分裂为黑山派和白山派,两派进行了长达数百年的激烈争斗,穆斯林群众在两派斗争中被迫选边站队,失去了宗教信仰的自由。Before the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the relations between different religions were very complicated. In history, there were frequent conflicts between different religions and between different sects of the same religion. In the mid-10th century, the Islamic Kara-Khanid Khanate launched a religious war against the Buddhist kingdom of Khotan. Having lasted for more than 40 years, the war caused great damage to the society and economy of southern Xinjiang and dreadful sufferings to the people there. Buddhist believers were forced to convert to Islam, and Buddhist culture was almost totally destroyed in the area. During the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1912), Islam split into two hostile sects - Qara-taghlyq (black mountain) and Aq-taghlyq (white mountain), whose bitter feuds lasted for hundreds of years. Muslims were compelled to take side, either this or that, thereby forfeiting their religious freedom.
新中国成立以来,民族区域自治制度的落实,宗教信仰自由政策的贯彻实施,宗教制度的民主改革和对宗教事务的依法管理,促进了新疆各宗教的和睦相处。信教和不信教公民以及信仰不同宗教公民相互尊重和理解,新疆各宗教迎来了和谐共处的新的历史阶段,各族人民真正获得了宗教信仰自由的权利。After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the policy of religious freedom is implemented together with the practice of the policy of ethnic regional autonomy; democratic reform of religious system and law-based management of religious affairs have helped the harmonious coexistence among different religions in Xinjiang. Citizens believing in or not believing in region have treated one another with respect and understanding, ushering in a new historical period of harmonious coexistence of the various religions in Xinjiang. It is then the people of all ethnic groups in the region have indeed got the right to freedom of religious belief.
宗教信仰自由是中国宪法赋予公民的一项基本权利。《中华人民共和国宪法》规定:“中华人民共和国公民有宗教信仰自由。”《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》明确规定:“民族自治地方的自治机关保障各民族公民有宗教信仰自由。”“任何国家机关、社会团体和个人不得强制公民信仰宗教或者不信仰宗教,不得歧视信仰宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民。”“国家保护正常的宗教活动。”2004年国务院公布的《宗教事务条例》明确规定:“公民有宗教信仰自由。”“国家依法保护正常的宗教活动,维护宗教团体、宗教活动场所和信教公民的合法权益。”Freedom of religious belief is a basic right bestowed by the Constitution on all its citizens. It is stipulated in the Constitution as follows: "Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief." The Law of the People's Republic of China on Ethnic Regional Autonomy clearly rules, "Organs of self-government in ethnic autonomous areas guarantee the freedom of religious belief to citizens of the various ethnic groups..."; "No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion..."; "The state protects normal religious activities." In addition, the State Council promulgated the Regulations on Religious Affairs in 2004, which stipulates, "Citizens enjoy freedom of religious belief..."; "The state protects normal religious activities, as well as the legal rights and interests of believers, religious organizations and venues for religious activities in accordance with the law."
中国政府全面贯彻宗教信仰自由政策,尊重公民信仰宗教的自由和不信仰宗教的自由权利,公民信仰宗教或不信仰宗教,在法律面前一律平等,都必须履行宪法、法律规定的义务。侵犯公民信仰宗教或不信仰宗教自由要承担法律责任,信仰宗教或不信仰宗教的公民违反宪法和法律规定同样要承担法律责任。The Chinese government is fully committed to a policy of freedom of religious belief, respecting its citizens' freedom to believe or not believe in religion. Citizens are equal before the law and must carry out the duties imposed by the Constitution and other laws, whether they believe in or not believe in any religion. Anyone who encroaches on the citizens' freedom of believing in or not believing in any religion shall bear legal liability, and citizens both believing in or not believing in any religion also bear legal liability for breaching the Constitution and the law.
宗教信仰自由政策在新疆得到全面贯彻。自治区成立以来,各族人民充分享有宗教信仰自由权利,信教和不信教、过去信教而现在不信教、过去不信教而现在信教、信仰这种宗教或那种宗教以及同一宗教中信仰这个教派或那个教派,完全由公民自由选择。信徒在宗教活动场所内以及按照宗教习惯在自己家里进行的一切正常的宗教活动受到法律保护,任何机关、团体和个人不得干涉。The policy of freedom of religious belief has been fully implemented in Xinjiang. After the founding of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, people of all ethnic groups are guaranteed the right of freedom in religious belief. It is up to the person concerned to make his or her free decision to believe or not to believe in any religion, to believe in a religion in the past but not now, not to believe any religion in the past but believe one now, to believe in this or that religion and to believe in this or that sect of the same religion. All normal religious activities held by the believers either in religious venues or at their homes in line with customary religious practices are protected by the law, and no state organ, public organization or individual may interfere with such activities.
