1月16日,亚洲基础设施投资银行开业仪式在北京举行。国家主席习近平出席开业仪式并致辞。[新华社 李学仁 摄] Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses the opening ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 16, 2016. [Li Xueren/Xinhua] |
在亚洲基础设施投资银行开业仪式上的致辞 | Address by President Xi Jinping of China |
尊敬的各代表团团长, 各位部长, 各位嘉宾, 女士们,先生们,朋友们: | Honorable Heads of Delegations, Honorable Ministers, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, |
这是见证历史的时刻!57个国家的代表相聚北京,举行亚洲基础设施投资银行开业仪式暨理事会和董事会成立大会。首先,我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,并以我个人的名义,对远道而来的各位嘉宾,表示热烈的欢迎!对亚投行开业,表示衷心的祝贺!对各方积极支持和参与亚投行筹建,表示诚挚的感谢! | Now is a moment that will be recorded in history. Today, representatives from 57 countries are gathered in Beijing for the opening of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank -- the AIIB, and the inaugural ceremony of the AIIB Board of Governors and Board of Directors. On behalf of the Chinese government and people and also in my own name, let me extend warm welcome to all guests present. I want to congratulate the AIIB on its opening and give my heartfelt thanks to all parties for their support and dedication to the founding of the AIIB. |
2013年10月,中国提出筹建亚投行的倡议,今天亚投行正式开业了。在短短两年多时间里,我们共同走过了一段不平凡的历程。 | The initiative to set up the AIIB was put forward by China in October 2013. For over two years since then, we have together traveled an extraordinary journey that has taken us to the inauguration of the AIIB today. |
2014年10月,首批22个意向创始成员国代表签署了《筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行备忘录》。2015年6月,50个意向创始成员国代表共同签署《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》,另外7个国家随后在年底前先后签署。2015年12月,《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》达到法定生效条件,亚投行正式宣告成立。 | In October 2014, the first group of 22 Prospective Founding Members signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. In June 2015, representatives from 50 Prospective Founding Members signed the Articles of Agreement of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Before the end of last year, seven other Prospective Founding Members left their signatures on the Agreement. In December 2015, the Agreement met the legal threshold for entry into force and the AIIB was thence officially founded. |
这些进展和成果的取得,得益于各成员国精诚合作和大力支持。各成员国表现了开放包容的合作姿态、共谋发展的务实行动、规范高效的专业精神。各成员国在协定谈判、政策制定、高管遴选等方面秉持合作精神,促成在关键问题上及早达成共识。各成员国加快国内签署和批准进程,共同推动协定如期生效,充分体现了对成立亚投行的承诺和支持。各成员国遵循多边程序,协力推进各项筹建议程,使亚投行在治理结构、业务政策、保障和采购政策、人力资源管理等方面都体现出国际性、规范性、高标准。 | We owe the above-mentioned progress and achievements to the strong dedication and collaboration of all AIIB members, who have impressed us with their open mind for inclusiveness, their determination to seek practical results through common development, as well as their crave for professional excellence as seen in the high standard and efficient operation of the AIIB. Member states demonstrated a strong cooperative spirit throughout the negotiation, policy-making and senior management selection processes. This has made it possible for us to reach early agreement on key issues regarding the AIIB. Member states were quick in completing the domestic signing and ratification process, thus allowing the Agreement to enter into force as scheduled. This gives full expression to member states' commitment and support for the AIIB to come into being. In the course leading up to the founding of the AIIB, member states acted in strict compliance with multilateral procedures, making sure that the AIIB becomes a truly international, rule-based and high-standard institution in all aspects involving its governance structure, operation policy, safeguards and procurement policy and human resources management. |
亚投行的成立,说明了一个道理:有志者事竟成。我们相信,面对人类和平与发展的繁重任务,只要国际社会坚定信心、增进共识、合作共赢,我们不仅能够想做事,而且一定能够做成事。 | The founding of the AIIB proves once again that whenever there is a will, there will be a way. We are confident that when faced with the task of advancing world peace and development, so long as the international community has the will for consensus building and for win-win progress, we will be able to not only draw the big plan, but also turn it into reality. |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, |