目前,新疆共有清真寺、教堂、寺院、道观等宗教活动场所2.48万座,宗教教职人员2.93万人,基本满足了信教群众正常宗教活动的需要。现有宗教团体112个,宗教院校8所。宗教界代表人士在各级人民代表大会、政治协商会议担任代表、委员的有1436人,他们代表信教群众积极参政议政,并对政府贯彻宗教信仰自由政策进行监督。宗教团体的合法权益得到法律保障。 Xinjiang currently has 24,800 venues for religious activities, including mosques, churches, Buddhist temples and Daoist temples with 29,300 clerical practitioners, basically sufficient to meet the religious believers' needs for normal religious activities. In addition, the region has 112 religious organizations and eight religious colleges. In Xinjiang, 1,436 religious practitioners have been elected deputies to or members of people's congresses and the people's political consultative conferences at various levels. They have actively participated in deliberations and management of administrative affairs on behalf of religious believers, and in exercising supervision over the government in respect to the implementation of the policy of freedom of religious belief. The lawful rights and interests of religious organizations are protected by the law.
新疆现有10个民族的大多数公民信仰伊斯兰教,有清真寺2.44万座、教职人员2.86万人。20世纪80年代以来,中央政府拨款1000多万元修缮被列入国家和自治区文物保护单位的喀什艾提尕尔清真寺、和田加曼清真寺、乌鲁木齐洋行清真寺、吐鲁番苏公塔等一大批场所。1987年新疆伊斯兰教经学院成立以来,共培养学员634人。2001年至今,新疆伊斯兰教经文学校共举办132期培训班,培训宗教教职人员28665人次。为了培养高层次的伊斯兰教教职人员,自2001年以来新疆已先后选派70人到埃及、巴基斯坦、沙特阿拉伯等国家的伊斯兰教高等学府访学深造。按照国际社会通行做法,中国政府实行有计划有组织的朝觐政策。仅2010年以来,新疆赴沙特阿拉伯有组织的朝觐人数就达1.5万人。Most people of Xinjiang's 10 major ethnic groups are followers of Islam, so there are all together in Xinjiang 24,400 mosques with 28,600 clerical personnel. Since the 1980s, the central government has allocated over RMB10 million to maintaining or repairing a number of key religious sites listed under the protection of the state and the autonomous region, including the Id Kah Mosque in Kashi, Juma Mosque in Hotan, Yang Hang Mosque in Urumqi, and Emin Minaret in Turfan. The Xinjiang Islamic Institute has trained 634 students since its founding in 1987, and since 2001 has held 132 training sessions for 28,665 clerical personnel. Since 2001, in order to train high-caliber clerics, Xinjiang has sent 70 people to visit Islamic institutions of higher-learning in Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and other countries for further studies. In accordance with standard international practices, the Chinese government has implemented a policy for planning and organizing pilgrimages. Since 2010, up to 15,000 people from Xinjiang have made pilgrimages to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
信教群众正常的宗教需求得到满足。自治区坚持按照宗教的规律去做好宗教工作,充分尊重公民的宗教信仰自由权利,不断积极稳步拓宽信教群众正确掌握宗教常识的合法渠道,信教群众的合理宗教需求基本得到满足。截至2014年,已发行维吾尔、哈萨克、汉、柯尔克孜等文字的《古兰经》《布哈里圣训实录精华》《卧尔兹选编》等宗教经典书籍和维吾尔、哈萨克、汉文版的《新编卧尔兹演讲集》系列及《中国穆斯林》杂志,数量达到176万册。2013年新版维吾尔文《古兰经》出版,发行23万册。截至2014年,在新疆发行的少数民族文字版的伊斯兰教类出版物已达到20多种,基本满足了穆斯林群众学习经文和了解宗教知识的愿望。The normal requirements of religious believers have been satisfied. The government of the autonomous region has managed to do a better job in the religion-related work in view of the actual conditions of the various religions; it has shown full respect to citizens' right of freedom of religious beliefs and has kept opening up new legitimate channels for religious believers to correctly understand the ABC of the various religions, thus basically satisfying the reasonable requirements of the religious believers. By 2014, more than 1.76 million copies of religious classics, books, and magazines had been published, including the Quran, Selections from Al-Sahih Muhammad Ibn-Ismail al-Bukhari and Selected Works of Waez in Uygur, Kazak, Han Chinese and Kirgiz languages, the "New Collections of Waez's Speeches" series in Uygur, Kazak and Han Chinese languages, and the magazine China's Muslims. In 2013, the new Uygur edition of the Quran was published and 230,000 copies were sold. By 2014, the number of Islamic publications available in Xinjiang's ethnic minority languages exceeded 20, which basically satisfies Muslims' demands to learn about the Islam and Islamic scriptures.