亚投行正式成立并开业,将有效增加亚洲地区基础设施投资,多渠道动员各种资源特别是私营部门资金投入基础设施建设领域,推动区域互联互通和经济一体化进程,也有利于改善亚洲发展中成员国的投资环境,创造就业机会,提升中长期发展潜力,对亚洲乃至世界经济增长带来积极提振作用。 | The founding and opening of the AIIB will effectively boost investment to support infrastructure development in Asia. It will serve to channel more resources, particularly private investment, into infrastructure projects to promote regional connectivity and economic integration. It will bring along a better investment environment and more job opportunities and trigger greater medium- to long-term development potential on the part of developing members in Asia. This, in turn, will give impetus to economic growth in Asia and the wider world. |
亚投行正式成立并开业,对全球经济治理体系改革完善具有重大意义,顺应了世界经济格局调整演变的趋势,有助于推动全球经济治理体系朝着更加公正合理有效的方向发展。 | The founding and opening of the AIIB also means a great deal to the reform of the global economic governance system. It is consistent with the evolving trend of the global economic landscape and will help make the global economic governance system more just, equitable and effective. |
我们期待,各成员国秉持团结合作精神,积极加大投入,推动亚投行尽早开展业务,尽快做大做强,壮大多边开发银行整体力量,为国际发展事业作出更大贡献。 | It is our hope that member states will continue to work with one heart and one mind, actively pitch in and get the operation of the AIIB running as soon as possible, so that the AIIB could grow fast and strong and add to the strength of multilateral development banks, thus contributing even more to global development. |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, |
亚投行应该奉行开放的区域主义,同现有多边开发银行相互补充,应该以其优势和特色给现有多边体系增添新活力,促进多边机构共同发展,努力成为一个互利共赢和专业高效的基础设施投融资平台,在提高地区基础设施融资水平、促进地区经济社会发展中发挥应有作用。 | The AIIB shall remain committed to open regionalism. The institution and existing multilateral development banks may complement each other for mutual strength. With its inherent advantages and unique features, the AIIB could make the current multilateral system more dynamic to facilitate common development of multilateral institutions. The AIIB could become a professional and efficient platform to promote infrastructure related investment and financing for the benefit of all sides. And the AIIB has a due role to play to raise the level of infrastructure financing and of economic and social development in the region. |
亚洲基础设施融资需求巨大,是一片广阔的蓝海,新老机构互补空间巨大,可以通过开展联合融资、知识共享、能力建设等多种形式的合作和良性竞争,相互促进,取长补短,共同提高,提升多边开发机构对亚洲基础设施互联互通和经济可持续发展的贡献度。 | The demand for infrastructure development in Asia is enormous. Institutions for infrastructure investment, old or new, have much to offer each other, and may well work together through joint financing, knowledge sharing and capacity building. They may engage each other in benign competition, learn from and reinforce each other, and move forward in tandem. This is a way to allow multilateral development institutions to contribute more to infrastructure connectivity and sustainable economic development in the region. |
亚投行应该结合国际发展领域新趋势和发展中成员国多样化需求,创新业务模式和融资工具,帮助成员国开发更多高质量、低成本的基础设施项目。亚投行以发展中成员国为主体,同时包括大量发达成员国,这一独特优势使其能够成为推进南南合作和南北合作的桥梁和纽带。 | The AIIB should adapt itself to new trends in international development and accommodate the diverse needs of developing members. It should explore new business models and financing tools, and help member states develop more infrastructure projects that are of higher quality and at lower costs. While developing countries make the mainstay of the AIIB membership, the institution also attracts a large number of developed members. Such a unique strength makes it a bridge and a bond to facilitate both South-South cooperation and North-South cooperation. |
亚投行应该按照多边开发银行模式和原则运作,并充分借鉴现有多边开发银行在治理结构、环境和社会保障政策、采购政策、债务可持续性等方面好的经验和做法,取长补短,高起点运作。 | The AIIB should function as a multilateral development bank as far as its operating model and principles are concerned. It should learn from the experience and best practices of existing multilateral development banks in terms of governance structure, environment and social benefits policies, procurement policy and debt sustainability. Mutual learning and sharing helps the AIIB function according to high standards. |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, |
中国是国际发展体系的积极参与者和受益者,也是建设性的贡献者。倡议成立亚投行,就是中国承担更多国际责任、推动完善现有国际经济体系、提供国际公共产品的建设性举动,有利于促进各方实现互利共赢。 | China has taken an active part in, contributed a constructive part and benefited from the international development system. The initiative to establish the AIIB is a constructive move. It will enable China to undertake more international obligations, promote improvement of the current international economic system and provide more international public goods. This is a move that will help bring mutual benefits and win-win outcomes to all sides. |
中国作为亚投行倡议方,在银行成立后,将坚定不移支持其运营和发展,除按期缴纳股本金之外,还将向银行即将设立的项目准备特别基金出资5000万美元,用于支持欠发达成员国开展基础设施项目准备。 | China, as the initiator of the AIIB, will firmly support its operation and development. In addition to subscribing capital according to plan, China will contribute 50 million U.S. dollars to the project preparation special fund to be established soon, to support the preparation for infrastructure development projects in less developed member states. |
2016年是中国“十三五”时期开局之年。中国将按照创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,着力推动创新驱动发展,增强经济发展新动力;着力推动供给侧结构性改革,适应和引领经济发展新常态;着力扩大对外开放,更加注重推进高水平双向开放。中国有信心、有能力保持经济持续健康发展,为亚洲和世界各国创造更多机遇、带来更多福祉。 | The year 2016 is the first year of China's 13th five year plan. China will aspire to achieve innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. The focus of agenda will be on promoting innovation-driven development to strengthen new drivers for economic development, on promoting supply-side structural reform to adapt to and lead the new normal of economic development, and on opening wider to the outside world with more emphasis given to advancing high-level and two-way opening up. China has the confidence and capability to ensure sustained and sound economic development and bring more opportunities and benefits to Asia and beyond. |
中国将始终做全球发展的贡献者,坚持奉行互利共赢的开放战略。中国开放的大门永远不会关上,欢迎各国搭乘中国发展的“顺风车”。中国愿意同各方一道,推动亚投行早日投入运营、发挥作用,为发展中国家经济增长和民生改善贡献力量。我们将继续欢迎包括亚投行在内的新老国际金融机构共同参与“一带一路”建设。 | China will continue to contribute to global development and will continue to pursue an opening up strategy of mutual benefit. The door of China's opening up will never shut and China welcomes all countries to ride on its development. China stands ready to work with other parties to make sure that the AIIB will start to operate and play its due role as soon as possible and contribute to economic growth and better livelihood in developing countries. And China continues to welcome AIIB and other international financial institutions to take part in the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, |
众人拾柴火焰高。亚投行是各成员国的亚投行,是促进地区和世界共同发展的亚投行。亚投行要取得成功,需要各方团结协作、形成合力。 | As the saying goes, the bonfire burns higher when everyone adds firewood to it. The AIIB belongs to all its member states. It is designed to facilitate common development in the region and the world at large. To succeed, it needs to count on the solidarity, cooperation and synergy of all sides. |
我期待并坚信,通过各成员国携手努力,亚投行一定能成为专业、高效、廉洁的21世纪新型多边开发银行,成为构建人类命运共同体的新平台,为促进亚洲和世界发展繁荣作出新贡献!为改善全球经济治理增添新力量! | I hope and believe that through the joint efforts of all member states, the AIIB will become a new multilateral development bank for the 21st century that is professional, efficient and clean in operation. It will also be a new platform to help foster a community of shared future for mankind, to make new contribution to prosperity in Asia and beyond and lend new strength to improvement of global economic governance! |
谢谢大家。 | Thank you. |
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