依法加强对宗教事务的管理。国家和自治区按照“保护合法、制止非法、遏制极端、抵御渗透、打击犯罪”的基本原则,依照法律法规对宗教事务进行管理,依法保护宗教信仰自由、保证正常宗教活动有序进行、保障宗教团体的合法权益。2014年自治区重新修订颁布了《新疆维吾尔自治区宗教事务条例》。这些法规和规章进一步贯彻宪法确定的保护公民宗教信仰自由的基本政策,强调宗教必须在法律法规范围内活动,禁止利用宗教进行危害国家安全和利益、社会公共利益和公民合法权益的活动等。Xinjiang has strengthened management of religious affairs in accordance with the law. The state and the autonomous region, following the basic principles of "protecting the lawful, banning the unlawful, holding in check the extremist, resisting infiltration and punishing crime," exercise management of religious affairs, protect the freedom of religious beliefs and ensure the orderly holding of normal religious activities and protect the legitimate rights and interests of religious organizations in accordance with the law and relevant regulations. The re-amended Regulations of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Religious Affairs were issued in 2014, indicating further implementation of the basic policy of protecting the citizens' freedom of religious belief as prescribed in the Constitution, in addition to emphasizing that religious activities must be carried out within the boundaries prescribed by the law and relevant regulations and that activities that harm national security and interests, public interests and the citizens' legitimate rights and interests in the name of religion must be banned.
坚决依法遏制宗教极端主义。宗教极端主义极力鼓吹宗教极端思想,煽动对“异教”和“异教徒”的仇恨和仇视,破坏了新疆各宗教和睦相处和民族团结;否定新疆传统的伊斯兰教,破坏了伊斯兰教内部的和谐,损害了穆斯林群众的根本利益。宗教极端主义违背和歪曲伊斯兰教教义,以“圣战殉教进天堂”等歪理邪说蛊惑蒙骗穆斯林群众特别是青少年,把一些人变成完全受他们精神控制的极端分子和恐怖分子,频繁进行暴力恐怖活动,残杀包括伊斯兰教宗教人士和穆斯林群众在内的各族无辜群众。大量事实表明,宗教极端主义已成为危害国家统一和民族团结,破坏宗教和睦与社会和谐,影响新疆社会稳定和长治久安,危害各族人民生命财产安全的现实危险。依法遏制宗教极端主义,是维护国家和人民包括穆斯林群众根本利益的正义之举,也是国际社会应对宗教极端主义的重要组成部分。自治区坚持宗教信仰自由政策,保护公民正常宗教活动,深入推进去极端化,保障人民生命安全,有效遏制了宗教极端主义渗透蔓延的态势。Religious extremism has been firmly curbed in accordance with the law. Religious extremists advocate extreme ideas, incite religious hatred and resentment against other religions and "heretics," undermine Xinjiang's religious harmony and ethnic unity, deny the traditional Islam in Xinjiang, cause damage to its internal harmony and jeopardize the fundamental interests of Muslims. Extremist ideas distort and contravene Islamic theology, and the extremists bewitch Muslims, especially teenagers, with such heretical ideas as "the shahid (martyr) engaged in jihad (holy war) can live in the garden of Paradise," thus turning some individuals into extremists and terrorists whose thoughts are controlled and who are manipulated to frequently perform acts of violence and terrorism and kill innocent people of all ethnic groups, even their fellow Islamic clerics and Muslims. Many facts have revealed that religious extremism has developed into a real risk that has endangered national and ethnic unity, undermines religious and social harmony, menaces Xinjiang's lasting social stability and threatens the life and property safety of people of all ethnic groups. Suppressing religious extremism in accordance with the law is a just move that protects the fundamental interests of the state and the people, including Muslims themselves, and is also an important part of the international response to religious extremism. The autonomous region has always pursued the policy of freedom of religious belief, protected normal religious activities, worked hard against extremism in ensuring the life safety of the people, and effectively prevented spreading of religious extremism.
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